The JWL [Episode 41]


The JWL extends its condolences to the family and friends of Eddie Guerrero. R.I.P.

Live from the Mellon Arena in Pittsburgh, PA, on the USA Network.

You know the drill.

We do a ten-bell count for Eddie Guerrero.

(Video package covering the feud between the Hardcore Alliance and the Royals.)

Opening match: 2 Cold Scorpio vs. William Regal (w/Jerry "The King" Lawler)

LG: "The following contest is scheduled for one fall."

("Rule Britannia" plays)

LG: "Introducing first, being led to the ring by Jerry 'The King' Lawler and representing the Royals, from Blackpool, England, weighing in at 247 lbs., WILLIAM REGAL!"

Crowd boos.

("Jungle Boogie" plays)

LG: "And his opponent, representing the Hardcore Alliance, from Denver, CO, weighing in at 229 lbs., 2 COLD SCORPIO!"

Crowd cheers.

We go back to the Royal Rumble to see Regal using brass knucks to eliminate Scorpio, along with Lance Storm and Kurt Angle.

Scorpio attacks with speed and aerial moves to take Regal off his game. Regal fights back with forearms and suplexes to take Scorpio down. Regal controls with mat stuff. Scorpio comes back with some solid wrestling of his own. Lawler talks to referee Brian Hebner, enabling Regal to cheat like mad. The Sandman runs out to counter the interference and canes Lawler down. Meanwhile, Regal has pulled out the brass knucks and decks Scorpio for the pin at 7:00. Crowd boos.

LG: "Here is your winner, WILLIAM REGAL!"

The Royals and the Hardcore Alliance members fight to the back.

(Stevie Richards video package)

Stevie Richards vs. Aldo Montoya

LG: "The following contest is scheduled for one fall. In the ring at this time, from Lisbon, Portugal, weighing in at 230 lbs., ALDO MONTOYA!"

("Come Out and Play" hits)

LG: And his opponent, representing Raven's Nest, from Philadelphia, PA, weighing in at 227 lbs., STEVIE RICHARDS!"

Stevie smiles as he heads to the ring and does the Fargo Strut when he gets there.

Stevie wins an easy squash with the Steviekick at 2:30.

LG: Here is your winner, STEVIE RICHARDS!"

Out of nowhere, ARN ANDERSON ATTACKS! AA runs out and beats up Stevie with a baseball bat to a big pop.

Joey Styles rushes out to interview the Enforcer.

JOEY: "It's good to have you back, Double A."

ARN: "It's good to be back, Joey Styles. Over my career, I have been a part of some great historic moments. I have also been a part of some moments I’d like to forget. However, I can honestly say that I have never been a part of something so outright weird as what happened in my first match with Stevie Richards. Hey, can we get the clip up on the screen?"

From The JWL [Episode 36]:

AA attacks first and takes Stevie down to the mat. Arn hits a vertical suplex and goes to work on Stevie’s arm. Hammerlock slam gets 2. Stevie bails to the floor but Arn follows him. Stevie tries to climb over the guardrail to retreat but Raven decks him and shoves him to the floor, then smacks him around, as AA looks at this scene in confusion. Raven tells Stevie, "You made me do that! I didn't want to, but you made me!" Raven sends Stevie facefirst to the ringpost and sits down again. Arn, figuring that the situation is resolved, grabs Stevie and rolls him back into the ring. Stevie fights back, who knows how, with some elbows and clotheslines. Stevie hits a dropkick for 2. Then a powerslam for 2. Stevie hits a DDT, but AA is too close to the ropes. Stevie tries for a suplex, but AA blocks it and hits one of his own. Stevie keeps coming back though, frustrating AA. Stevie misses a blind charge and AA hits the Spinebuster for the pin at 7:30.

ARN: "There it was, Joey Styles. Quite possibly the single strangest thing I have encountered in my career. I don't understand exactly what goes on between Stevie Richards and Raven, and I'm not sure I want to understand. All I know is I want another match with Stevie Richards. That's all I got to say Joey."

(AA leaves.)

(Video package covering the feud between Luna Vachon/Gangrel and Sable and her entourage.)

Gangrel (w/Luna Vachon) vs. Marc the Bodyguard (w/Sable and Torrie Wilson)

LG: "The following contest is scheduled for one fall."

("Wild Cat" plays)

Crowd boos.

LG: "Introducing first, being accompanied to the ring by Sable and Torrie Wilson, from Orlando, FL, weighing in at 240 lbs., MARC THE BODYGUARD!"

("Blood" plays)

Crowd cheers.

LG: "And his opponent, being accompanied to the ring by Luna Vachon and representing the Misfits, from the Other Side of Darkness, weighing in at 240 lbs., GANGREL!"

