The JWL [Episode 29]

Live from the Mid-Hudson Civic Center, Poughkeepsie, NY

You know the drill.

Opening Match: The Yeti and The Giant (w/"The Taskmaster" Kevin Sullivan) vs. Rodney Leinhardt and Pete Gasparino

LG: "The following tag team contest is scheduled for one fall. In the ring at this time, first, from Greenwich, CT, at a total combined weight of 506 lbs., RODNEY LEINHARDT AND PETE GASPARINO!"

(The Dungeon of Doom theme plays)

LG: "And their opponents, being led to the ring by 'The Taskmaster' Kevin Sullivan and representing the Dungeon of Doom, first, from the wilds of the Himalayas, weighing in at 440 lbs., THE YETI! And his partner, from Parts Unknown, weighing in at 450 lbs., THE GIANT!"

Crowd pops.

The DOD team wins an easy squash, with Yeti pinning Rodney after the Yetibomb and Giant chokeslamming Pete for stereo pins at 1:35.

LG: "Here are your winners, the team of the YETI AND THE GIANT!"

Crowd cheers.


Sid and Kane attack after the match and the four monsters fight to the back.

We go to Dusty's ranch where he stands with the first three members of his Dream Team, the Nasty Boys and Crush.

DUSTY: "J DUBBA L! Ah am here to introduce tha newest member of mah Dream Team. He's an old friend of mine. Here he is (dramatic pause) THE ONE MAN GANG!"

Gang swings his big chain around and looks menacing.

Back to the ring.

(Video package covering the feud between Selina Majors and Harley's Angels)

"The Real Deal" Selina Majors vs. EZ Rider (w/Thug and Charlie Davidson)

LG: "The following women's contest is scheduled for one fall."

("Born to Be Wild" plays)

LG: "Introducing first, being accompanied to the ring by Harley's Angels members Thug and Charlie Davidson, from Philadelphia, PA, EZ RIDER!"

Crowd boos.

("We Will Rock You" plays)

LG: "And her opponent, representing the Revolution, from Dublin, GA, 'THE REAL DEAL' SELINA MAJORS!"

Crowd cheers.

Before she enters the ring, Selina stops and signals to someone backstage.


Caged Heat come out to watch their Revolution stablemate Selina's back and to prevent interference by Harley's Angels. JR makes sure to plug the six-woman tag match at JWL WrestleMania I.

Selina and EZ have an exciting, hard-hitting, well-worked match. EZ's youth and speed turns the tide and it never turns back. EZ hits a brainbuster for the pin at 6:30.

LG: "Here is your winner, EZ RIDER!"

Caged Heat and Harley's Angels brawl after the match, until refs and officials break it up and send the women to the back.

(Jacqueline video package)

Jacqueline vs. Farah the Persian Princess

LG: "The following women's contest is scheduled for one fall. In the ring at this time, from Tehran, Iran, FARAH THE PERSIAN PRINCESS!"

("Black Cat" by Janet Jackson plays)

LG: "And her opponent, representing American Badass Inc., from Dallas, TX, JACQUELINE!"

Crowd cheers.

Jacqueline wins with the Tornado DDT at 1:05.

LG: "Here is your winner, JACQUELINE!"

Chyna attacks after the match and they fight to the back.


We go back to Bret Hart's shocking return as the newest member of High Standards from Episode 28.

Bret "The Hitman" Hart (w/Mr. Bob Backlund) vs. Ken Stasiowski

LG: "The following contest is scheduled for one fall. In the ring at this time, from Anchorage, AK, weighing in at 240 lbs., KEN STASIOWSKI!"

("Hitman" plays)

Mixed reaction, but mostly boos.

LG: "And his opponent, being led to the ring by Mr. Bob Backlund and representing High Standards, from Calgary, Alberta, Canada, weighing in at 235 lbs., BRET 'THE HITMAN' HART!"

Bret has a big smile on his face and looks excited about being back in the ring. Bret tears into Stasiowski and finishes with the Sharpshooter for the tapout at 3:00.

LG: "Here is your winner, BRET 'THE HITMAN' HART!"

(Hardyz video package)

The Hardy Boyz (w/Lita) vs. Rene Dupree and Sylvian Grenier

LG: "The following tag team contest is scheduled for one fall. In the ring at this time, first from Moncton, New Brunswick, Canada, weighing in at 250 lbs., RENE DUPREE! And his partner, from Montreal, Quebec, Canada, weighing in at 235 lbs., SYLVIAN GRENIER!"

("Live for the Moment" plays)

LG: "And their opponents, being led to the ring by Lita and representing Team Xtreme, from Cameron, NC, at a total combined weight of 437 lbs., MATT AND JEFF, THE HARDY BOYZ!"

JR informs us that the Hardyz specifically requested this match as a "tune-up" match since they felt disappointed that they lost their first round match in the JWL World Tag Team Title Tournament to the New Age Outlaws.

The Hardyz win an easy squash, with Matt hitting Grenier with the Twist of Fate followed by Jeff scoring the pin after the Swanton Bomb at 2:20.

LG: "Here are your winners, THE HARDY BOYZ!"

Repeat of the Sable promo from Episode 28.

Repeat of the Dusty promo.


We look at the brackets for the first round of the JWL World Tag Team Title Tournament.

("*" means winning team)

The Hardy Boyz
The New Age Outlaws*

Tommy Dreamer and the Sandman*
The Dudley Boys

Ron Simmons and D-Lo Brown
Diamond Dallas Page and Christian

The Faces of Fear*
The Outsiders

Big Van Vader and Bam Bam Bigelow*

Mikey Whipwreck and Yoshihiro Tajiri
Kurt Angle and Christopher Nowinski*

Ric Flair and Arn Anderson
Raven and Stevie Richards*

Gangrel and Perry Saturn*
Jeff Jarrett and Scott Steiner

JWL World Tag Team Title Tournament, Round One

Ron Simmons and D-Lo Brown vs. Diamond Dallas Page and Christian (w/Jerry "The King" Lawler)

LG: "The following tag team contest is the last match in the first round of the JWL World Tag Team Title Tournament. It is our main event and is scheduled for one fall."

("Self-High Five" plays)

LG: "Introducing first, being led to the ring by Jerry 'The King' Lawler and representing the Royals, first, from Atlanta, GA, weighing in at 253 lbs., DIAMOND DALLAS PAGE! And his partner, from Toronto, Ontario, Canada, weighing in at 215 lbs., CHRISTIAN!"

Crowd boos.

("The Real Deal" plays)

Crowd pops.

LG: "And their opponents, representing American Badass Inc., first from Warner-Robins, GA, weighing in at 260 lbs., RON SIMMONS! And his partner, from New Jersey, weighing in at 285 lbs., D-LO BROWN!"

We get a long, well-worked action-packed match, as the faces control with power stuff and the heels cheat like nuts to come back, with Lawler helping out here and there. To everyone's surprise, the heels get the win when Christian hits the Unprettier on D-Lo for the pin at 12:00 to advance.

LG: "Here are your winners, advancing in the JWL World Tag Team Title Tournament, the team of DIAMOND DALLAS PAGE AND CHRISTIAN!"

The brackets for Round 2

The New Age Outlaws vs. Dreamer/Sandman

The Faces of Fear vs. DDP/Christian

Vader/Bigelow vs. Angle/Nowinski

Raven/Richards vs. Saturn/Gangrel

End of show.