The Flying Hammerlock Live Review #1: Funking Conservatory TV Taping, 12/19/04

Funking Conservatory !BANG! TV Taping, The New Dory Funk Arena, O Malley's Alley, 24 S. Magnolia, Ocala, FL. December 19, 2004.

The event was called "Hell's Bells."

Opening Match: Kid Justice vs. Yako Romero of the Freekshows of Faith

Justice wrestled for CWF Mid Atlantic in North Carolina and Romero is from the Alabama scene. The match begins with a top wristlock followed by a legsweep but Kid Justice's somersault senton misses. Yako takes control with a ground headlock into a headscissors. Kid Justice headscissors Yako, and follows with a dropkick and a 619. Yako clotheslines him, but Kid comes back with a baseball slide dropkick. Yako trash talks the fans a lot. Kid comes back with a tilt-a-whirl and an enzuigiri for 2. Kid charges into the corner but eats boot. Yako gets a 2 count off of it. Kid comes back and hits a Styles Clash for 2. Kid goes up but gets crotched. Kid fights back and gets 2 off of a swanton. Kid goes up again but dives right into a Diamond Cutter to give Yako the win. ***

Royal Stud Enterprises ("The Royal Stud" Adam Windsor, Missy Hyatt w/her dog Milo and Aric "The Assassin" Dylan) came out for a promo, where Windsor ran down the U.S. and the fans. The crowd booed RSE throughout. Funking Conservatory World Heavyweight Champion "The American Hero" Johnny Magnum came out to rebut and to build up the title match later tonight between himself and Windsor. FC United States Heavyweight Champion Claudia "The Claw" Reif, who also is a regular FC referee, came out and insisted that she should receive a shot at the belt since being the U.S. Champion makes her the number one contender. Dory Funk Jr. came out and agreed and made the Funking Conservatory World Heavyweight Title match a Triple Threat Match with Magnum, Windsor and Reif. RSE were upset by this but left without incident.

Funking Conservatory !BANG! Television Title: Flex Cassidy (c) vs. Forsaken of the Freekshows of Faith

They tie up and Flex gets an armwringer and they exchange hammerlocks. Headlock and Flex whips Forsaken into the ropes and follows with a shoulderblock. A standing switch leads to a Flex schoolboy rollup for 2. Another tie-up into a series of headlocks and hammerlocks into a Flex leapfrog, elbow and a vertical suplex for 2. Flex slams Forsaken and drops the elbow for 2. Forsaken dropkicks Flex's knee and hits the Shining Wizard. Forsaken follows by working over Flex's knee including a kneebar. It gets 2. Forsaken goes to the chinlock. Flex comes back with a spinebuster but the knee acts up again. Forsaken hits a legsweep, but the top rope legdrop misses. Flex hits a spear for 2 and the Jackhammer for 3 to retain. ***1/2

Six-Man-Tag Team Match: Team America (Dory Funk Jr., "The Funky White Boy" Bo Lee and Jodie Peterman) vs. Royal Stud Enterprises (Aric "The Assassin" Dylan, "Bad Ass" Christian Bauer and Bam Bam Soaper, w/"The Royal Stud" Adam Windsor, Missy Hyatt and Milo)

Bo Lee and Peterman were from the former AWA Spinebuster promotion in Georgia and Peterman was the event coordinator for AWA World-1 South. Peterman and Dylan start. They circle each other and Aric's slam attempt fails. Peterman gives Aric a big shove and Aric's shoulderblock attempt also fails. Dory and Soper are in next and Dory slams him. Dory follows with a big elbow and a headlock takedown. Dory follows with a shoulderblock and a vertical suplex for 2. Dory follows with an armwringer, a headlock and a shoulderblock. Bauer in and he hiptosses Dory. Lee and Soper are in next. Soper hits a big slam and splash for 2. Soper controls but Lee comes back with a big slam of his own. Bauer comes in with a slam and an elbow for 2, followed by a chinlock. Peterman comes in next, and immediately tags Dory back into the match. Dory goes to the headlock . Peterman comes in for a clothesline and Lee comes in for a shoulderblock. Dory and Aric are back in and Dory gets a hiptoss. A headlock into a hammerlock and Dory gets a schoolboy for 2. A Dory-Aric slugfest gets 2 for ARIC. Aric slams Dory and goes to the chinlock. Dory comes back with a belly-to-back suplex. Bauer comes back in, but Aric comes in again. Dory hits some uppercuts and gets a butterfly suplex. Dory and Aric both try for shoulderblocks leading to the Double-KO. Lee and Bauer are in next. Lee hits clotheslines on Bauer and Soper. Windsor interferes and Lee and Dory whip Windsor, Soper, Bauer and Aric into the corner and Peterman hits an Avalanche on all four guys. Peterman hits two big splashes on Bauer. Amidst some chaos, Dory gets the Spinning Toe Hold on Bauer for the tap out to give Dory's team the win. ****