Gangrel attacks quickly and uses his strength to overpower MTB. The match goes back and forth until Marc misses a blind charge and Gangrel hits the Impaler for the pin at 6:30.

LG: "Here is your winner, GANGREL!"


In Five Weeks

The JWL Returns to PPV

From the United Center in Chicago, IL

It's JWL Slamboree I

(Video package covering the feud between the Shooters and the Clique.)

"The Sicilian Shooter" Little Guido Maritato vs. X-Pac

LG: "The following contest is scheduled for one fall."

(X-Pac's music hits)

LG: "Introducing first, representing the Clique, from Minneapolis, MN, weighing in at 213 lbs., X-PAC!"

Crowd boos and chants "X-Pac sucks! X-Pac sucks!"

X-Pac enters the ring, insults the crowd and jumps up and down doing crotch chops.

("Stayin' Alive Remix" plays)

LG: "And his opponent, representing the Shooters, from Nanuet, NY, weighing in at 201 lbs., 'THE SICILIAN SHOOTER' LITTLE GUIDO MARITATO!"

Crowd cheers.

Guido and X-Pac have a well-worked, fast-paced match. X-Pac cheats nonstop to keep control and finishes with the X-Factor at 6:00 for the pin. Crowd boos.

LG: "Here is your winner, X-PAC!"

X-Pac gets no chance to celebrate, since THE STRANGER runs down and beats him up after the match.

(Video package covering the feud between the Four Horsemen and Stratusfaction Inc.)

"The Iceman" Dean Malenko (w/"The Horny Little She-Devil" Terri Runnels) vs. Val Venis (w/Trish Stratus)

LG: "The following contest is scheduled for one fall."

("Hello Ladies" plays)

LG: "Introducing first, being led to the ring by Trish Stratus and representing Stratusfaction Inc., from Las Vegas, NV, weighing in at 227 lbs., VAL VENIS!"

Crowd boos.

Val enters the ring, says some of his usual stuff, and gives the mic back to Lillian.

("The Four Horsemen" by Metallica plays)

Crowd cheers.

LG: "And his opponent, being led to the ring by 'The Horny Little She-Devil' Terri Runnels and representing the Four Horsemen, from Tampa, FL, weighing in at 212 lbs., 'THE ICEMAN' DEAN MALENKO!"

Malenko goes right to work on Val, working him over on the mat. Val fights back and hits a few suplexes for two. Malenko fights back from that and controls the match. Val tries another comeback, but Malenko stops it and finishes with the Texas Cloverleaf for the tapout at 7:00.

LG: "Here is your winner, 'THE ICEMAN' DEAN MALENKO!"

Malenko and Terri celebrate the victory, while Trish drags Val back to the locker room and, quite possibly, the drawing board.

(Harley's Angels video package)

Thug (w/Charlie Davidson and EZ Rider) vs. Miss X

LG: "The following women's contest is scheduled for one fall. In the ring at this time, from Parts Unknown, MISS X!"

("Born to Be Wild" plays)

LG: "And her opponent, being accompanied to the ring by Harley's Angels members Charlie Davidson and EZ Rider, she is the leader of Harley's Angels, from Reynolds, GA, THUG!"

Crowd boos.

Thug wins an easy squash with the Chokeslam and the Last Call (Vader Bomb/Inverted splash) at 2:30.

LG: "Here is your winner, THUG!"


(Video package covering the feud between the Misfits and High Standards.)

Perry Saturn vs. Bret "The Hitman" Hart (w/Mr. Bob Backlund)

LG: "The following contest is scheduled for one fall."

("Hitman" plays)

Crowd boos.

LG: "Introducing first, being led to the ring by Mr. Bob Backlund and representing High Standards, from Calgary, Alberta, Canada, weighing in at 234 lbs., BRET 'THE HITMAN' HART!"

("The Beautiful People" plays)

Crowd cheers.

LG: "And his opponent, representing the Misfits, from Boston, MA, weighing in at 234 lbs., PERRY SATURN!"

Bret and Saturn have an excellent match filled with great moves from both guys. Bret takes control and finishes with the usual leading up to the Sharpshooter for the tapout at 8:00.

LG: "Here is your winner, BRET 'THE HITMAN' HART!"

Bret takes the mic.

BRET: "The time has come for the Excellence of Execution to do what he came to the JWL to do in the first place. That is to take on and defeat Chris Benoit for the JWL World Heavyweight Championship. We've got a Pay Per View coming up, and this would be the opportunity for me to collect another World Heavyweight Championship. Benoit, I am issuing the challenge for Slamboree."

