The JWL [Episode 54]



WOMAN 1964-2007

JOHN KRONUS 1969-2007

CRUSH 1964-2007

The JWL extends its condolences to the families and friends of all the above-mentioned deceased wrestlers. R.I.P.

Live from the MetraPark Arena, Billings, MT

We do ten-bell counts for Sherri, Beef, Woman, John Kronus, Crush and Daniel Benoit.

"The Insane Luchador" Super Crazy vs. TAKA Michinoku (w/Shoichi Funaki)

Crazy and TAKA go right into great high-flying offense, drawing great pops. Crazy dropkicks TAKA to the floor and follows with a baseball slide dropkick. Chops are exchanged and they go back into the ring. TAKA takes control, drawing good heel heat. Funaki distracts referee Tim White, allowing TAKA to cheat like mad. Crazy fights back and hits a plancha on Funaki, rendering him a non-issue. Crazy and TAKA fight over a brainbuster and Crazy gets it. Crazy then hits the triple-rope moonsault for the pin at 8:00. Big pop.

LG: Here is your winner, SUPER CRAZY!

Super Crazy takes his bows and leaves to the cheers of the crowd, while Kaientai regroup.

(Ominous voice-over)

The country is called Myanmar, formerly Burma

It is a repressive military regime in south Asia

Its leader, Than Shwe, is regularly listed high in Parade Magazine's list of the world's worst dictators

They use children as soldiers and lock up dissidents

And now....


Daivari International proudly presents THE BURMESE PYTHON!

Coming Soon to an Arena Near You.

Consider Yourselves Warned.



We go to Joey Styles who is with Trish Stratus.

JOEY: I'm here with the seven-time WWE Women's Champion and three-time WWE Internet Babe of the Year Trish Stratus. (Turns to Trish.) Trish, tonight you go up against Boom Boom the Volcano of the Revolution.

TRISH: Joey, are you kidding me? I'm Trish Stratus. You just said it, I'm a seven-time WWE Women's Champion and three-time WWE Internet Babe of the Year. Do you really think I have any reason to be concerned about a nobody from a failed company like Boom Boom the Volcano. I promise a Stratusfying win for me, as I always do.

Boom Boom the Volcano vs. Trish Stratus

Trish controls with some basic, solid stuff. Boom Boom keeps up pretty well though. Trish gets some 2-counts and is surprised at Boom Boom's tenacity. Finally, Trish hits the Stratusfaction bulldog, but Boom Boom gets a shoulder up at 2.99999! Trish complains to referee Chad Patton, but Boom Boom sneaks up and gets a schoolgirl rollup for 3 at the 8-minute mark!

LG: Here is your winner, BOOM BOOM THE VOLCANO!

Trish complains but Boom Boom dropkicks her to the floor. Boom Boom leaves, shaking hands with the fans. Trish gets up but someone is coming out of the crowd.

That woman is carrying a chair and has a crazed expression.

Oh no, it's...












Victoria has come out of the crowd and wiped out Trish with a chair! The crowd is cheering Victoria!

JR: I tell you fans, I do not approve of the way Trish Stratus has been conducting herself in the JWL, but she has bigger problems now. That Victoria is a dangerous, evil, evil woman.

Security helps Trish to the back.

(Boogeyman video package)

The Boogeyman vs. "The Legend-Killer" Randy Orton

JR points out that the Boogeyman made his surprise debut on Episode 47 and defeated Randy Orton. Boogeyman defeated Orton again on Episode 48.

Orton actually gets in some punches and a clothesline, but Boogeyman squashes him again, finishing with the Boogeybomb for the pin at 3:00.

LG: Here is your winner, THE BOOGEYMAN!


(Video package covering past encounters between the Dangerous Alliance and the Royals)

"The Human Suplex Machine" Taz (w/Paul E. Dangerously) vs. Christian (w/Jerry "The King" Lawler)

We go right into straight mat wrestling with Taz controlling. Christian keeps up and gets some good offense of his own, while Paul E. and King alternate between shouting encouragement to their wrestlers and shouting at each other. Christian gets a boot to the gut and goes for the Unprettier, but Taz wriggles free, hits a belly-to-back Tazplex and locks on the Tazmission for the tap-out at 9:00.

LG: Here is your winner, 'THE HUMAN SUPLEX MACHINE' TAZ!

Paul E. whacks Lawler with the phone for good measure.

(Video package covering the history between Caged Heat and Harley's Angels in WOW, WWF and the JWL.)

