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Could It Happen Again?

Many people ask the question, "Could There Be Another Holocaust?" The answer is yes, and as a matter of fact, it already has. In Albania, a streak of "Ethnic Cleansing" ended in the death of over 2 million people. Hundereds of thounsands of refugees fled their homeland to escpae death. But even more shocking than that, is the purges of Stalin. This postwar dictator of Russia arrested and killed millions of people, all to prove that his power was absolute, and anyone who challenged him was making a fatal mistake. His reign was even more infamous than that of Hitler's. This just shows that there will always be a malevolent ruler with a hate for a particular race, or one that wants to show his power, flex his "Muscles", and someday, there may be a Holocaust 2, but hope to God that it will never be, because pain and suffering of innocent people, of any magnitude, inflicted by another human, is never the solution, and should never happen, though it does, sadly. But the results give us motivation to fight to prevent another event like this. So never forget those who have died for needless cause.

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