A Royal Reunion

Setting: WWE SmackDown!, 2012

Antonio Cesaro (w/Aksana) has just defeated Ted DiBiase Jr. As he and Aksana are celebrating in the ring, to everyone's surprise, NXT's Kassius Ohno walks out to the ring, and he's accompanied by trainer Sara Amato.

KASSIUS OHNO: "What, you thought you could just walk out on me after we ruled the world for six years and I'd forget about you? That (pointing to Sara) SHE'D forget about you? I brought you to America. Your second match ever in the U.S., I beat you. We were tag team champions everywhere we went. Now, next week, we want a mixed tag match against the two of you."

Cesaro and Aksana accept the challenge.

Fast forward to next week.

Antonio Cesaro and Aksana vs. Kassius Ohno and Sara Amato

Cesaro and Ohno start, and they do their usual brilliant wrestling for a time. Aksana wants in, so Cesaro tags her in and Ohno tags Sara.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the scientific part of the match has just concluded, but please stay tuned for a major ass whipping"

---- hypothetical announcement that could have been made during the British Bulldogs-Les Thornton/Jack Foley match on the September 13, 1986 WWF Superstars, from Mick Foley's Have A Nice Day: A Tale of Blood and Sweatsocks, p. 83, hardcover edition.

Sara throws Aksana around with ease, with Aksana bumping like crazy as a result. Sara finishes with the Royal Butterfly for the pin at 7:30.

RING ANNOUNCER LILIAN GARCIA: Here are your winners, the team of KASSIUS OHNO and SARA AMATO!"

Ohno rolls out to the floor and whispers something to Lilian.

LG: Forgive me, I have been corrected. Here are your winners, the team of 'That Young Knockout Kid' CHRIS HERO and 'THE QUEEN OF WRESTLING' SARA DEL REY!"

Hero takes the mic and whispers something to Cesaro.

HERO: "WWE, you are looking at 'That Young Knockout Kid' Chris Hero, 'Very European' Claudio Castagnoli, and 'The Queen of Wrestling' Sara Del Rey! We are THE KINGS OF WRESTLING!"

Aksana looks confused and is pleading with Claudio to reconsider.

CLAUDIO: "Aksana, you are not Kings of Wrestling material (dramatic pause) yet! You might get there someday. For now, you will join us as an apprentice."

Aksana looks relieved, and embraces, Claudio, Hero and Sara.

The end