Greyhounds may have to race
By Linda Jump
2007 Florida Today
Thursday, July 5, 2007
MELBOURNE The Florida Greyhound Association based in Sarasota in a letter today asked the director of the states Division of Pari-Mutuel Wagering to reconsider allowing the Melbourne Greyhound Park to cancel live summer dog races.
This is a wrongful eviction that jeopardizes the safety of these dogs, Greyhound Association President Phil Ruotolo wrote in his request to David Roberts.
Ruotolo also asked for an immediate hearing to determine whether dropping live races until December violates their license. If it does, the group asked for a fine or license suspension.
The association is affiliated with the National Greyhound Association based in Abilene, Kansas. The group represents breeders, owners, kennel operators and vendors.
Kennel operators expected to board and care for hundreds of greyhounds at Melbourne Greyhound Park for the next 12 months, Ruotolo wrote in his request. He said park owners gave kennel operators only until July 15 to leave.
Alisa Snow, spokeswoman for the state Greyhound association said the track was slated to run 364 live greyhound races from July 1 through June 30, 2008 under its license. Were arguing that once a license is approved, their racing schedule can only make minor changes, as the law allows, she said.
No one was immediately available to respond from the Division of Pari-Mutuel Wagering about the request.
Park officials said earlier this week that because of legislation affecting poker rooms, they no longer have to provide a live race on days when the poker room is open.
Because of changes in state legislation, the track will return to the winter-only schedule it had before opening its poker room Club 52 in December 2005. The law required live racing on days the card room opened.
Patrick Biddix, track president said on poor days last summer, there were only 30 people in the stands. That disheartens you, Biddix said.
He said there are about 500 dogs from six kennels at the track.
Contact Jump at 409-1423 or