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Felicity's Helen Hunt Fan Site FAST FACTS

Helen got hate mail from Titanic fans who wanted Kate Winslet to win the Oscar. It is rumoured that Helen pays someone $800 a week to watch over her Oscar. Helen's favourite color is red Helen dated Matthew Broderick Helen didn't attend her high school prom Helen has done 3 theatre productions: The taming of the shrew, Our town, Twelfth Night. Her favourite episodes of Mad About You are: Our Fifteen Minutes, season 3 Moody Blues, season 6 Her favourite movies are The Waterdance and As Good As It Gets, she admits she persued these roles like a bloodhound. Co-star Eric Stoltz quotes 'People don't realise, Helen's the hardest working gal in showbiz' Twister turned out to be the biggest money-making endeavours in the history of cinema, Until Titanic. Over 25 million people tuned in to see her performance in an episode of Mad About You titled, 'The Birth'. At the Oscars in '99', She was named 'Best Hair of the Millenium' At the Oscars'98', backstage she was asked how she felt about beating the Brits. Her response was, 'A friend told me I should dress up like I was going to the Olympics and paint USA across my face.