Funking Conservatory European Heavyweight Title: "Big Bank" Chad Barfield (c) vs. Blain Rage

Barfield and Rage were both from AWA Spinebuster.

We start with a headlock followed by some trash-talking by Barfield. Another headlock into a Rage hiptoss. Rage follows with a drop toe-hold and a seated dropkick. Rage follows with an armwringer into a legsweep. Rage hits a top-rope rana for 2. Then a missile dropkick for 2. Barfield comes back with an armwringer into a trip into a headlock. Barfield hits a Falcon Arrow slam for 2. Then an elbow drop for 2. Then a vertical suplex for 2. Barfield hits some chops in the corner, but his corner charge misses. Rage hits a toe-hold into a bridged Indian Deathlock with a chinlock. Barfield escapes. Rage hits a jawbreaker for 2 and a back body drop for 2. Barfield goes low on Rage and climbs up top but Rage crotches him with a dropkick. Rage climbs up to attempt another rana, but Barfield blocks it and shoves him down to the mat. Barfield jumps off and pins Rage to retain. ***

Funking Conservatory World Heavyweight Title Triple-Threat Barroom Brawl: "The American Hero" Johnny Magnum (c) vs. "The Royal Stud" Adam Windsor (w/Missy Hyatt, Milo and Aric) vs. Funking Conservatory United States Heavyweight Champion Claudia "The Claw" Reif (c)

The rules are no-DQ, no-countout, everything is legal and first pinfall or tapout wins.

Magnum and Windsor tie up and Reif gets a schoolgirl rollup on Windsor for 2. Magnum and Windsor tie up again and Reif rolls up Magnum for 2. Magnum and Windsor exchange shoulderblocks and elbows. Magnum slams Windsor and drops and elbow for 2. Magnum controls leading to a chinlock. More stuff from Magnum leads to an armbar. The crowd chants "USA! USA!" Magnum hits a sidewalk slam for 2 on Windsor. Magnum goes to the floor and looks under the ring for plunder. He finds a chair with "UK SUCKS" written on it. Aric beats up Magnum on the floor. Windsor chairshots Magnum back in the ring. Windsor slams Reif. Windsor piledrives Magnum on a chair for 2. Windsor follows with a boot choke on Reif. Magnum and Windsor brawl. Windsor snapmares Magnum on a chair. Aric throws some chairs in for Windsor. Windsor slams Reif and chairshots Magnum. Magnum comes back with some punches, but Windsor powers him into the corner. Windsor chairs Magnum in the gut a few times, followed by a chair to the back. Windsor pulls down the strap. Windsor hits a vertical suplex on Reif, but Magnum breaks up the pin. Windsor whips Magnum into a corner and back body drops him on a chair. Windsor chokes Magnum. Windsor tries going up but Magnum crotches him and chops away. Magnum tries for the corner punches, but Windsor shoves him down. Windsor's fist drop hits a chair. Reif covers Windsor for 2. Windsor chairshots Magnum and drops Reif on the chair. Windsor chokes Reif. Magnum comes back and Samoan Drops Windsor on a chair. Magnum covers but Reif had sneaked in and gone for the pin first. Result: Your NEW Funking Conservatory World Heavyweight Champion is CLAUDIA "THE CLAW" REIF! Windsor gets mad and protests but to no avail. The crowd isn't sure what to think at first, but eventually they give Reif a positive reaction. Magnum raises Reif's hand as she celebrates with the belt. ****

Congratulations to Claudia "The Claw" Reif.