The JWL [Episode 76]

DON DUFFY 1932-2013


Dark match: Damien Sandow d. Cliff Compton with the Cubito Fastidia (Elbow of Disdain) and the Terminus. You're welcome.

Live from the Jacksonville Veterans Memorial Arena in Jacksonville, FL on the USA Network

Your hosts are Scott Hudson and Mike Tenay.

We do ten-bell counts for Don Duffy and Ella Waldek. R.I.P.

We see the brackets for the first round of the JWL World Heavyweight Title Tournament. Tonight, we will be seeing 2 Cold Scorpio vs. Johnny Nitro and Bobby Lashley vs. Raven.

(We go back to last week and the Nasty Boys defeating the Dalton Brothers after Dusty froze Festus in his tracks by ringing the bell.)

Opening match: Festus Dalton (w/Jesse Dalton) vs. Brian Knobbs (w/Jerry Sags)

The bell rings, and Festus goes crazy again, beating the hell out of Knobbs. Knobbs fights back, but he can not faze Festus. Festus throws Knobbs around, which, considering Knobbs' size, is an impressive sight. Knobbs brawls with Festus, but he just can not get Festus down. Sags goes to ring the bell, but Jesse cuts him off. Festus finishes with the fireman's carry flapjack for the pin at 6:00.

LG: Here is your winner, FESTUS DALTON!

The bell rings again, and Festus calms down. With the Nasties down, Jesse sees that it is safe for he and Festus to leave.

(Damien Sandow vignette. You're welcome.)

(We go back two weeks to the end of the DH Smith-Johnny Nitro match, with Aksana walking out and taking one look at Johnny and Melina Perez beating her up for it, followed by Nitro defeating Tyson Kidd last week, and Aksana attacking Melina and Natalya Neidhart after the match, followed by the Burmese Python, Trevor Murdoch and Vladimir Kozlov beating up Nitro and Kidd.)

Natalya Neidhart (w/DH Smith) vs. Aksana (w/Khosrow Daivari)

Scott and Mike let us know that, as much as Melina wants revenge on Aksana for attacking her last week, she is more concerned about Johnny's match against 2 Cold Scorpio tonight in the JWL World Heavyweight Title Tournament, so Natalya volunteered herself to take on Aksana in Melina's place.

Nattie controls to start, easily gaining the advantage on her less-experienced opponent. Aksana keeps up with some basic offense and some cheating here and there. Aksana hits some clotheslines and a powerslam for 2. Daivari tries to distract referee Chad Patton, but DH Smith attacks him and they brawl to the back. Aksana is nervous now, and seems unsure what to do next. Nattie takes over, finishing with the Sharpshooter for the tap out at 6:30.

LG: Here is your winner, NATALYA NEIDHART!

Crowd cheers. Vladimir Kozlov and Trevor Murdoch make their way out to collect Aksana as Nattie and DH celebrate the win with the fans.


(We go back to Masato Tanaka defeating Trevor Murdoch last week, Tanaka holding off the Burmese Python and Vladimir Kozlov with a chair after the match, and the Prime Time Players, Darren Young and Titus O'Neil, with "Program Director" Byron Saxton, making their surprise debut by attacking Tanaka.)

Balls Mahoney vs. Titus O'Neil (w/Byron Saxton)

Scott and Mike let us know that, with Masato Tanaka and 2 Cold Scorpio both entered in the JWL World Heavyweight Title Tournament, Balls Mahoney demanded a match against one of the Prime Time Players tonight.

Balls swings his chair around before the match, leading to Saxton insisting that referee Charles Robinson take it away from him, since this will NOT be a hardcore match.

Balls punches away to start, and Titus counters with sheer power, throwing the 300+ lbs. Mahoney around. Balls keeps up rather well, tapping into the amateur background Joey Styles talked about back in 1997. Titus comes back and just takes over, finishing with the Clash of the Titus (sitout Spinebuster) for the pin at 5:30!

LG: Here is your winner, TITUS O'NEIL!

Crowd boos.

BYRON SAXTON: Thank you for watching. Until next time, this is Byron Saxton, Program Director, signing off. Good night.

Saxton and O'Neil leave to the boos of the crowd, as Balls tries to figure out what happened.

(Damien Sandow vignette. This time, the words "COMING NEXT WEEK" appear at the end.)


We see the brackets for the JWL World Heavyweight Title Tournament.

Main Event #1: JWL World Heavyweight Title Tournament, Round One: 2 Cold Scorpio vs. Johnny Nitro (w/Melina Perez)

We get great technical and aerial wrestling, with the younger Nitro definitely able to keep up with the veteran Scorpio. They go back and forth as Melina screams encouragement. After several minutes of fairly even action, Scorpio powerbombs Nitro and goes for the 450 Splash, but Nitro rolls out of the way. Nitro takes over and finishes with Moonlight Drive and Starship Pain for the win at 8:30!

LG: Here is your winner, advancing in the JWL World Heavyweight Title Tournament, JOHNNY NITRO!

Mixed reaction, but mostly boos.

Main Event #2: "The Real Deal" Bobby Lashley (w/Paul E. Dangerously and 911) vs. Raven

Before the match can start, Raven takes the mic.

RAVEN: What is this? Is this some kind of a joke? This guy has only had one match and all of a sudden he is in a World Heavyweight Title Tournament. After everything I have accomplished, and after having already gone through a previous tournament, I am stuck in one again. Well, if this is what I have to do to FINALLY win a title here in the JWL, so be it. So it is written, so it shall come to pass. Quote the Raven: Nevermore.

LG announces that JWL Commissioner Mick Foley has banned Paul E. Dangerously and 911 from ringside and that anyone who interferes in this match will be suspended.

Raven and Lashley brawl, with Raven doing everything he can think of to counter Lashley's power. Lashley relies on strength and technique. Raven does have the technique, but he has to resort to weapons to counter Lashley's huge strength advantage. Raven goes for the drop-toehold into the chair, but Lashley blocks it and tosses the chair aside. Lashley finishes with the Dominator for the pin at 10:00.

LG: Here is your winner, advancing in the JWL World Heavyweight Title Tournament, BOBBY LASHLEY!

Crowd cheers.

Scott and Mike wrap up the show, thank everyone for watching, and suggest that we could be seeing a changing of the guard.