The JWL [Episode 61]

PENNY BANNER 1925-2008


Live from the Oracle Arena in Oakland, CA

You know the drill.

The show features highlight videos of the four participants in the semi-finals of the JWL World Heavyweight Championship Tournament to be held at JWL Vengeance I: the Sandman, 2 Cold Scorpio, Kane and Christian. There are also promos hyping the other matches.

We see the JWL World Tag Team Champions the Faces of Fear (Meng and the Barbarian) and the Redneck Wrecking Crew (Trevor Murdoch and Lance Cade) brawling in the back as their respective managers, Jimmy Hart and Khosrow Daivari, work with refs and officials to separate them. JR hypes their match for the belts at Vengeance.

Opening match: Melina Perez vs. Poison

The women have a solid match with good work from both sides. Each woman gets a couple of two-counts on the other. Melina gets control and finishes with the Extreme Makeover (Acid Drop) for the pin at 7:00.

LG: Here is your winner, MELINA PEREZ!

(Cruiserweight video package)

"The Insane Luchador" Super Crazy vs. Shoichi Funaki (w/TAKA Michinoku)

A terrific match results, with exciting high-flying action all over the ring. Crazy controls, drawing great pops. After several minutes of back-and-forth action, Crazy takes over again and finishes with the Triple Rope Moonsault for the pin at 9:00.


TAKA attacks after the match and Tajiri saves. Tajiri and Crazy challenge Kaientai Deluxe to a tag match at Vengeance, and they accept.

JR announces that the JWL Women's Title is vacant because of Jazz's pregnancy. He adds that JWL Commissioner Mick Foley has not yet decided how to fill the vacancy and that it will have to wait until after Vengeance.

Johnny Nitro (w/Melina Perez) vs. D-Lo Brown (w/Jacqueline)

The veteran D-Lo and the young upstart Nitro work very well together. The match is a strong, solid mix of mat wrestling and power offense. Jackie and Melina trash talk each other on the outside. D-Lo takes control and goes for the Sky High powerbomb, but Melina trips him up and Nitro takes control. Jackie spears Melina and yells at D-Lo to get back into the match. Nitro takes advantage of the distraction and hits the Moonlight Drive corkscrew neckbreaker for the pin at 9:00.

LG: Here is your winner, Johnny Nitro!

(We go back to the first Taz-Burke match from last week's show.)

"The Human Suplex Machine" Taz (w/Paul E. Dangerously and 911) vs. Elijah Burke

Taz controls to start with his usual suplexes, boots and clotheslines. JR points out the contrast between Taz's suplexes and submission work and Burke's past in boxing. They go back and forth until Burke misses a charge and Taz hits the T-Bone Tazplex and finishes with the Tazmission for the win at 8:00.

LG: Here is your winner, 'THE HUMAN SUPLEX MACHINE' TAZ!

Burke recovers and challenges Taz to a deciding third match at Vengeance, and he accepts.

JR and Tenay thank everyone for watching and encourage everyone to order Vengeance.