The JWL [Episode 77]

MICK MCMANUS 1920-2013

HECTOR GARZA 1969-2013

Live from the Amway Center in Orlando, FL on the USA Network.

Your hosts are Scott Hudson and Mike Tenay.

We do ten-bell counts for Mick McManus and Hector Garza. R.I.P.

We see the brackets for the JWL World Heavyweight Title Tournament. Tonight's matches will be Samoa Joe vs. the Rock, and Christian vs. Crowbar.

(We see a compilation of Damien Sandow vignettes.)

Damien Sandow vs. CJ Parker

Parker is already in the ring as Sandow is introduced. He walks to the ring with microphone in hand and stands on the apron.

SANDOW: Please allow me to beg your indulgence for one moment. My name is Damien Sandow and I am here to help you. It is my intention through these brief opportunities to elevate you from your current state of ignorance and mediocrity. I do all of this for the benefit of all of you, the unwashed masses. Now, as regards this obscure, undistinguished ruffian against whom I am scheduled to engage in combat. When I agreed to enter the JWL, I was promised quality competition. I am aware that I may have arrived at an inconvenient time, with the JWL World Heavyweight Title Tournament tying up most of the more significant combatants. Still, I have to imagine that this company could find a more substantial opponent for me than this. However, because I can in no way benefit you by simply walking away, I will take this opportunity to teach this insignificant cretin, and all of you who are just like him, a lesson. [Smiles] You're welcome.

The bell rings, and Sandow absolutely thrashes Parker with ease, even working in a "You're welcome" following the Russian Legsweep, and finishing with the Cubito Fastidia (Elbow of Disdain) and the Terminus neckbreaker for the pin at 3:30.

Sandow rolls out to the floor and whispers something to Lillian.


Sandow takes his bows as the crowd boos, and gives us one more "You're welcome" before leaving.

(We go back over the situation with Melina Perez of the A-List, Aksana of Daivari International and Natalya Neidhart starting with Episode 74.)

Melina Perez vs. Aksana

Scott and Mike let us know that Melina demanded this match now that Johnny Nitro has advanced to the second round of the JWL World Heavyweight Title Tournament and she can focus again on Aksana.

LG: Ladies and gentlemen, JWL Commissioner Mick Foley has banned both Johnny Nitro and everyone from Daivari International from ringside and that if anyone interferes in this match then that person will be suspended.

Aksana is nervous and appears to be looking for a way out. Melina attacks and controls the match with ease. Aksana comes back with some basic offense, but it is her match to lose. Although Melina is a heel, a lot of women are cheering for her here. Also, a slight "SLUT!" chant is directed toward Aksana from some of them, in re Aksana appearing to show interest in Johnny three weeks ago. Scott and Mike acknowledge the chant and let us know that neither they themselves nor the JWL in general endorse it. Aksana gets angry and fights back reasonably well. It is not enough, as Melina takes over and finishes with the Extreme Makeover (Acid Drop) for the pin at 6:30.

LG: Here is your winner, MELINA PEREZ!


Jimmy Wang Yang vs. TAKA Michinoku (w/Shoichi Funaki)

Just a brilliant mix of technical and aerial action from both guys to thrill the crowd. They go back and forth for several minutes. Finally, TAKA goes for the Michinoku Driver #2, but Jimmy escapes and comes up with a powerbomb and Yang Time for the pin at 7:30.

LG: Here is your winner, JIMMY WANG YANG!


We see the brackets for the JWL World Heavyweight Title Tournament, which is followed by clips of Johnny Nitro defeating 2 Cold Scorpio and Bobby Lashley defeating Raven last week.

Main event #1: JWL World Heavyweight Title Tournament, Round One: Samoa Joe (w/Paul E. Dangerously and 911) vs. the Rock (w/Jerry "The King" Lawler)

LG: Ladies and gentlemen, JWL Commissioner Mick Foley has banned Paul E. Dangerously, 911 and Jerry Lawler from ringside and that if they, any other members of the Dangerous Alliance or the Royals or anyone else interferes in this match then that person will be suspended.

The managers give their respective charges some last minute advice before leaving.

The crowd is excited for this one, and they are not disappointed. Joe and Rock just tear into each other, with Rock doing a good job of keeping up with Joe’s power stuff. They throw each other around, with neither guy backing down for a second. After several minutes, Rock delivers the Spinebuster and goes for the Rock Bottom, but Joe blocks it and turns it into an overhead belly to belly suplex. Joe follows with the JWL debut of the Facewash and finishes with the Muscle Buster and the Coquina Clutch for the tapout at 10:30!

LG: Here is your winner, advancing in the JWL World Heavyweight Title Tournament, SAMOA JOE!

Crowd cheers.

Main event #2, JWL World Heavyweight Title Tournament, Round One, Crowbar (w/Daffney Unger) vs. Christian (w/Jerry "The King" Lawler)

LG: Ladies and gentlemen, JWL Commissioner Mick Foley has banned Daffney Unger and Jerry Lawler from ringside and that if they, any other members of the Royals, or anyone else interferes in this match, that person will be suspended.

Excellent technical and aerial work from two veterans. They go back and forth for several minutes, with neither guy having a clear advantage. After a few more minutes, Crowbar goes for the Moonsault, but, Christian catches him and turns it into a powerslam. He follows with a spear and finishes with the Unprettier for the pin at 10:00.

LG: Here is your winner, advancing in the JWL World Heavyweight Title Tournament, CHRISTIAN!

Crowd boos.

We take one last look at the brackets as Scott and Mike recap the show and thank everyone for watching and the show ends.