A Hex On La Rebelion

Setting: GPB Studios, Atlanta, GA

Commentators Joe Galli and Velvet Sky explain that, after The Briscoes (Jay and Mark) won the 2022 NWA Crockett Cup Tournament, the NWA Women's World Tag Team Champions The Hex (Allysin Kay and Marti Belle) showed up and issued a challenge to whoever were the winners of the inevitable match between the NWA World Tag Team Champions La Rebelion (Bestia666 and Mecha Wolf 450) and The Briscoes. La Rebelion won that match, resulting in this one, the historic first-ever meeting between the NWA World Tag Team Champions and the NWA Women's World Tag Team Champions.

Non-Title Match: NWA World Tag Team Champions La Rebelion (Bestia666 and Mecha Wolf 450) vs. NWA Women's World Tag Team Champions The Hex (Allysin Kay and Marti Belle)

RING ANNOUNCER KYLE DAVIS: "The following is a special intergender tag team match."

(La Rebelion's music plays)

RING ANNOUNCER KYLE DAVIS: "Introducing first, they are the NWA World Tag Team Champions, first, from Tijuana, Baja California, Mexico, BESTIA666! And from Wolves Den, MECHA WOLF 450! They are LA REBELION!"

(The Hex's music plays)

RING ANNOUNCER KYLE DAVIS: "And their opponents, they are the NWA Women's World Tag Team Champions, first, from Detroit, MI, 'THE AK-47' ALLYSIN KAY! And from New York City, 'DOMINICAN DYNAMITE' MARTI BELLE! They are THE HEX!"

RING ANNOUNCER KYLE DAVIS: "Because La Rebelion are ineligible to hold the NWA Women's World Tag Team Championships, no titles are on the line in this match. It is simply to see which team is better. This match uses lucha rules, meaning that, along with physically tagging in your partner, exiting the ring counts as a tag."

Handshakes all around, and Marti and Mecha Wolf are going to start here. Mecha goes straight into the lucha offense, flying around and firing off armdrags. Marti takes it down to the mat, and they go back and forth. Allysin and Bestia666 get tagged in, and Allysin uses her strength and kicks to take control. Allysin hits a big running kick to the face for 2. Bestia666 rolls to the floor, making Mecha Wolf legal again. Great wrestling ensues, as both teams get 2-counts on each other. After several minutes of back-and-forth action, Bestia666 signals for the Total Rebelion (Muscle Buster/450 Splash.) Bestia666 hits the Muscle Buster on Marti, but Allysin knocks Mecha off the top. Allysin rolls Marti to the floor and hits the Saito Suplex on Bestia666 for the win at 15:30!

RING ANNOUNCER KYLE DAVIS: "Here are your winners, the NWA Women's World Tag Team Champions THE HEX!"

Crowd cheers.

La Rebelion recover and return to the ring. They don't seem happy but do shake Allysin and Marti's hands. Joe and Velvet wrap things up as the show ends.