The JWL [Episode 43]

Live from the U.S. Bank Arena in Cincinnati, OH

You know the drill.

(We go back to the first round of the JWL World Tag Team Title Tournament to see High Standards (Kurt Angle and Christopher Nowinski) eliminating Mikey Whipwreck and Yoshihiro Tajiri on Episode 25.)

Opening tag team match: Mikey Whipwreck and "The Japanese Buzzsaw" Yoshihiro Tajiri (w/"The Hardcore Legend" Terry Funk) vs. Kurt Angle and Christopher Nowinski (w/Mr. Bob Backlund)

LG: "The following tag team contest is scheduled for one fall."

("Pomp and Circumstance" plays)

LG: "Introducing first, being led to the ring by Mr. Bob Backlund and representing High Standards, first, from Pittsburgh, PA, weighing in at 220 lbs., the only Olympic Gold Medalist in JWL history, KURT ANGLE! And his partner, from Watertown, MA, weighing in at 270 lbs., the only Harvard Graduate in JWL history, CHRISTOPHER NOWINSKI!"

Crowd boos.

("Pepper" by the Butthole Surfers plays)

LG: "And their opponents, being led to the ring by 'The Hardcore Legend' Terry Funk and representing the Hardcore Alliance, first, from Buffalo, NY, weighing in at 187 lbs., MIKEY WHIPWRECK! And his partner from Tokyo, Japan, weighing in at 180 lbs., 'THE JAPANESE BUZZSAW' YOSHIHIRO TAJIRI!"

Crowd cheers.

Mikey and Tajiri are ready and take the fight to High Standards, with a mixture of high flying and mat wrestling. Tajiri kicks the hell out of Angle and the faces hit the Double Brainbuster on Angle for the pin at 7:00.


Royals interview. RVD trashes ECW as being beneath him. JR hypes the Lawler/Dusty/Backlund-Half Ton of Holy Hell six-man cage match at Slamboree. DDP challenges Mikey Whipwreck to a career vs. career cage match at Slamboree. Mikey accepts.

(Recap of Dennis Knight attacking Terry Funk and joining Dusty's Dream Team on Episode 42.)

Hardcore match: "The Original Gangsta" New Jack vs. Dennis Knight (w/"The American Dream" Dusty Rhodes)

LG: "The following hardcore contest is scheduled for one fall."

("Theme from Halloween" plays)

LG: "Introducing first, being led to the ring by 'The American Dream' Dusty Rhodes and representing Dusty's Dream Team, from Tampa, FL, weighing in at 288 lbs., DENNIS KNIGHT!"

Crowd boos loudly and chant "Godwinns suck!" and "Dennis sucks!"

The heels enter the ring and Knight starts running down the crowd on the mic and generally acting like a jerk.

Mike Tenay points out that New Jack along with Hack Meyers and El Gran Apollo feuded with Knight's stable the Family, which included the Warlord and a Blackhearts team, in the defunct Florida promotion Maximum Pro Wrestling.

("Natural Born Killaz" plays)


Crowd cheers.

New Jack charges out with the plunder and Knight bleeds pretty fast. Knight gets in some offense with a baseball bat as Tenay mentions Knight holding the IPW (Florida) Hardcore Title. The match is a total violent brawl. New Jack fights back and finishes Knight with the 187 flying chairshot for the pin at 6:00. New Jack even hits Dusty with the guitar for good measure.

LG: "Here is your winner, 'THE ORIGINAL GANGSTA' NEW JACK!"

(Kamala video package)

Kamala the Ugandan Giant (w/"The Taskmaster" Kevin Sullivan) vs. Tom Marquez

LG: "The following contest is scheduled for one fall. In the ring at this time, from Philadelphia, PA, weighing in at 240 lbs., TOM MARQUEZ!"

(Kamala's music plays)

Crowd cheers.

LG: "And his opponent, being led to the ring by 'The Taskmaster' Kevin Sullivan and representing the Dungeon of Doom, from Uganda, weighing in at 425 lbs., KAMALA THE UGANDAN GIANT!"

Kamala wins with the big splash in 2:00.

LG: "Here is your winner, KAMALA!"

Taskmaster and Kamala go to the interview position with Joey Styles.

JOEY: "Taskmaster, Kamala, congratulations on your win. Taskmaster, our last show ended with your enemies the Franchise Foundation firing Jeff Jarrett. Do you have any thoughts on this?"

TASKMASTER: "Joey Styles, this was what I expected. My father foretold this. The fall of the Son of Memphis is just the beginning. Soon, the entire Franchise Foundation will collapse. The Dungeon of Doom will rule the JWL!"

(The NWO music plays, bringing out the Outsiders, Scott Hall and Kevin Nash.)

HALL: "Hey yo, Taskmaster! The Bad Guy and Big Sexy here want our shot at the Tag Team Titles tonight!"

TASKMASTER: "Why don't you ask the Champs themselves?"

The JWL World Tag Team Champions the Faces of Fear, Meng and the Barbarian, attack the Outsiders and they brawl all over the ring area until security and officials break up the fight. Meng grabs a mic and agrees to the title match tonight.


