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Adolf Hitler, Der Fuhrer

"If I can send the flower of the German nation into the hell of war without the smallest pity for the spilling of precious German blood, then surely I have the right to remove millions of an inferior race that breeds like vermin."
-Adolf Hitler

Adolf Hitler. This name strikes a feeling of disgust, anger, and disbelief into many peoples hearts, and with good reason. Hitler is perhaps one of the most most famous and infamous rulers of any country ever to be founded. He plunged Germany into a state of absolute hate and prejudice against millions of it's own residents. He sent millions of families to concentration camps and ordered them killed. He sent the best young German men to their deaths on all fronts of the war. His rule resulted in the death of over 29 million people in the European war from 1939-'45. He left his Reich to die without him in it's final hour of need. He was to be the leader of a reign of terror, death, and bloodshed. His "Thousand Year Reich" was to last a mere decade. He was evil, brilliant, yet arrogant, which would lead to his ultimate downfall and death in 1945.

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