Caged Heat (Loca and Delta Lotta Pain) vs. Harley's Angels (Thug and EZ Rider, w/Charlie Davidson)

Loca and EZ start and we get good work from both women. Loca gets control so EZ cheats like crazy to come back. Charlie distracts referee Tim White, allowing Thug to come in without a tag and wallop on Loca. Delta runs over and clotheslines Charlie down, then runs back to her corner. With the referee's attention back on the match, EZ now officially tags Thug into the match. Thug tosses Loca around like a rag doll, with Loca bumping like mad. Thug misses a big splash and Loca makes the hot tag to Delta, who comes in to a big pop. Delta cleans house and Thug tags EZ back into the match. Bad move, as Delta tags Loca back in and they hit Capital Punishment (3D) on EZ for the pin at 9:30. Big pop for that.



JR announces the brackets for the first round of the tournament to fill the now vacant JWL World Heavyweight Championship.

Tommy Dreamer
William Regal

Kurt Angle
2 Cold Scorpio


Big Van Vader

D-Lo Brown
The Rock

Al Snow

The Sandman

Dave Batista

JWL World Heavyweight Championship Tournament, Round 1.

"The Innovator of Violence" Tommy Dreamer (w/Beulah McGillicutty) vs. William Regal

LG: The following is the first of our two main events and is the first first-round match in the JWL World Heavyweight Championship Tournament.

(Rule Britannia plays)

LG: Introducing first, representing the Royals, from Blackpool, England, he is a former four-time WCW World Television Champion, a former four-time WWE European Heavyweight Champion, a former WWE Intercontinental Heavyweight Champion, a former four-time WWE World Tag Team Champion and a former five-time WWE Hardcore Champion, WILLIAM REGAL!

Crowd boos.

(Man in the Box plays)

LG: And his opponent, being led to the ring by Beulah McGillicutty and representing the Hardcore Alliance, from Yonkers, NY, he is a former ECW World Heavyweight Champion, a former two-time ECW World Tag Team Champion and a former 13-time WWE Hardcore Champion, 'THE INNOVATOR OF VIOLENCE' TOMMY DREAMER!

Crowd cheers.

Regal controls with excellent chain wrestling for the first few minutes. Regal gets a two-count off a suplex. Dreamer starts fighting back with some good wrestling of his own. Tommy gets a 2-count off a powerslam and legdrop. They go back and forth for a few more minutes until Regal cheapshots Dreamer and goes for the brass knucks he hid under the turnbuckle, except that Beulah has found them and taken them. Regal turns around right into Dreamer's DDT for the pin at 9:30!

LG: Here is your winner, advancing to the second round of the JWL World Heavyweight Championship Tournament, 'THE INNOVATOR OF VIOLENCE' TOMMY DREAMER!

Crowd cheers. Dreamer and Beulah celebrate the win with the fans.

JWL World Heavyweight Championship Tournament, Round 1

2 Cold Scorpio vs. "The Wrestling Machine" Kurt Angle

LG: The following is our second main event and is the second first-round match in the JWL World Heavyweight Championship Tournament.

(I Don't Suck plays)

LG: Introducing first, from Pittsburgh, PA, he is a former WWE European Heavyweight Champion, a former WWE Intercontinental Heavyweight Champion, a former WWE Hardcore Champion, a former WWE RAW Heavyweight Champion, a former WWE Tag Team Champion, a former four-time WWE World Heavyweight Champion, a former WCW World Heavyweight Champion, a former WCW United States Heavyweight Champion, a two-time TNA World Heavyweight Champion, a former 2x TNA World Tag Team Champion, a former TNA X-Division Champion,and the only Olympic Gold Medalist in JWL history, 'THE WRESTLING MACHINE' KURT ANGLE!

Crowd boos.

(Jungle Boogie by Kool and the Gang plays)

LG: And his opponent, representing the Hardcore Alliance, from Denver, CO, he is a former WCW World Tag Team Champion, a former four-time ECW World Television Champion, a former ECW World Tag Team Champion, a former two-time Pro Wrestling NOAH Global Honored Crown Tag Team Champion and a former Pro Wrestling NOAH Global Hardcore Crown Openweight Champion, 2 COLD SCORPIO!

We look back at last week's show from Denver where Scorpio defeated Angle by DQ in the Kurt Angle Invitational and how Scorpio challenged Angle to a regular match for this week, which became a tournament match.

We get a lot of great moves from both guys. It's an interesting contrast, since Scorpio has been in pro wrestling longer, but few can match Angle's technical skills. They go through a long series of near-falls and the crowd is on their feet. Finally, Scorpio kicks out of the anklelock, powerbombs Angle and finishes with the 450 Splash for the pin at 15:00!

LG: Here is your winner, advancing to the second round of the JWL World Heavyweight Championship Tournament, 2 COLD SCORPIO!

End of show.