On The Bus

Setting: The Tyra Banks Show, October 9, 2008

TYRA BANKS: "I want to thank my guest Janet Jackson for being on the show and all of you in the audience today and everyone watching at home. And now, something different for me, Janet has invited me to see her tour bus."

Janet and Tyra leave the studio and walk outside to Janet's tour bus. Janet shows off all the amenities that come with a pop diva's tour bus. It ends with Janet showing Tyra her bed. Janet invites Tyra to get in bed with her.

TYRA: "Well, this is even more different than what I expected."

Janet then steals a kiss from Tyra! Janet then throws her bra at the camera! Tyra is shocked but takes the hint.

TYRA: (Whispering) "Turn off the camera!"

The cameraman immediately smashes to black and leaves the room.

TYRA: "Wait, what if someone hears us?"

JANET: "Don't worry, it's soundproofed. Nobody will hear a thing. Now come on, let's go."

With her last question answered, Tyra and Janet then stripped naked. Tyra lied on the bed and let Janet open her legs and go down on her while holding her breasts. Tyra was amazed at how good Janet was at this and figured Janet must have done this with other women before. After several minutes, Tyra orgasmed.

JANET: "I knew you'd like that. Now, you do me."

Janet and Tyra switched places, and Tyra prepared to go down on Janet. Janet sensed Tyra's inexperience and guided her through the process with instructions. Tyra eventually figured it out and brought Janet to orgasm.

Tyra climbed back onto the bed beside Janet, amazed at what had just happened, her first time with another woman. She then had a realization.

TYRA: "Janet, whatever you do, never tell anyone about this."

JANET: "Don't worry, it'll just be our little secret. Oh, and anytime you want to do this again, just call me."

Tyra got up and embraced Janet, and they kissed again, Tyra returning the favor by touching Janet's breasts.

TYRA: "Thank you. I needed that."

Tyra then cleaned up and got dressed. She opened the door, and, seeing nobody else in the bus and nobody out in the parking lot, sneaked off of the bus and went back to the lot, got in her car, and drove home.