The "Right" Thing....
By Ron Hevener
They were happy dogs, the two German Shepherds. They lived on a big farm, with fields to roam, and laughing kids to play with. They had fresh milk from the cows every day, and lots of interesting things to stimulate their souls. They had a home, jobs that dogs are very good at, and, most importantly, they were loved.
Working dogs are brave dogs. They chase cattle, they herd sheep, they save travelers in Swiss mountains and they guard our property. So it was, that one of the happy German Shepherds living on the big farm got herself kicked by a horse and found herself landing smack in the middle of the biggest mess anybody had ever seen.
It's not that anybody did anything particularly wrong. Indeed, everyone involved seemed to be doing what they thought was right. It's just that everybody seemed to have a different idea of what that "right thing" actually was.
The farmer, trying to do the right thing, took his dog to the vet and x-rays were taken.
Upon looking at the x-rays, the vet referred the farmer to a clinic known for veterinarians with great surgical skills.
At the great clinic, the dog was examined, surgery was scheduled for a few days later and as the farmer left for home, a staff member offered pain killers in case the dog needed them. Thanks, but I'll just take her home now, the farmer decided. Most farmers have such medications on hand and so far she was handling things pretty well on her own.
Someone didn't agree. After the man left for home, the miffed and self-righteous staffer called the local animal shelter and reported him. Easy enough to do. After all, the poor dog needed pills and the owner wouldn't buy them for her. Bad owner! He doesn't deserve to have a dog and put her in such danger that she would be kicked by a horse and be made to suffer, right?
Not long after he got home, a truck from the local humane shelter rolled in the farmer's lane. "Animal cruelty!" they charged. Give us your dog - or else!
Intimidated and unsure of his rights, he surrendered his dog.
"And what about that other one!" they cried.
They snatched him, too.
Distraught and unsure of what was happening or why, the owner called his brother for help. The brother went to the animal shelter wanting to know what was going on. He offered to adopt the dogs, but his offer was refused.
Monday came ... time for surgery now.
When the owner didn't show up with his dog, the vet wanted to know why.
"But, I don't have her anymore," the man said. "Right after I came home from your office, they came and took my dog away."
Pleased with herself, the staffer at the clinic who turned him in bragged about it and soon found herself being questioned by her supervisors. Defiantly, she stood her ground and made it clear that she knew better than they did what was right for the dog. She was fired on the spot.
When it comes to animals, how could so many people have so many different ideas about what is, and what isn't the right thing?
If animals could talk for themselves, is this what they would ask for?
Somehow, when it comes to a pair of lonely German Shepherds being kidnapped from their family on a big farm and shoved into crates at a loud, smelly humane shelter with a bunch of strangers ... I don't think this is their idea of "the right thing."
Do you?
Author/Artist RON HEVENER specializes in animals and the romantic, adventurous people who love them. Mr. Hevener's collectible figurines and the prints from his novels ("Fate of the Stallion!" ... "The Blue Ribbon" ... "High Stakes") are now bought and traded throughout the world. Today, Ron Hevener's illustrated animal stories are published regularly in magazines, newsletters, newspapers and on websites around the globe. He is currently on tour - speaking at bookstores, libraries, theaters, schools, gift stores, pet stores, dog shows, art shows, horse shows and public events. "Your life is a movie," he says. "On With The Show!"
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Essay #1 - Think About It!
Essay #2 - You Got to have Heart
Essay #3 - His Master's Smile
Essay #4 - You're Not Alone