The JWL [Episode 52]

Live from the Sapp Fieldhouse on the campus of the University of Nebraska at Omaha.

You know the drill.

(Video package covering the feud between the Dangerous Alliance and Dusty's Dream Team.)

"The Human Suplex Machine" Taz (w/Paul E. Dangerously) vs. Crush (w/"The American Dream" Dusty Rhodes)

Taz goes right toward Crush's leg to counter the size difference. Crush fights back with clotheslines and a Big Boot. Taz hits the German Tazplex but Crush lands too close to the ropes. Taz works over Crush on the mat to a good reaction. Crush comes back again and overpowers Taz. Crush gets the shocking win at 6:30 with the Heart Punch and the Tilt-A-Whirl-Slam!

LG: "Here is your winner, CRUSH!"

The DA and the Dream Team fight after the match.

(Rhino video package covering his battles with members of American Badass Inc.)

Ron Simmons vs. Rhino

It's a total power-versus-power match with a lot of slams, boots and clotheslines. Nothing fancy, just straight up action. Rhino takes control and overwhelms Simmons, drawing boos. Rhino finishes with the Gore at 6:00.

LG: "Here is your winner, RHINO!"

Rhino raises his arms in celebration when the lights go down. Three *BONGS" are heard before the lights come back on again. Rhino looks a bit spooked before leaving.

(We look back at the debut of the Cruiserweight Division on Episode 49 and the TAKA Michinoku-Rey Misterio Jr. match on Episode 51.)

"Mr. 630" Jerrelle Clark vs. Shoichi Funaki

Funaki and Clark have a brilliant high-flying match with some high-risk offense that draws a great reaction from the crowd. Clark blocks the Diamond Dust and hits the 630 Splash for the pin at 7:00.

LG: "Here is your winner, 'MR. 630' JERRELLE CLARK!"

TAKA attacks after the match and Rey makes the save. Rey issues a challenge for a tag match at the Bash and Kaientai Deluxe accepts.

We go to the popular Hyde Lounge in Los Angeles, CA, where we see MNM (Joey Mercury, Johnny Nitro and manager Melina Perez) enjoying the Hollywood life. Melina explains that her men are three-time WWE Tag Team Champions and one-time OVW Southern Tag Team Champions and that they are coming to the JWL for the JWL World Tag Team Titles. Melina ends with, "Besides, my men know how much I love gold."




Coming in One Week

The JWL Returns to Pay Per View

From the Pepsi Center in Denver, CO

The Great American Bash

The JWL World Heavyweight Championship is on the line

"The Crippler" Chris Benoit vs. Raven

Other Matches to be Announced Soon

(Video package covering the feud between the Misfits and High Standards.)

Gangrel (w/Luna Vachon) vs. Bret "The Hitman" Hart (w/Mr. Bob Backlund)

(Note: This is the final singles combination I have in this feud. The six-man tag at the Bash will end it all.)

Bret controls with ease but Gangrel is no slouch here. He works with Bret very well here. Luna attacks Backlund on the floor. Gangrel tries coming back but Bret takes over and finishes with the Sharpshooter at 9:00.

LG: "Here is your winner, BRET 'THE HITMAN' HART!"

We see clips from past WWE Hell in the Cell matches to build up to the Stranger-Shawn Michaels mask HITC match at the Bash.

We see Kamala and Kane battling in the back as security and officials try to separate them. JR and Tenay hype the big Kamala-Kane match at the Bash.

JWL World Tag Team Champion The Barbarian (w/JWL World Tag Team Champion Meng and "The Mouth of the South" Jimmy Hart) vs. Bubba Ray Dudley (w/D-Von Dudley and Tori)

JR hypes the JWL World Tag Team Title Tables Match at the Bash between the Champion Faces of Fear and the Dudley Boys.

This is just a rough, stiff brawl. JR says "slobberknocker" and "smashmouth," since that's exactly what this is. Barbarian makes a comeback and goes for the piledriver, but Bubba backdrops out and hits the Bubba Slam and the second-rope senton. Tori takes out Jimmy Hart and D-Von nails Meng with the megaphone. Tori distracts referee Tim White as the Dudleys sneak in and hit 3D on Barbarian. D-Von rolls out and Bubba Ray covers the Barbarian for the 1...2....3!! In 9:30, Bubba Ray Dudley just pinned one-half of the JWL World Tag Team Champions!

LG: "Here is your winner, BUBBA RAY DUDLEY!"

The Dudleys, along with fellow Raven's Nest members Stevie Richards and Rhino, beatdown the Champs to the shock of the crowd. "The Laughing Man" Hugh Morrus, the Giant and Kamala of the Dungeon of Doom make the save.


Coming in One Week

The JWL Returns to Pay Per View

From the Pepsi Center in Denver, CO

The Great American Bash

The JWL World Heavyweight Championship is on the line

"The Crippler" Chris Benoit vs. Raven

Other Matches to be Announced Soon

(Video package covering the feud between the Hardcore Alliance and the Royals)

Mike Awesome (w/"The Hardcore Legend" Terry Funk) vs. "Captain Charisma" Christian (w/Jerry "The King" Lawler)

Awesome tosses Christian around as JR hypes his big match at the Bash against "The Animal" Dave Batista, which will be Batista's JWL PPV debut and Awesome's first appearance since the 2003 JWL Royal Rumble. Christian makes a good comeback with a dropkick and a neckbreaker, but he can't finish off Awesome. Awesome makes the big comeback and wins with a HUGE Awesome Bomb at 9:00.

LG: "Here is your winner, MIKE AWESOME!"

Lawler objects and protests to referee Charles Robinson, but Terry Funk gets in his face and lays him out with some classic Funk jabs.

We see JWL World Heavyweight Champion "The Crippler" Chris Benoit and Raven fighting backstage before making their way to the ring area. Benoit and Raven are using anything they can get their hands on as they fight all over the place. JR hypes their World Title match at the Bash. Refs and security try to separate them but neither Benoit nor Raven look ready to stop. The brawl continues as JR and Tenay hype the PPV one last time and the show ends.