In Three Weeks

The JWL returns to PPV

The Main Event

Chris Benoit vs. Bret Hart for the JWL World Heavyweight Championship

(Video package covering past encounters between Arn Anderson and Stevie Richards.)

"The Enforcer" Arn Anderson vs. Stevie Richards

LG: "The following contest is scheduled for one fall."

("Come Out and Play" hits)

LG: "Introducing first, representing Raven's Nest, from Philadelphia, PA, weighing in at 227 lbs., STEVIE RICHARDS!"

Stevie struts to the ring with a goofy expression on his face.

("The Four Horsemen" by Metallica plays)

LG: "And his opponent, representing the Four Horsemen, from Minneapolis, MN, weighing in at 255 lbs., 'THE ENFORCER' ARN ANDERSON!"

Stevie grabs the mic.

STEVIE: "Look, AA, we do not have to do this. You beat me once already. I know you are probably mad about what the Dudleys did to you after our match, but please don't take it out on me. Look, let's just shake hands and forget about it."

Stevie extends his hand, Arn looks around, takes it and takes Stevie over with an armdrag into an armbar! This match is happening. AA cranks on Stevie, even more intensely than in their previous match. Hammerlock slam gets 2. Stevie tries to bail, but Raven orders him back into the ring. AA keeps kicking Stevie's ass, and Stevie keeps fighting back. AA misses a blind charge and Stevie hits the Steviekick for the surprise pin at 7:00!

LG: "Here is your winner, STEVIE RICHARDS!"


In Three Weeks

The JWL returns to PPV

The Main Event

Chris Benoit vs. Bret Hart for the JWL World Heavyweight Championship

The New Age Outlaws ("Road Dogg" Jesse Jammes and "Badass" Billy Gunn) vs. Glen Gilbertti and Alex Wright.

"The following tag team contest is scheduled for one fall. In the ring at this time, from Atlanta, GA, weighing in at 225 lbs., ALEX WRIGHT! And his partner, also from Atlanta, GA, weighing in at 240 lbs., GLEN GILBERTTI!"

("Oh You Didn't Know" plays)


The Outlaws enter the ring.

ROAD DOGG: "Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, children of all ages. The Clique proudly brings to you its (soon-to-be) JWL TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS OF THE WORRRRLLLLD! (Points to himself) The Road Dogg Jesse Jammes! (Points to Gunn) The Badass Billy Gunn! THE NEW AGE OUTLAWS!"

Gunn pins Wright after a Spike Piledriver at 2:30.

LG: "Here are your winners, THE NEW AGE OUTLAWS!"

The Stranger attacks after the match but a bandaged SHAWN MICHAELS returns and attacks the Stranger!

SHAWN: "Stranger! I don't know why you started this, but I am going to end it! You versus me at Slamboree!"

STRANGER: "I accept."

Crowd pops.


In Three Weeks

The JWL returns to PPV

The Main Event

Chris Benoit vs. Bret Hart for the JWL World Heavyweight Championship

JWL Women's Title: Molly Holly © vs. Ice Cold

LG: "The following women's contest is scheduled for one fall and is for the JWL Women's Championship."

("Cold as Ice" by Foreigner plays)

LG: "Introducing the challenger, representing the Misfits, from the Deep Freeze, ICE COLD!"

Good pop for Ice.

("Revolution" plays)

LG: "And her opponent, representing the Revolution, from Mobile, AL, she is the JWL Women's Champion, MOLLY HOLLY!"

Big pop for Molly.

Molly and Ice have an exciting well-worked match with good moves from both women. Molly takes control and finishes with the Molly-Go-Round at 7:30.

LG: "Here is your winner, and still JWL Women's Champion, MOLLY HOLLY!"

Main Event: JWL World Tag Team Title: The Faces of Fear (w/"The Taskmaster" Kevin Sullivan) vs. The Outsiders

LG: "The following tag team contest is our main event. It is for the JWL World Tag Team Championship and is scheduled for one fall."

(The NWO music plays)

Crowd boos.

LG: "Introducing first, representing the Clique, at a total combined weight of 616 lbs., from Minneapolis, MN, SCOTT HALL and from Detroit, MI, KEVIN NASH, THE OUTSIDERS!"

(The Faces of Fear's music plays)

LG: "And their opponents, being led to the ring by 'The Taskmaster' Kevin Sullivan and representing the Dungeon of Doom, from the Kingdom of Tonga, at a total combined weight of 575 lbs., they are the JWL World Tag Team Champions, MENG and THE BARBARIAN, THE FACES OF FEAR!"

Crowd cheers.

JR points out that the FOF defeated the Outsiders in the first round of the JWL World Tag Team Title Tournament on Episode 27.

Hall takes the survey and it sounds like the FOF won.

The champs dominate the match, but the Outsiders get some good offense in, mainly due to Hall doing all the work and Nash only contributing a Big Boot or two. The FOF take control and Meng pins Hall with the Tongan Death Grip for the pin at 10:00.

LG: "Here are your winners, and still JWL World Tag Team Champions, MENG and THE BARBARIAN, THE FACES OF FEAR!"

End of show.