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undefined Random Pictures from the "Over 90's Dinner"2001
Random Pictures from the "Over 90's Dinerr"

You are very powerful if you can read this message!hehehe

Hahaha, Ok, every year we have what we call an "over 90's Dinner" at our church to celebrate people in our church who are over 90 years old. Last year the theme was the 50's Ithink and they had lots of old cars inthe parking lot and the guy on the right here (John D.) was Elvis.... lol, this year it was the 40's so it was this big america thing with "buy war bonds" signs everywhere... anyway, and the guy onthe left is our new associate pastor Matt McCollum who is Awesome!! they were hilarious!!

Matt and his wife Sherri, who was dressed like the 40's as well...

Mat and John showing off their arm bands..haha

We had a band come in and play for the event and this is the stage area.

the front stage area which was set up like a living room area....

Kevin decided to take a picture of all of us by himself at the dinner... so it is a close up of him with us inthe back ground and Ilook insane but tha is ok...

I love this picture!!! The you were the servers for the dinner which is what would explain the white shirts and black pants... but by the end of the night we were looking rough from the dinner (we had to make upthe plates and put them onthe tables and so forth and the drinks for over 230 people... so anyways... this is Jamie, me and Emily for those of youwho do not know...

Jamie asked me to take apicture withher b/c she was all sweaty...hehehe so I did. But I ttally look like a dork in this picture, I look like Iam going to sneeze or someting

OH my gosh I have never seen so many disheds in my life... well I probably have but it was still a whole lot... I was just so thankful for our lovely dishwasher that took like 1 minute per load..... anyways.. Angie, Emily and I were the dishwashers... and we washed and washed...anyways, TONS of dishes got done... when you think a mug, saucer, small plate, big plate, and glass for each of the 230 people.... bluss all the pitches of water and coffee and pots and pans to cook in... anyways it was tons of fun with te ater especially with white shirts... LoL WATER FIGHTS!!!!!

Hahaha, Emily went to goput her hand around me and we were aboutto take the picture and herhand touched the dishwasher whichis like at 150 degrees all the time... so she jumped back and laughed and in the processed we started laughing not knowing what had happened b/c she tickled us when jerking back... LoL, it was a fun picture though.yes it was.


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