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Yes for SKYDIVING!!!!!...

Brett and John are SOOO awesome! !hehehe

Ok, so this is the 3 of us all suited up and ready to jump! (me,Jamie,Lori)

Us getting our suits on!! FUN times!

OK, so Iws never nervous about jumping but this picture that my mom took is totally weird... It had to be 1 of 2 things, either when John was saying he was going to wait at the bottom to pick up our remaining pieces or when we were tlaking about how tight th harnesses were....!

This is my plane!!! well the plane we used anyways... it was a cute little plane and i mean little, you can't stand up in them.

this is what I see right before I jump, wellthis is from my camera person, but that is Jamie's camera guy jumping out with her, and yes he is barefoot

Ok, so this is defietly me doing a back flip from te plane. That is how they make you go out to stabalize you....

Me flying in he air!!!! SOOO MUCH FUN!!! The only bad thing is tha there is SOOO much wind so you can't breathe and it blows your cheeks everywhere so yur face is all distorted!!

I am superwoman!!!. FUNtimes!! I cannot even begin to expalin the rush you get when leavng tha plane and free falling 9,000 feet...

The freefall happens so quickly and Pine (the guy attached to me) was playing with my arms to getme to do stuff...

Me and my muscle arms....

Pine pointing to the ground to tell Maryann (my camera person) to get away b/c he was going to open the chute... well i am Obviously unaware of this b/c i am just smiling!.

This is like one of my famorite pictures just b/c we are both looking at the camera and you ee the clouds and land....

Ok, So basically Pine is cut out of this picture so it looks like i am by myself... except for the random legs behind me...

So yeah this would be one of those distorted pictures, the wind like warped my face!!!!.

Fun times again, playing in the air!!!!.

Ok, sothis is me sticking my tongue out at the camera!! fun times.

just another picture....

How could you not want togo do this?!?! It is the most fun hing EVAH!!!.

Ok, sothis was the only part tha isn't fun... when your parachute opens you fling backwards and you don't know its coming b/c you can't hear anything in te air dropping at 120mph. so it hurts and scares you thatharness is tight i tell ya!

Me coming in for a landing... they like tell you to put your feet up so their feet hit first that way it doesn't hurt!

OK, so we all look wind blown.. Iwonder why, but I just wanted tha outfit off. Thi is Lori,me,Jamie....!

Ilove thi picture b/c as soon as the 3 of us landed like all the kids came and hugged us We had like a total of 65 peole tere or smeting. It was huge!..

L-R me,Jamie,Karen D., Lori, and Maria... Last year Karen D. jumped and we all watched her and it looked so fun so this is her with us and maria too.

Me,Emily,Lori,Jamie and Karen D... Us hanging out watching other people skydive!! Iwent home and changed and brished my hair which took about 20 minutes...lol


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