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undefined Glenkirk 2000

Glenkirk 2000!

Here are some pictures from my retreat to Glenkirk this year, making it 3 in a row, and my last, it was good though, so enjoy the pictures!

Hey Robin! I love ya!!! and whoever else sees this I love you too!

This is a picture of Nora and me. hehe

Here is a picture of Robin and me!! YEA!!

Here is Nora pretending to push Robin in the water...although she did lose her sock later in the water...haha
hey Robin! I love you!!!

Well here is Nora falling off a log that is on the ground.. it kinda looks like Robin kinda helped her fall...hehe.

Here is Nora and Robin... Smile Nora!!Look happy

Nora walking across a log in the water, and she didn't even fall! highly impressive! I wasn't about even to try. I think that water was probably VERY cold! haha

Ah yes this is a picture of our feet and the feet from Left to right are, Nora (who wore my sandals all weekend even though it was cold out) Robin, and then me! we did this last year also but they moved our swing so it wasn't right over the water like before...GRRRR....

I have no clue what I am doing here but this is me being all hyper and weird...Hehe, I had plenty of energy that weekend...hehehe

Ah, yes, here is the little green plant over by our swing... it had weird stuff growing... Yea green plant!!

Here is some of the youth group in the dining hall at Glenkirk! hehe

Here is some of my old youth group with Doug (our leader) trying to get in at the last minute...hahaha

This is a random band that came to play on Saturday night for a concert/dance thingy, they were called Jack's house (because they practice at jacks house..haha) but they were actually pretty good, I was impressed.

here are the other girls on the retreat (Robin, Nora, Meghann)

Ok, this is probably one of my favorite pictures.. but you would probably have to know my youth group to understand, but this is a picture of girls from the retreat making up a dance to "You Drive Me Crazy" from Britney Spears, and the guys decided to sit in the chair so they would dance right over or around them...hahahahaha, it was funny.

Here is a group picture right before we left to go home )

Here is a picture from when I went to JMU (James Madison University in Harrisonburg, VA) and from left to right it is Kat, me, and Ann. FUN times!!!

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