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Random Pictures from Coffeehouse events!
Random Pictures from Coffeehouse events!!

You are very powerful if you can read this message!hehehe

This is our favorite wall in the Coffeehouse. It used to be like brick that was plastered over so we decided to turn it back into a brick wll by individually sponge painting each brick on with 3 different shades of brick red.. so this is us getting started on it!!
That would be Dave right there painting

Ok, this picture is pretty scary looking but it is entertaining. hehehe. I look like I am in pain or something. I have no clue why my face is like that.

Here is a little more of the wall done..
(left to right: Dave, Kelly, Aerin, and Kev)

And this would be the complete finished wall!!!! p>

This is just the group(minus me) who painted that day. (left to right: Dave (yes with a sponge in his mouth.. the fumes got to us), Aerin, Jesse, Kev and kelly looking possesed or something. hahaha

These would be Jesse's Happy legs..hehehe. Like I said the fumes got to us that day, we were covered in paint and so she made some smiley faces on her legs and made them kiss!

This is me and Jesse on The coffeehouse's 70's night!! me in my polyester plaid shirt and jesse in her polyester dress!!! Fun times!!

Thi is a shot of the front of the Coffeehouse on 70's night. our little disco balls of light hanging all over and then Dave B in the background decked out. Owww oww!! hahahap>

This was oh so entertaining... this is definetly Kevin John and Dave doing a disco line fully decked out in clothes. It was hilarious!!

This would be Dave B. being at one with the Disco ball. we also had a fog machine shooting up near the disco ball... although youcan't really see the smoke in this picture but it was there!

Ok, this is definetly Kevin at his 21st birthday party at "the blind pig" the deland pub. Definetly after a few drinks...hahahaha!

This would be my darling brother once again looking ever so charming but this time completely sober at the Coffeehouse but doing some impression for us that i can't remember of what though...

This would be Dave C. and john fully decked out at 70's night! MEMORIES..sigh. This picture makes me laugh.

I love this picture. We went out to Olive Garden one night to celebrate on Coffeehouse team work stuff and this is everyone except me and aerin
(left to right: Kevin, Jesse, John, Dave B, and Kelly

These are our wonderful new youth leaders who are awesome!!! Megan and Dave C

This was a random shot from our "Nature Adventure #1 as Dve likes to call it... Once a month we try to get people who come to the Coffeehouse to go on an outing with us and we did a campfire/BBQ that night!!!

This would be Kevin doing his Thinking man impression with a twist, he wasin the middle of commenting on something I suppose when I took the picture, it is so dark down there that looking through the lens you ca't see what you are taking a picture of of!!

OK, Andine might kill me for putting this up, but this was taken the same night as the one above and Icouldn't see a thing and my flash is so darn bright, anyways, Ihad one picture left on the roll and Iwanted to finish it so I took a picture!

Ok, this one needs some explanation... I REALLY didn't want my picture taken that night so Iwas hiding my face and Kevin was trying to take a picture while Mike was pulling me up and I am trying to push Mike away but it comes out looking like my hand is uop his nose. hahaha.

THs is Bekah and Richie, 2 of the nicest people ever!!! I love you guys!!! this was one of our calm summer thursdays. FUN times!!!!

HAHAHA, I love this picture, I love these guys, they make it so fun! here is some of the group goofing off!

Dave B. and Bekah! More fun time lounging around.

Andine and I wanted to take a FUN picture so we took a picture with some food in our mouths, anyways, you ca't really tell, but that is what we were laughing at.Fun times!!

HEre is Kevin being the ladies man with Janelle on his left and Andine on his right!hahaha

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