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Chat Transcripts/Interviews

Chat Transcripts 10-10-99 Alternative Static 2-20-01 Planet Hollywood

Central Florida Future - Entertainment Issue: 07-04-01

Local rockers speak out
To view the actual article go to archives July 4th 2001 issue
By Jackie Myers, Contributing Writer
"We rock! There are too many people out there who don't rock. We rock hard. And we rock really good, all night long," Chris Gotti, the lead singer of Gotti 13 said. Even the discomfort from a cracked spine he suffered when he was younger couldn't keep Chris, 21 from rocking the House of Blues with his band members. Mike Bosch, 25, on rhythm guitar and keyboards, Henry Bullard, 25, on drums, Tommy Naddeo, 23, on bass guitar and Bill Peck, 22, on lead guitar round out the rest of the Orlando rock group Gotti 13. The group recently underwent some changes when guitarist Mike Reymont left the group. In need of a new member, Chris, Tommy and Henry found not one, but two musicians with the abilities and charisma they were looking for: Bill, a guitar virtuoso and world-traveling male model and Mike, a diverse musician whose tastes range from classical to jazz to rock. "Me and Mike went to high school together (in Boston)," Henry said. "We played in some bands together. So I knew what his capabilities were, but we gave him a fair shot like everyone else. We had actual auditions, and he was one of them. By coincidence it was narrowed down to him and Bill. Bill was incredible as well. We couldn't decide," Henry explained. "They were both coming (to the final audition) the same night, and I said 'Why don't we try everyone at once to see how it goes?'" Chris said. "As soon as we struck the first chord it was just like this presence in this room. We played the first song, and we knew that this was the way it was going to be. It was right," Chris said. Bill and Mike only had a short period of time to learn the material before their June 16 debut at House of Blues, which was filmed for Dateline NBC. However, the time crunch was not a difficulty for the talented guitarists, as they displayed during the group's six-song set. "I found it pretty easy because Chris and Tommy were really good about showing me the material," Bill said. "I am used to learning songs that are like 10 minutes long. It was challenging to learn it so quickly, but they were really good at pointing things out and giving me the chords." Gotti 13 describes the change from a four-member group to a five-member group as an all-around good vibe. "There's so much more energy on stage; the overall presence. We feel like a brick wall. It's very, very powerful," Chris said. "It's harder to get around, to fit five guys in a car. That's the only problem. So we have to take two vehicles wherever we go," Tommy joked. The Gotti guys check out their competition to make sure they're on top of the game. "We go to a lot of shows, and we see what people aren't doing," Henry said. "Sometimes they just get up there and stand on little oriental rugs and don't even move. But we get out there and we're running off of ramps. We put on a show. We try to set ourselves apart from other groups," Henry said. "Everything is so stressful outside of playing music," Tommy said. "When you're onstage it's just a total release. You just forget about all your worries and just go out and have fun. And that's what sets us apart too; everyone sees that we're having fun, and they have fun. That's the way it works." "Me personally-no matter how many shows we've done-every single time right before we're about to go onstage you get this cold, numb feeling over your entire body, and it doesn't stop while you're performing," Chris explained. Gotti 13 compared themselves to quarterbacks perfecting their plays. "You learn from all your mistakes," Chris said. "You learn from the best of it you did. You move on. You make your show better. Every single show we've done, the minute we're done we watch video of what we did, and we make ourselves better after every single performance we do." "So regardless of technical difficulties, regardless of whatever, this is what we were all born to do," Chris continued. "And this is what we are doing. It's a learning experience everyday."

Alternative Static

10-10-99 WXXL 106.7 Orlando

Gotti 13 In the studio with Nikki Knight On Alternative Static 106.7 Orlando Florida. 10-10-99

(please note that hand wrote this and it took me three hours to do. Hopefully I did the interview justice, so there may be some errors, so please forgive me.)

