Obscene? No. Incomprehensible? Yes

Setting: WNBC Radio, New York, NY, mid-1980s

Howard Stern and crew are settling in for that morning's broadcast when Gary "Baba Booey" Dell'Abate runs in with an excited look on his face.

BABA BOOEY: Boss, boss, I have an idea. This might be a little out there, a little strange, and may end up being more weird than funny, but hear me out. The FCC expects you to say things that are vulgar and obscene, right? Well, here's how we turn that against them. Instead of saying things that could be called "vulgar" and "obscene," we use the words themselves. Whatever we talk about, we have to work the words vulgar and obscene in as much as possible. It's not even if it doesn't make sense in context to use those words, it's especially when it would make no sense in context to use those words, when those words could not possibly apply to whatever we're talking about at the time. Here, I stopped at the newsstand on the way and bought some papers for inspiration. There's no rule against doing a show that makes absolutely no sense, it's just probably not recommended because you might confuse your audience. On the other hand, we might end up with a show that's so crazy people have to stay tuned in just to hear what happens next!

Howard thinks about this, flips through a couple of pages, and decides to go with Gary's idea, explaining it to the crew.

HOWARD STERN: Good vulgar morning obscene New vulgar York obscene City! This vulgar is obscene The vulgar Howard obscene Stern vulgar Show obscene live vulgar on obscene W vulgar N obscene B vulgar C obscene Radio vulgar! Let's vulgar see obscene what vulgar is obscene in vulgar the obscene news vulgar today obscene! (Flips through a paper). Let's see here, Garfield ate Jon's dinner again.

ROBIN QUIVERS: That wacky cat!

HOWARD STERN: I tell you, vulgar, Jim vulgar Davis has about five stories and he runs them over and over he gets paid an OBSCENE amount of money for it. Now, there, I actually used the word obscene the correct way. Vulgar obscene vulgar.

The show continues like this, with them talking about random subjects and including the words vulgar and obscene in as much as possible, leaving the WNBC staff hopelessly confused.

HOWARD STERN: Well vulgar that's obscene the vulgar end obscene of vulgar today's obscene show vulgar. We vulgar hope obscene you vulgar enjoyed obscene it vulgar, and that vulgar you obscene weren't vulgar too obscene confused. Thank vulgar you obscene for vulgar listening obscene, and vulgar please obscene tune vulgar in obscene tomorrow vulgar.