The JWL [Episode 59]

Pre-show dark match: Deuce pinned Ekmo.


RON SLINKER 1945-2008

The JWL extends its condolences to the families of Gary Hart and Ron Slinker. R.I.P.

Live from the Cow Palace in San Francisco, CA

We do ten-bell counts for Gary Hart and Ron Slinker.

You know the drill.

We go back to last week as we see the shocking debut of the Redneck Wrecking Crew, Trevor Murdoch and Lance Cade, as they attacked the JWL World Tag Team Champions the Faces of Fear and revealed their membership in Daivari International.

The Redneck Wrecking Crew (Trevor Murdoch and Lance Cade) (w/Khosrow Daivari) vs. The All-Stars ("Mr. Technical" Barry Horowitz and the Brooklyn Brawler)

("Tubthumping" by Chumbawumba plays)

The crowd cheers for the All-Stars but they have a real challenge ahead of them in the Redneck Wrecking Crew.

Horowitz and Cade start with solid wrestling. JR points out how the All-Stars have some two decades of experience on their side, while Cade and Murdoch have youth, size and power on theirs. Cade takes control, putting Barry into the face-in-peril role. The Rednecks control, with Barry taking some impressive punishment. The crowd is into this match, chanting for Barry. Barry breaks free and makes the hot tag to the Brawler. Brawler cleans house until Daivari trips him up from outside. This enables the RWC to take over and debut the Sweet-and-Sour for the pin at 7:00.


Crowd boos.

The Burmese Python runs in and Daivari International beat down the All-Stars until Balls Mahoney and Masato Tanaka make the save.

(Cruiserweight video package)

Psicosis vs. "The Sicilian Shooter" Little Guido Maritato

The match starts with exciting fast-paced action. The crowd cheers for both guys. Guido takes control with mat-based offense, drawing heel heat, as the crowd wants to see Psicosis fly. Guido gets a couple of two-counts. Psicosis comes back with some high-flying, drawing great pops. Psicosis powerbombs Guido and finishes with the Guillotine Legdrop for the pin at 7:00.

LG: Here is your winner, Psicosis!

Crowd cheers.


(Jazz video package)

JWL Women's Championship: "The Female Fighting Phenom" Jazz © vs. Jacklyn Hyde (w/Poison)

The normally fearless Jazz seems a little unsure what to make of the strange Jacklyn. This allows Jacklyn to actually get an advantage thanks to encouragement from Poison. Jazz gets focused and fights back. Jacklyn gets some two-counts but it's not enough. Jazz hits the Brainbuster followed by the STF for the tapout at 9:00.

LG: Here is your winner, and still JWL Women's Champion, 'THE FEMALE FIGHTING PHENOM' JAZZ!

Crowd boos.

(Video package covering the feud between the Dangerous Alliance and Dusty's Dream Team)

"The Human Suplex Machine" Taz (w/Paul E. Dangerously and 911) vs. Dustin Rhodes (w/"The American Dream" Dusty Rhodes)

Dustin and Taz have a well-worked match. Taz controls with his usual array of suplexes, clotheslines and boots. Dustin does some impressive bumping around for Taz. Taz gets a German Tazplex for 2. Dustin cheapshots Taz and takes over, drawing heel heat. Meanwhile, Paul E. and Dusty are trash-talking each other on the outside. Referee Brian Hebner sends the managers and 911 to the back. With that settled, we see Dustin hit the Flip Flop and Fly Elbow and Curtain Call on Taz for the pin at 8:00.

LG: Here is your winner, DUSTIN RHODES!

Crowd boos.

(Video package covering Elijah Burke's career in OVW and WWE.)

Elijah Burke vs. Crowbar (w/Daffney Unger)

Burke attacks to start, but the more experienced Crowbar is able to control the flow. Crowbar gets a dropkick for 2. Burke fights back with impressive intensity, drawing boos. They go back and forth for a few minutes. Finally, Crowbar misses a blind charge and Burke debuts the Elijah Express and gets the pin at 7:00.

LG: Here is your winner, ELIJAH BURKE!

Crowd boos.


(We recap the debuts of the Burmese Python and Daivari from the last show.)

The Burmese Python (w/Khosrow Daivari)vs. Little Spike Dudley

Python tosses Spike around with ease, with Spike bumping like a pinball as a result. Spike fights back, getting some good pops. Python clobbers Spike some more, finishing with Beyond Rangoon for the pin at 6:00.

LG: Here is your winner, THE BURMESE PYTHON!

Crowd boos.

Daivari International beats down Spike some more after the match, until Balls and Tanaka make the save again.

We look at the brackets for the second round of the JWL World Heavyweight Championship Tournament.

("*" means "winner")

Kane*-Tommy Dreamer

2 Cold Scorpio*-HHH

Christian-D-Lo Brown

The Sandman-Dave Batista

JWL World Heavyweight Championship Tournament, Second Round: Christian vs. D-Lo Brown

Strong, straightforward wrestling match to start, with good moves from both guys. Both get 2-counts on each other. D-Lo takes control and goes for the Sky High, but Christian blocks it. Christian fights back and finishes with the Unprettier for the pin at 10:00!

LG: Here is your winner, advancing to the semi-finals at Vengeance, CHRISTIAN!

Crowd boos.

JWL World Heavyweight Championship Tournament, Second Round: "The Hardcore Icon" The Sandman vs. "The Animal" Dave Batista

JR points out that Sandman was Batista's first opponent after he and Randy Orton were introduced as the Royal Assassins on Episode 46.

Brawl to start, with Sandman caning away on Batista, as referee Tim White is being very lenient here. Batista fights back with his power stuff, allowing Sandman to bump all over the place. They go back and forth for several minutes. Batista takes control and goes for the Spinebuster, but Sandman turns it into a DDT! Sandman then climbs up and hits the Rolling Rock Senton for the pin at 10:00!

LG: Here is your winner, advancing to the semi-finals at Vengeance, THE SANDMAN!

Crowd cheers.

We see the brackets for the semi-finals at Vengeance.


Christian-The Sandman

JR and Tenay thank us for watching.

End of show.