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Random Pictures from jan.-Feb. 2000
Random Pictures from Jan.-Feb. 2000...

The 5 girls! {Kat (who Kevin almost cut off!) Nora, sadie, me, and Robin.}YEA!! Fun times! hehe

Me with some of my old youth group, but there are too many names to put up, but you should recognize most of them from other pictures... hehe

Robin and me! hehe (and if you look really close there is another picture of the two of us in the left hand corner of that board!) haha.

Nana, kevin, and Kat at Wendy's back in Jan. when we were up in Va!

Jack, me, and Nora at Wendys that same day as above! hehe, gotta love Jack!

Piggy Back ride time! YEA!! Fun times! I don't need to say who everyone is I?

To me it looks like jackaroo and kevin are singing opera! what does it look like to you? hehe

Eileen, Clarke, and Robin at the swim meet I went to up there, Fun times... I feel like spying... :)

Robin and me at the swim meet! hehe

My brother Kevin doing a "bunge run" thingy at the mardi gras Festival thingy here, you run and then all of a sudden the thing jerks you back and you go flying backwards! TONS of fun!!

Kevin and John doing "Joust" at the mardi gras parade thingy... It was very much fun to watch.

Here are the Deland high school Jazz band doing their thing up on stage at the Mardi Gras festival thing. Twas very cool!

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