Nikki: I'm so happy to have in the studio with me cute guys but of course Gotti 13. Even better musicians. What's up guys?
G13:What's going on Nikki. How ya guys doing? Hey Nikki.
Nikki: This isn't your first time in here your pro's at this thing, but uh these guys have been playing for 106.7, we've been having a lot of shows around town and this Saturday night your gonna be at the House Of Blues for a teen night.
G13: House of Blues, Yes
Nikki: And uh you've played there before obviously and uh all your fans are calling, they love you. There even out in the parking lot right now honking there horns at you, but uh what's going, what's happening? What's up? I know with CD music coming out?
G13: Well Yeah hopefully soon were hoping get in the studio pretty soon to record a CD, but um esp. about Saturday night you gotta get out there quick, cuz tickets are going real fast, um It's gonna be a great night out there get there early come see Gotti 13. Bring those Gotti 13 signs through the door. the signs, we love the signs. We gonna show Sony what we got, so make sure you guys be screaming loud.
Nikki: Yeah defiantly, big crows. Come out there its gonna most likely gonna sell out, we do teen night at house of blues once a month on a Saturday night and this month its this Saturday night. So its you, Boyz N’Girls and I believe Horizon. And uh this one has a good chance of selling out, so, esp with you guys being there and uh so I wanna play some of your music right now and give away some tickets, how about that?
G13: Sounds good
Nikki: Its up to you guys 919-1067 call right now, ask Gotti if you can have a pair of tickets, if they say yes then Ill hook you up, and uh, check out their song right now and we'll talk more with Gotti in a few minutes. But feel free to call and say hello. This is “Flying Around” on XL 106.7G13: Thanks guys
Nikki: Alternative Static is on XL 106.7, that's Gotti 13 its called Flying Around. I'm Nikki Knight with Gotti 13 in the studio. That's awesome you guys, that helps you your fans love that song. If you have never seen Gotti 13 before you gotta check them out this Saturday night, gonna be at the House Of Blues, um and were still giving away tickets at 919-1067. But I know you guys gonna be taking off, your gonna be taking off for a little bit.
G13: Yeah defiantly, yeah I mean, defiantly try to check us out this Saturday, cuz were gonna be leaving, um that's probably our last show in Orlando for like a couple months, cuz were going on tour. Yeah were going to tour for to uh over 12 states in one month. So
Nikki: Wow
G13: Its gonna be fun Come check us out its gonna be awesome really is. Get the tickets fast they're going going quick Don't forget the signs please
Nikki: Once they come back from this tour your not going to see them this closely anymore I am sure. But they are going to be at the House Of Blues, um on this Saturday night and doors open at 8-o-clock I believe, show starts at 9.
G13: Right
Nikki: along with Boyz n' Girls and Horizon. And you guys have the website. that uh.
Nikki: And what's cool is I just got another e-mail today from a fan site, you guys have fan sites that are up already which is cool. For a local band.
G13: Millions of them, and they're awesome too they mean a lot.
Nikki: and they have all these pictures of you, I'm sure you probably don't know they have of you. there is this one of me with you guys on somebody's site I haven't seen that picture before I seen it on there, so
G13: I heard there is a bootleg copy of the icebox picture. Inside joke.
Nikki: Uh oh
G13: Oh and the butt pictures don't forget those
Nikki: I have to see that. 919-1067 they're going to be here for a few more minutes, if you wanna call and say hey to Gotti 13 and we have some more tickets to give away and uh good luck you guys I'm gonna be out there Saturday night with you.
G13: Cool
Nikki: Finally get to see you guys
G13: all right, cool
Nikki: Thank you for coming in
G13: No problem
Nikki: and of course we'll do this again sometime.

