The JWL [Episode 9]


Live from The Ice Palace, Tampa, FL

You know the drill.

We do a ten-bell count for Mr. Perfect.

Opening match: Kamala the Ugandan Giant (w/"The Mouth of the South" Jimmy Hart) vs. "Big Poppa Pump" Scott Steiner (w/Midajah)

LG: "The following contest is scheduled for one fall."

(Steiner's music plays)

LG: "Introducing first, being accompanied by his favorite freak Midajah and representing The Franchise Foundation, from Bay City, MI, weighing in at 270 lbs., 'BIG POPPA PUMP' SCOTT STEINER!"

Crowd boos. Steiner is wearing sunglasses and his metal headdress and carrying a foam lead pipe.

(Kamala's music plays)

LG: "His opponent, being accompanied by 'The Mouth of the South' Jimmy Hart and representing The Dungeon of Doom, from Uganda, weighing in at 425 lbs., KAMALA THE UGANDAN GIANT!"

Crowd pops.

Brawl to start, and it's an ugly, nasty, stiff one. Hard shots from both guys. Kamala lays in the kicks and chops. Steiner responds with a big Belly to Back Suplex. However, he poses and does some pushups instead of going for the cover. This gives Kamala the chance to recover and go back on the attack. Kamala pummels Scott all over the place. Crowd is chanting for Kamala. Kamala chokes Scott down and powerslams him for a 2 count. Steiner bails and goes to Midajah for advice. Kamala follows and continues to beat on Steiner. Steiner is getting nowhere here. Back in the ring, Kamala is just mauling Steiner with kicks, chops, chokes, slams and splashes, as Hart shouts encouragement. Kamala slams Steiner and hits the big splash...for 2. Frustrated, Kamala does it again, and it only gets 2. Finally, Kamala whips Steiner to the corner and gives him three corner splashes. Midajah tries to hit Kamala with the lead pipe but misses and nails Steiner instead. Realizing her mistake, and fearing Steiner's temper and possible retribution, Midajah runs for her life from the ring. Seizing the opportunity, Kamala climbs to the top rope and hits Air Kamala for the pin.

LG: "Here is your winner, KAMALA THE UGANDAN GIANT!"

Crowd cheers.

Hart and Kamala leave, realizing that they wouldn't want to come across Steiner after he wakes up from the pipe shot either.


Jungle Grrrl vs. Ice Cold

LG: "The following women's contest is scheduled for one fall."

("Welcome to the Jungle" by Guns N' Roses plays)

LG: "Introducing first, representing The Revolution, from Colombia, JUNGLE GRRRL!"

Crowd cheers

("Out in the Cold" by Tom Petty and The Heartbreakers plays)

LG: "Her opponent, representing The Misfits, from The Deep Freeze, ICE COLD!"

Crowd cheers.

JR points out that the Misfits are 1-0 against The Revolution, since Luna Vachon beat Selina Majors two shows ago.

The crowd is about 50-50 here. Both women go at it right away, doing some solid mat wrestling. JG takes control with a dropkick and some slams. JG hits a running clothesline for 2. IC comes back and takes control with elbows and aerial moves. Ice hits a flying bodypress off the top for 2. Ice powerslams JG for 2. Elbow drop for 2. Ice attempts pinfall after pinfall, getting great reactions. Ice tries for a slam but JG turns it into a small package for 2. Ice rolls out to the floor to regroup, and JG follows and slams her on the floor, then does a running double stomp on her stomach. JG tosses Ice back in and takes over. JG picks up Ice for the Jungle Driver and hits it. JG tells the crowd "That's It!," climbs up and hits the Jungle Splash for the pin. Crowd pops.

LG: "Here is your winner, JUNGLE GRRRL!"


Main Event: Matt Hardy (w/Lita) vs. Rhino (w/Tori)

LG: "The following contest is our main event and is scheduled for one fall."

(Rhino's music plays)

LG: "Introducing first, being accompanied by Tori and representing Raven's Nest, from Detroit, MI, weighing in at 285 lbs., RHINO!"

Crowd boos.

(The Hardyz' music plays)

LG: "And his opponent, being accompanied by Lita and representing Team Xtreme, from Cameron, NC, weighing in at 225 lbs.,MATT HARDY!"

Crowd pops big time.

JR explains that Matt asked for this match to get revenge for Rhino's interference four shows ago in the six-man tag match with the Hardyz and Shannon Moore against Stevie Richards and the Dudley Boys.

The match starts, and Matt uses his speed and agility to avoid Rhino's brutal but limited power stuff. Matt attacks with dropkicks and clotheslines to little or no real effect, since Rhino either won't or can't sell any of it. Rhino decks Matt with a forearm and pounds on him. Rhino hits a spinebuster for 2. Rhino grunts a lot. Matt comes back and goes back to the high-flying moves to take over. Rhino clotheslines Matt and tosses him to the floor. Rhino hits some chairshots, but puts no energy or enthusiasm behind them. He tosses Matt back in the ring and covers for 2. Matt fights back, slams Rhino, and does the Double-Legdrop to the Groin spot. Rhino does sell that. While he's trying to walk off the pain, Matt hits him with a Missile Dropkick and finishes with the Twist of Fate for the pin! Big pop for that.

LG: "Here is your winner, MATT HARDY!"

The faces celebrate with the fans and walk to the back as the show ends.