("Rabid" plays)

BENOIT: "Bret Hart, I accept your challenge. In fact, I've been waiting for it ever since you entered the JWL. I'll see you at Slamboree in five weeks. I will retain the title and you will not PROVE ME WRONG!"

Crowd cheers.

JR: "Mah gawd, what a main event for Slamboree! BRET VS. BENOIT FOR THE TITLE!"


JWL Women's Championship: Molly Holly © vs. Jacklyn Hyde (w/Daffney Unger)

LG: "The following contest is for the JWL Women's Championship and is scheduled for one fall."

("Welcome Home [Sanitarium]" by Metallica plays)

LG: "Introducing first, the challenger. Being accompanied to the ring by Daffney Unger and representing the Misfits, from the Sanitarium, JACKLYN HYDE!"

Crowd pops.

("Revolution" plays)

LG: "And her opponent, representing the Revolution, from Mobile, AL, she is the JWL Women's Champion, MOLLY HOLLY!"

Molly and Jacklyn have an entertaining well-wrestled match, with Jacklyn generally keeping herself focused. Molly takes over and finishes with the Molly-Go-Round at 7:00 to retain.

LG: "Here is your winner, and still JWL Women's Champion, MOLLY HOLLY!"

(Video package covering the buildup for the feud between the Dangerous Alliance and Dusty's Dream Team.)

Main Event: The World's Greatest Tag Team (Charlie Haas and Shelton Benjamin)(w/Paul E. Dangerously and 911) vs. The Nasty Boys (w/"The American Dream" Dusty Rhodes)

LG: "The following tag team contest is the main event and is scheduled for one fall."

("Nasty Boys Stomp" plays)

LG: "Introducing first, being led to the ring by 'The American Dream' Dusty Rhodes and representing Dusty's Dream Team, from Allentown, PA, weighing in at a total combined weight of 615 lbs., JERRY SAGS AND BRYAN KNOBBS, THE NASTY BOYS!"

Crowd boos.

("Bodies" by Drowning Pool plays)

LG: "And their opponents, being led to the ring by Paul E. Dangerously and 911 and representing the Dangerous Alliance, weighing in at a total combined weight of 480 lbs., from Edmond, OK, CHARLIE HAAS and from Orangeburg, SC, SHELTON BENJAMIN, THE WORLD'S GREATEST TAG TEAM!"

Crowd cheers.

Sags and Haas start, and Haas immediately unleashes his technical skills to counter Sags' brawling and sloppy offense. The WGTT control with quick tags and excellent wrestling, throwing the Nasties off their game. Sags fights back with a clothesline and tags in Knobbs. Knobbs overpowers Benjamin with power stuff, putting Benjamin into the face-in-peril role. The crowd is deeply into this, chanting "Greatest, greatest, greatest" to encourage Shelton. Finally, Shelton fights back and hits the T-Bone Suplex. Shelton then punishes Knobbs' legs. After a few minutes of that, Shelton tags in Haas, who comes in and locks the Haas of Pain on Knobbs for the tapout at 10:00! Crowd cheers.


The DA celebrate their win, until the Nasties' stablemates, Crush and the One Man Gang, attack them. This brings out Brock Lesnar to make the save. To everyone's shock, the Royals, the Rock, RVD, William Regal, Christian, DDP and manager Jerry "The King" Lawler run out and join the fight on Dusty's side! It's now the DA versus the Dream Team and the Royals. To everyone's shock again, the Hardcore Alliance, represented by Tommy Dreamer, the Sandman, Balls Mahoney, New Jack, Mike Awesome, Masato Tanaka and manager "The Hardcore Legend" Terry Funk come out to help the DA. To everyone's shock yet again, High Standards, Kurt Angle. Christopher Nowinski, Bret Hart and manager Mr. Bob Backlund come out to fight on the side of the Dream Team and the Royals! This brings out Misfits members Gangrel, Perry Saturn, Crowbar and Luna Vachon to help the DA/HA side. It's a huge brawl all over the ring area. Finally, the faces are able to clean house and send the heels back to the locker room.

Funk, Paul E. and Luna confer for a bit before Funk takes the mic.

TERRY FUNK: "Jerry Lawler, you damn no good egg sucking dog moron! Dusty, you fat pile of crap! Bob Backlund, you elitist snob! You have all made a huge mistake, interfering in our business. Now, the three of us have talked things over and we have our revenge planned. At Slamboree, you three jackasses are going to have to face what we're calling (dramatic pause), A HALF TON OF HOLY HELL inside of a steel cage!"

PAUL E: "That's right. Two thirds of this team will be two monsters from the early days of ECW."

LUNA: "I will personally deliver for the third member a monster from the depths of Hell itself!"

JR: "Mah gawd! A half ton of holy hell! That scares me, Mike."

End of show.