Chat Transcripts

Gotti 13!
Date: 2-20-01
Time: 07:00 PM EDT
Chat Transcript:

PLANET_MODERATOR: Hey everyone! Welcome to our chat with rock band, Gotti 13! Gotti 13 is made up of Chris Gotti , Henry Bullard , and Tommy Naddeo. They are based in Central Florida and are getting ready to make some noise. The band will be appearing several places in the upcoming weeks: at Universal Studios Orlando CityWalk's premiere night club The Groove for a musical showcase, on Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen's Fashion Forward special on both television and AOL, not to mention performing with *NSYNC on a Fox Family Channel upcoming concert! These guys are all over the place and about to become huge -- but will always have the distinct honor of hosting their first official online chat! AND, it gets even better than that -- in addition to meeting the guys here tonight, two lucky chatters will win t-shirts autographed by Gotti 13! is the only entertainment site where you can chat and win! Well, without any further delay, let's get this chat started! Is everyone ready??? We hope so, because Gotti 13 is here and they are ready to hear from you!!! Welcome fellas!!
PLANET_MODERATOR: Chris is up first! Anything you'd like to mention to your fans here tonight before we begin?
Gotti13_Chris: Thanks everyone for coming to chat. All the guys are excited to talk to you!
mooremandy asks: whose the most famous person you've ever met?
Gotti13_Chris: Wow! Hmm... you'll have to give me a second on that... At the Teen Choice Awards, we met the wrestler Goldberg. Out of all the people we met, he may not have been the most famous, but he was definitely the coolest.
Bryna asks: Hey guys. It's Bryna. My friends and I gave ya'll a sheet. It had your symbol on it and everything, I just wanted to know if ya'll still had it?
Gotti13_Chris: We put up a lot of the banners and pictures from the fans in our rehearsal room. We've started putting them up on the ceiling now!
Abs asks: Who is everyone's biggest musical influences?
Gotti13_Chris: All of us are into the Beatles. We were all into that when we were young. Nirvana is one of the groups we love the most. Also, the band Goldfinger. They happen to be one of the best Ska/punk bands out there!
otownchic81 asks: How many songs are you performing at the Groove next Wednesday?
Gotti13_Chris: We'll be performing 6 or 7 songs. Two are brand new that you all have not heard yet... Some of the new stuff is some of the best and I think you are all going to LOVE it!! One of the songs is called "Coming Back To Me." Any of the fans who can't make it out to the Groove in Orlando can check us out on Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen's Fashion Forward special on Fox Family. For more info on that, check out
Abs asks: I met some of you on Saturday night, and I'm going to the show on the 28th and I was wondering what can I expect it to be like?
Gotti13_Chris: As most of our fans know... our shows get a little crazy. Our last show -- Henry, the drummer caught on fire. And the crowd thought it was part of the show! We shot a cannon in the Hard Rock Live and they thought a bomb went off. That part was planned, but the crowd just didn't know.
onebigfan asks: I've been a fan for a real long time. I remember back to when you used to be called GOTTI XIII. Now you are Gotti 13. What happened to the roman numerals?
Gotti13_Chris: The Roman numerals confused everyone. People started calling us Gotti 8...or Gotti 5. LOL
Chelle asks: Did you write most of the material for your new songs?
Gotti13_Chris: Yes, up to date, we've written all of our own music. We put together all of the songs. We hope it stays that way. The feedback from the fans makes it all incredible.
Judy asks: Hi, How can I get a list of your upcoming appearances?
Gotti13_Chris: You can go to the website, it's the best source now. That is .NET!! That's the best way to find out.
onebigfan asks: Do you guys ever fight? My friend Sara (I think you met her) says you always get along.
Gotti13_Chris: We really don't fight. We get along like brothers. The biggest fight is who gets to play PlayStation on the tour bus. Most of the time if we can't settle it, we'll have water fights and whoever is the dryest wins!!
Gotti13_Chris: Thanks for talking to me... Now chat with Mike!
PLANET_MODERATOR: Well, thanks Chris for chatting with us! It's welcome Henry! Any opening comments for the fans?
Gotti13_Henry: How is everybody doing?
Gotti13_Henry: No, but I should!! Cause they are really great movies!
destiny77 asks: are ylou going to the grammys? Gotti13_Henry: No... We're rehearsing for our show next week. We're kinda busy right now!
Abs asks: What do you like to do in your spare time?
