FACT #1: Greyhound racing is the most popular wagering sport in Florida.
FACT #2: Greyhound racing is the sixth largest spectator sport in America. It is legal in 18 states, but out of 56 race tracks in the USA, 17 are located in the State of Florida.
FACT #3: Greyhound racing is an international sport. It is popular in England, Ireland, Spain, Sweden, Denmark, Australia, Guam, Mexico and is just being introduced in Russia, Japan and South Africia.
FACT #4: Most greyhounds begin racing at 18 months old and continue until four years of age.
FACT #5: the name "greyhound" does not originate because of the color of the dogs. It is believed to have been derived from the words "greatest hound" because the breed was so highly respected in Europe. In ancient Greece the greyhound was the most respected of all animals, and many believe the name was derived from "Greek hound".
FACT #6: Most greyhounds range in weight from 50 to 85 pounds. The average weight is between 65 and 75 pounds.
FACT #7: Greyhounds are not aggressive dogs, contrary to popular belief. They are competitive during racing, but they are friendly and social by nature. Once separated from their kennel lives, those that become household pets thrive on human companionship and love to be the center of attention.
FACT #8: The humane issue is the most important thing facing the racing industry today. The greyhound people and the race track operators have become activily involved in the placement of the greyhounds as pets. Most tracks have adoption programs in place on their premises. They work with ligimate groups such as Greyhound Pets of America, a non-profit national organization dedicated to the placement of retired racers. There toll free number is 1-800-366-1472.
FACT #9: Greyhounds are not starved to death during their racing careers. These animals live the life of trained athletes. They are fed well and taken better care of than many of the children of this State. Their diet is very high protein and that attributes to the sleek, lean look that we see when we watch them race.
FACT #10: Greyhounds are not muzzled because they are vicious! All racing dogs in the kennels are muzzled so that they do not get too frisky with each other. After all, two is company and three is a pack! During the race, the plastic muzzle is worn to help determine the outcome of a photo finish. It also protects the dog's nose and prevent fighting during the heat of competition.
We sincerely hope these basic facts will help you learn a little more about the racing greyhound. If you are interested in adopting a retired racer, please know that you should enter your quest with an open mind. Do not pre-determine what color dog you must have as the greyhound will choose you - you will always go home with a new friend who decided you were ok!
Greyhound Pets of America