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Random Pictures from Summer of 2002!!!
Random Pictures from Summer 2002!!!...

You are very powerful if you can read this message!hehehe

Thi was actually the day before skydiving!!! Jamie and Emily graduated!!! Fun times!
Left To Right Emily, Me, Jamie, and Karen D. aka... barbie

This is me with the 2 guest of honors!!! I love those girls!

hahaha, Ok, 6 of us went out to lunch one Sunday and we were at this mexican restraunt and they give you tortilla chips, well amanda decided to make a sailboat out of a lemon and a tortilla chip and the foil is the wave. it was fun times!

Here are the 6 of us at lunch from left to right you have Margaret, Cortney, me and then Kevin, Jenny, and amanda!.

Ok, so this was definetly a picture from the last Levi concert... sad times... from left to right in the back you have Kevin,Emily S,Bill,and Ian, and then Dave up front!!!.

Ok, this is Levi signing the CD's that were sold thatnight, it was like a CD release concert. L-R Dave standing up, then Kevin, Karen D, Ian, Darren, and Emily S.!

Dave and Kevin playing around the night before Dave left town... sad times...

Lately when i take pictures I do this mouth open thing so Dave decided to do it too I guess and Kevin din't know we were so he just looks out of place...hehehe!!

Kevin and Dave doing Charlies angels. FUNtimes!!

Hahahaa, one day a group of friends went out to breakfast ad I coudn't go so they came by work afterward and they started playing around in the toy aisle... so they dressed up with stuff for this picture which i love, and this is me taking it from behind the pharmacy counter from left to right you have Margaret holding downs syndrome pooh Amanda with te chicken, Kevin with everything, Jenny with the bat and ears, and Dave up front!!!

Ths is the place in Deland where they had breakfast that morning... Potato Patch is like a well known place in Deland, known for greasy food and southern cookin' they are small in thepicture but I love the Potato Patch sign.!

Ok, this is DEFINETLY Dave and Margaret standing next to Dave's packing job on his truck.... it looked like a giant whale!.

Dave showing off his packing job, like this is loaded in a normal truck bed it was like so HUGE!!! I laugh everytime i see it.

Ok, i have to explain these next 2 pics. Margaret's camera broke and so you had to hold it all funky to get it to work, so her mom is trying to take some pics and she can't see through the lens so she just guesses and these are the products... so flattering of me!. and margaret is totally chopped off

and then this one where she cut off our heads... funtimes, at least she got us both in this one!!!.

This is Margarets mom and brother John. Her family is sooo nice!!!.

Dave's last Thursday at Coffeehouse....SAD TIMES!!! This is his going away cake!!! and that is me holding the knife right near him, i didn't realize i was that close to him..hehe.

I love this picture!!! The 4 of us hung out together so much this past summer and Dave is wearing his "guest of honor, I'm a princess" button, when you push the button on the back it would blink a red light.!!.

Hahah Dave shrunk so we would look tall and i have no clue what i am dong, obviously i was't ready for the camera. hehehe.


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