Gotti13_Henry: I like going to movies and dancing. Hanging out with my friends. That's about it. Nothing too major or exciting!
truefan asks: henry, did you used to be in lfo?
Gotti13_Henry: Yes, I did! I was not officially part of the group, but I was their drummer.
OtownAngel1067 asks: Hey! Do you think you guys are going to stay here for a little while? Or are you about to go some where else again?
Gotti13_Henry: We'll be here for a little while. We'll be everywhere, but Orlando will always be home.
Jinx25Gotti13 asks: What age did you start playing the drums?
Gotti13_Henry: I started very young. I started when I was 5 years old.
laurie3456 asks: which musician do you look up to the most?
Gotti13_Henry: There are a lot. My personal favorite is Billy Joel, ever since I was a little kid.
wanabespice asks: whos cd is in your cd player now?
Gotti13_Henry: Uhm... I just bought the new Papa Roach CD.
Abs asks: Do any of you ever go to any of the clubs in Orlando?
Gotti13_Henry: Yeah, all the time! Pretty much they are the only clubs I go to! LOL
carson4me asks: how do you feel when you see pix of yourselves in magazines?
Gotti13_Henry: It's pretty unbelievable really. I can't believe it...really.
lin42882 asks: if you were told you had only 24 hours left to live what would you do?
Gotti13_Henry: Do I have to keep it clean??? LOL! Nah, I would take a trip around the world...
Jinx25Gotti13 asks: Have you ever had any embarrassing moments on stage?
Gotti13_Henry: Just the time when my arm caught on fire! The guy who was doing my pyro put way too much lighter fluid on my drumstick and the little drips caught on fire!
otownchic81 asks: What was the last concert that you went to?
Gotti13_Henry: That would be The Dave Matthews Band.
Jinx25Gotti13 asks: Henry, since you are the oldest do you sometimes feel like you know what's best for the group?
Gotti13_Henry: Not really, cause even though I am the oldest, I act the youngest! We all are on the same level when it comes to what's best.
Janet asks: Hey I was wondering when you are going to be touring all around the USA and when are your songs going to be on the radio?
Gotti13_Henry: Song on the radio, we're hoping for summer or fall. Touring, next year or soon after. Check our site, too.
PLANET_MODERATOR: Last question for Henry...
Jenifer asks: Henry, what's better playing for gotti or LFO? :-)?
Gotti13_Henry: Gotti all the way!!!
PLANET_MODERATOR: Thanks Henry for spending some of your day with us!! Comments?
Gotti13_Henry: Thanks a lot for chatting with me. Talk to you and hope to see you soon. :)
PLANET_MODERATOR: It's time for Tommy! Welcome...
Gotti13_Tommy: Hi everybody. I hope I can get to all your questions!
Gotti13_Tommy: I know... LOL!!
Jenifer asks: what's your biggest musical influence?
Gotti13_Tommy: As far as a band, it's Goldfinger. I also really like Dave La Rue.
Sugary asks: if you all were on Survivor, who would be voted out!?
Gotti13_Tommy: Ooh. Let's see. Probably Henry because he doesn't like any noise when he sleeps. We'd kick him out first!
Jinx25Gotti13 says: Happy Birthday Tommy!! Gotti 13 rocks!!
Gotti13_Tommy: Thank you very much!! ...And I hope you send me a big present in the mail Jinx25! LOL!
paradechick asks: who do you like best in the mtv/pop scene and why?
Gotti13_Tommy: I like Crazytown for their song, "Butterfly." It's very unique.
yakki asks: who is the funniest?
Gotti13_Tommy: The funniest would have to be Chris. And especially because I am his biggest audience -- I laugh at everything he says.
otownchic81 asks: What was the last concert that you went to?
Gotti13_Tommy: The last concert I went to was Goldfinger at the House of Blues in Orlando.
Christian asks: Hi, this is Christian, who co-wrote "She Did It For Me". I just wanted to say you guys did a KILLER job on the tune. I love the bridge
Gotti13_Tommy: Thank you very much Christian. We're hoping for a release later this year. We're in the studio getting everything done. We're working very hard in the studio, so just keep checking the site to see.
Bryna asks: Hey Tommy! At the end of each show, you guys spin around and stuff, like in rehearsal and stuff have any of ya'll ever fallen?
Gotti13_Tommy: Wow. We tried to cover that fall up with Chris! In rehearsal, we never really fall but we do get a lot of bruises! Chris has a bruise on his side and I have a couple of bruises from slamming into my guitar.
Gotti13StreetTeamFounder2 asks: Tommy- What's your most embaressing moment involving your dog and the neighbors SUV across the street?? :) <3, Fran
Gotti13_Tommy: Hey Fran... well, my dog got loose when I was walking. His name is Max. He jumped inside the SUV... and started to pee all over the inside. I yanked him out and ran in the house! LOL
Gotti13_Tommy: How did you know that anyway?? LOL

