The JWL [Episode 8]

Live from The Ice Palace, Tampa, FL

You know the drill.

We start by seeing Kanyon, without Trish Stratus, confronting Joey Styles in the back.

Kanyon: "Shane Douglas, who in the hell do you think you are? Where do you get off interfering in my match? I was wrestling Ric Flair, and you interfered and cost me a win. I don't want to hear about your complaints about Ric Flair, and neither does anyone else. I'm calling you out for a match tonight, one on one. This isn't about Stratusfaction Inc. or the Franchise Foundation. This is about you and me. If you've got the guts, leave that anorexic whore and your gang in the back and face me alone. I'll show everyone why you are not better than Kanyon!"

Kanyon leaves.

We go to the ring for our first match.

"The Enforcer" Arn Anderson (w/"The Horny Little She-Devil" Terri Runnels) vs. Val Venis (w/Trish Stratus)

LG: The following contest is scheduled for one fall.

("Hello Ladies" plays)

LG: Introducing first, being led to the ring by Trish Stratus and representing Stratusfaction Inc., from Las Vegas, NV, weighing in at 240 lbs., VAL VENIS!

Val enters the ring and takes the mic.

Val: Hellooooo, ladies! You know something ladies, it's been brought to my attention that the state of Florida is shaped like a gun and that guns are very popular in this state. Well, while I'm not much of a gun collector, you can rest assured, ladies, that The Big Valbowski is always COCKED and LOADED!

("The Four Horsemen" by Metallica plays. AA used this theme in ECW.)

LG: And his opponent, being accompanied to the ring by 'The Horny Little She-Devil' Terri Runnels and representing The Four Horsemen, from Minneapolis, MN, weighing in at 255 lbs., 'THE ENFORCER' ARN ANDERSON!

Crowd pops, and many people are holding up the four fingers.

In contrast to the preceding comedy, AA comes in with his usual no-nonsense look of determination.

AA takes control right away, tormenting Val's arm in classic Anderson style. AA takes Val down and the two proceed to have a solid technical wrestling match. Val comes back and does some of his usual offense, to a mixed reaction. AA takes control again, and Val bails. AA follows and introduces Val to the ringpost a few times. Val retaliates with a back elbow and rolls back into the ring. AA follows, and Val capitalizes with some stomps. Val hits a vertical suplex for two. Val hits a spinebuster, but you are not going to beat AA with one of his own moves. Arn gets up, whips Val off the ropes, and hits a REAL spinebuster for the 1, 2, 3.

LG: Here is your winner, 'THE ENFORCER' ARN ANDERSON!

AA and Terri celebrate the win and leave. Despite their rivalry, Trish does nothing to Terri and helps Val up as they walk to the back.


Joey Styles is in the back and approaches the Franchise Foundation's locker room. He carefully knocks on the door.

Shane Douglas: WHO THE HELL IS IT?

Joey (nervous): It's Joey Styles. I'm here to ask you about Kanyon issuing a challenge to fight you one on one tonight.


Joey (still nervous): He said that he wants to fight you because you cost him his match against Ric Flair on the last show.

Shane (opens the door): Listen. Tell Kanyon that I will fight him one on one tonight. I will prove that I am 'The Franchise' and that he is nothing to me.

Back to the ring.

The Perfect Team ("Mr. Perfect" Curt Hennig and Kurt Angle), (w/Mr. Bob Backlund) vs. Perry Saturn and Crowbar (w/Daffney Unger)

JR explains that the Misfits asked for this match because they question the Perfect Team's claim that they alone represent "High Standards."

LG: The following tag team contest is scheduled for one fall.

(Mr. Perfect's music plays)

LG: Introducing first, being led to the ring by Mr. Bob Backlund and representing High Standards, at a total combined weight of 482 lbs., from Minneapolis, MN, 'MR. PERFECT' CURT HENNIG, and from Pittsburgh, PA, KURT ANGLE, THE PERFECT TEAM!

Crowd boos.

("The Beautiful People" by Marilyn Manson plays)

LG: And their opponents, being led to the ring by Daffney Unger and representing the Misfits, first from Boston, MA, weighing in at 234 lbs., PERRY SATURN, and his tag team partner, from Rutherford, NJ, weighing in at 230 lbs., CROWBAR!

Crowd pops.

Daffney is wearing a red wig and dances and screams her way to the ring.

Hennig and Saturn start, and they put on a clinic of solid, sophisticated mat wrestling techniques. Hennig hits his rolling necksnap and a vertical suplex for two. Saturn responds with a few suplexes of his own. Hennig cheapshots Saturn and tags in Angle. Crowd IMMEDIATELY begins the "You suck!" chants. Angle controls for a bit with his usual stuff. Saturn plays Ricky Morton as the heels cheat like mad. Daffney is screaming for Saturn to get back in the action. Hennig misses a splash and Saturn rolls to his corner and makes the hot tag to Crowbar. Crowbar cleans house on the heels. While this is going on, Backlund starts freaking out and goes over to Daffney and begins lecturing her on something. Daffney responds by screaming in his face. Crowbar hits the Mindbender on Hennig, but Backlund breaks up the pin. Referee Mike Sparks gets bumped and Backlund gets in the ring to join in the heel beating. Daffney attacks Backlund and goes for the Frankenscreamer, but he shoves her off and she lands on the mat. Angle gets in her face, and she backs out of the ring. Angle nails Crowbar in the head with a chair, but Saturn makes the save. Hennig tosses Saturn and wakes up the ref in time to see Hennig hit the Hennigplex on Crowbar for the pin! Crowd boos big time.

LG: Here are your winners, THE PERFECT TEAM!

As the heels celebrate, the Misfits regroup and sadly walk to the back.


Kanyon vs."The Franchise" Shane Douglas

LG: The following contest is scheduled for one fall.

("Perfect Strangers" by Deep Purple plays)

LG: Introducing first, being led to the ring by 'The Head Cheerleader' Francine and representing The Franchise Foundation, from Pittsburgh, PA, weighing in at 255 lbs., 'THE FRANCHISE' SHANE DOUGLAS!

Crowd boos big time.


("Time to Rock N Roll" plays)

LG: And his opponent, representing Stratusfaction Inc., from Atlanta, GA, weighing in at 245 lbs., KANYON!

Crowd pops more because Kanyon is fighting Douglas than because they actually like Kanyon.

Before the match starts, Kanyon gets on the mic and tells Shane that this is just you and me, and that Francine has to leave. Shane objects, but Francine leaves without incident.

The match starts and Kanyon unloads on Shane, beating him up all over the ring. Kanyon is just dominating Shane, to the delight of the crowd. Kanyon hits move after move on Shane, with the hated heel getting in no offense. Shane gets in some cheapshots and low blows to take control. Shane proceeds with his usual boring offense, drawing boos. Kanyon fights back and controls some more. Finally, Kanyon decides "enough's enough" and goes for the Flatliner. Shane blocks and tries to hit the Franchiser. Kanyon gives Shane some elbows to the head to stop that. Shane low blows Kanyon again to escape. While Kanyon tries to recover, Shane bails and grabs a chair. Shane brings the chair back into the ring, but referee Jimmy Korderas grabs it away from him. Shane objects, and the ref throws the chair on the mat. Kanyon nails Shane from behind and hits the Flatliner on the chair for the pin. Crowd pops.

LG: Here is your winner, KANYON!

Kanyon celebrates his win and leaves, having made his point.

End of show.