The JWL [Episode 45]

Live from the Conseco Fieldhouse in Indianapolis, IN

We go to the office of Stratusfaction Inc. in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

Trish is at her desk addressing her charges, Test, Albert, Val Venis, Kanyon and Lance Storm. Trish looks frustrated and angry, while the wrestlers look worried.

TRISH: "I have had enough. You guys are complete failures. You can hardly win any matches at all. Stratusfaction Inc. was supposed to be the dominant force in the JWL. Instead, we are probably the biggest joke in the JWL. As of right now, I am closing down Stratusfaction Inc. You guys are fired. I am now going to commit myself to beating Molly Holly for the JWL Women's Title."

TEST: "But Trish, you had your shot."

TRISH: "Shut up Test. That was when I was a manager. I am going to be a full-time wrestler now. Get out of my office, all of you."

You know the drill.

Opening JWL Women's Title match: Molly Holly © vs. Poison

LG: "The following contest is for the JWL Women's Title and is scheduled for one fall."

("Poison" by Alice Cooper plays)

Crowd pops.

LG: "Introducing first, representing the Misfits, from the Toxic Unknown, POISON!"

("Revolution" by the Beatles plays)

Crowd pops huge.

LG: "And her opponent, representing the Revolution, from Mobile, AL, she is the JWL Women's Champion, MOLLY HOLLY!"

Molly and Poison have an excellent match. Molly controls most of it, but Poison gets some good offense in as well. Molly fights out of the Poison Paralyzer, suplexes Poison, and hits the Molly-Go-Round to retain at 7:00.

LG: "Here is your winner and still JWL Women's Champion, MOLLY HOLLY!"

Molly gets no chance to celebrate, because Trish attacks from out of nowhere.

TRISH: "Molly, I know I lost my one title shot after SuperBrawl. However, when that match happened, I was working as a manager. As of right now, I am no longer a manager. I am a full-time wrestler and I want a title shot next week at the pay-per-view."

MOLLY: "You're on, Trish!"

Crowd pops.

Non-title match: The Faces of Fear (w/"The Mouth of the South" Jimmy Hart) vs. Rene Dupree and Erik Watts

LG: "The following non-title tag team contest is scheduled for one fall. In the ring at this time, from Montreal, Quebec, Canada, weighing in at 250 lbs., RENE DUPREE! And his partner, from Amarillo, TX, weighing in at 268 lbs., ERIK WATTS!"

The Faces of Fear run out and slaughter the jobbers with ease, not even bothering to wait for their introduction. Meng back body drops Dupree into a sit-out powerbomb by Barbarian for the pin at 2:30.

LG: "Here are your winners, and still the JWL World Tag Team Champions, THE FACES OF FEAR!"

The Nasty Boys run out and attack the Champs. Knobbs grabs a mic and demands a title shot at Slamboree. Meng accepts the challenge, and the FOF and the Nasties brawl to the back.


In One Week

The JWL returns to PPV

The Main Event

Chris Benoit vs. Bret Hart for the JWL World Heavyweight Championship

(Stranger video package)

The Stranger vs. X-Pac

LG: "The following contest is scheduled for one fall."

(X-Pac's music plays)

Crowd boos.

LG: "Introducing first, representing the Clique, from Minneapolis, MN, weighing in at 213 lbs., X-PAC!"

The lights go down.

("Welcome to My Nightmare" plays)

Crowd pops.

LG: "And his opponent, from Parts Unknown, weighing in at 226 lbs., THE STRANGER!"

Stranger and X-Pac have an exciting match filled with great moves by the Stranger and an impressive effort by X-Pac. Stranger controls and finishes with a press slam and a Tombstone piledriver for the pin at 8:00.

LG: "Here is your winner, THE STRANGER!"

Stranger again starts to cut X-Pac's hair, but Shawn Michaels makes the save as JR hypes their match at Slamboree.

"The Nature Boy" Ric Flair and "The Enforcer" Arn Anderson (w/"The Horny Little She-Devil" Terri Runnels) vs. Alex Wright and Marcus Bagwell

LG: "The following tag team contest is scheduled for one fall. In the ring at this time, from Atlanta, GA, weighing in at 225 lbs., ALEX WRIGHT! And his partner, from Marietta, GA, weighing in at 247 lbs., MARCUS BAGWELL!"

("Also Sprach Zarathustra" plays)

Crowd pops.

LG: "And their opponents, being led to the ring by 'The Horny Little She-Devil' Terri Runnels and representing the Four Horsemen, from Charlotte, NC, weighing in at 243 lbs., 'THE NATURE BOY' RIC FLAIR! And from Minneapolis, MN, weighing in at 255 lbs., 'THE ENFORCER' ARN ANDERSON!"

Arn pins Bagwell with a Spinebuster and Flair forces Wright to submit to the Figure-Four in 3:30.

LG: "Here are your winners, RIC FLAIR AND ARN ANDERSON!"

Raven and Stevie Richards attack after the match and the Horsemen brawl with the Nest to the back.


In One Week

The JWL returns to PPV

The Main Event

Chris Benoit vs. Bret Hart for the JWL World Heavyweight Championship

Mikey Whipwreck vs. Aldo Montoya

LG: "The following contest is scheduled for one fall. In the ring at this time, from Lisbon, Portugal, weighing in at 230 lbs., ALDO MONTOYA!"

("Pepper" by the Butthole Surfers plays)

LG: "And his opponent, representing the Hardcore Alliance, from Buffalo, NY, weighing in at 187 lbs., MIKEY WHIPWRECK!"

JR hypes the Mikey-DDP steel cage career vs. career match at Slamboree.

Mikey hits the Whippersnapper on Montoya for the pin at 1:30.

LG: "Here is your winner, MIKEY WHIPWRECK!"

DDP attacks and he and Mikey brawl to the back.

Main Event: "The Human Suplex Machine" Taz vs. William Regal (w/Jerry "The King" Lawler)

LG: "The following contest is our main event and is scheduled for one fall."

("Rule Britannia" plays)

LG: "Introducing first, being led to the ring by Jerry 'The King' Lawler and representing the Royals, from Blackpool, England, weighing in at 245 lbs., WILLIAM REGAL!"

Crowd boos.

("War Machine" plays)

Crowd pops.

LG: "And his opponent, from the Red Hook section of Brooklyn, NY, weighing in at 240 lbs., he is the 'Human Suplex Machine', ladies and gentlemen,!"

JR hypes the Taz-Regal Submission Match at Slamboree as well as the six-man steel cage match with Lawler, Dusty Rhodes and Mr. Bob Backlund against A Half-Ton of Holy Hell.

Taz and Regal go right to work with suplexes, clotheslines and other strong wrestling. Each man gets several two counts. Lawler distracts referee Tim White, allowing Regal to cheat like mad and get the pin after a powerbomb with his own feet on the ropes at 7:30.

LG: "Here is your winner, WILLIAM REGAL!"

Regal and Lawler beat down Taz after the match, but the Dangerous Alliance (Brock Lesnar, Charlie Haas, Shelton Benjamin and 911, with manager Paul E. Dangerously) charge out to make the save. Taz gets up and EMBRACES PAUL E.! Paul E. announces Taz as the newest member of the Dangerous Alliance!

End of show.