Chelle asks: Tommy, what do you plan to do for your Bday??
Gotti13_Tommy: Well, first we have rehearsal. After that, some family is flying in from New York. We'll have dinner and hang out... that's about it.
Abs asks: Would you ever date a fan?
Gotti13_Tommy: I would date anybody that I connect with and get along with. And whoever that person is...whether it's a fan or someone i've known forever... it's just someone I can connect with. Send your pictures to P.O. Box..... LOL!!
trlgroupie asks: what's the last movie you saw?
Gotti13_Tommy: The last movie I saw was Saving Silverman. That was just hysterical. Neil Diamond was my first concert with my grandparents so that made it even funnier for me...
Jinx25Gotti13 asks: Are you four all original members of Gotti13?
Gotti13_Tommy: We are all original! Some of us met through friends but we formed ourselves and write our own music. We're like a family.
Chelle asks: Is there a particular audience your trying to reach? Dont leave out us oldies..
Gotti13_Tommy: Actually, we were very surprised on the age ranges that come to our shows. We get elementary kids and their parents at the shows. We write music that is for all ages. We love the signs that say "Moms for Gotti 13!!" LOL
Abs asks: Who's the prankster of the group?
Gotti13_Tommy: The prankster would have to be Chris... and I can't comment on the pranks he does, but I can say that the home videos are hysterical!
Gotti13girl asks: Is it true you have the best mom in the whole world?
Gotti13_Tommy: Thanks, Mom, for the question and I love you very much!!
oh_my_Gotti asks: what are your plans for the future??? (the band)
Gotti13_Tommy: We have our showcase on Feb. 28th live in Orlando at The Groove at in Universal Studios CityWalk. Then we have upcoming Fox Specials with Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen and also with *NSYNC. Then... after that we plan to take over the world!! LOL ...Check out our website for updates.
Gotti13_Tommy: Hey, who's the winner for those t-shirts we signed??
PLANET_MODERATOR: Okay, well, thanks for asking! Let's find out who our Gotti 13 Chat Sweepstakes Winners are!!! Tommy... why don't you make the announcement?
Gotti13_Tommy: Ok. I want to pick...Bryna... and... Let's go with... abs. Those were some great questions! LOL!
PLANET_MODERATOR: Okay, congratulations Byrna and abs! We will contact you independently by email after the chat... But, we only have time for one more question...
Gotti13_Tommy: Just in case we didn't get to your questions, please email us. Our email addresses are on And, YES, we'll reply!
Bryna asks: Do you have any idea when the special is coming on -- the Mary-Kate and Ashley one?
Gotti13_Tommy: Early March... but as soon as we know it will be on our site. You can also check Fox Family listings. You can check out the other special with *NSYNC, too. Check the site. It's all there!
PLANET_MODERATOR: Thanks Tommy! We wish you the best of luck in your show next week! Any final thought for the fans...
Gotti13_Tommy: I want to thank everyone for chatting with us. Keep checking the site for updates so you can see us at our shows! My email is I'll chat with you then!! Congrats to Bryna and Abs!!!
Gotti_13: Goodnight!!
PLANET_MODERATOR: Thanks everyone!! That was a lot of fun! Don't forget to check out our chat schedule for many upcoming chats at! And go see Gotti 13 at The Groove, in Orlando next week! Also, just in case you didn't jot it down, Gotti 13's official website is You can send each of the guys email and find out where they'll be performing next. And, as always, we'll see you in the movies!

To check out the pictures from the chat go here!

Girly Thing Interview]
