The WOW Revolution [Episode 1]

Setting: The Great Western Forum in Inglewood, CA

We go inside and find David McLane and Lee Marshall are not at the announce table. In fact, no one is.

The camera crew goes looking for McLane and Marshall, and finds them laid out in the back somewhere. Standing above them are Selina Majors, Harley's Angels (Thug, Charlie Davidson and EZ Rider), "The Heavy Metal Maniac" Riot, "The Total Athlete" Roxy Powers, Jungle Grrrl, Caged Heat, Ice Cold and Poison. They announce that they are going to take over WOW starting tonight. Riot tells the cameramen to follow them and document the path of destruction of the WOW Revolution.

The WOW Revolution leads the cameramen to their next target: The Beach Patrol's locker room. The Real Athletes break down the door and wipe out the Talentless Models with ease. Selina and Thug tell Summer and Sandy that they are fired and are out of the wrestling business forever. Since the blondes only spent time in WOW to add to their resumes, they don't really mind, although they would have preferred getting the news in a more polite fashion.

Another cameraman sees Lana Star strutting through the halls saying her usual stuff about being the star and executive producer of the show. The WOW Revolution catches up to her and delivers a massive 11-on-1 beatdown. Selina and Thug kick the Decent Actress But Awful Wrestler out of WOW for good.

The WOW Revolution finds the next two victims, Jade and Lotus, at a photo shoot. You can guess what happens next. Bye, bye, Asian Invasion.

The WOW Revolution next finds Psycho Ref and Everybody's Hero, Josh Milton. Josh begs for his life. Riot explains their motivation:

"We're looking to get some recognition from Vince McMahon and some respect from the wrestling industry and media. WOW can't get that if no-talent bimbos such as Jade, Lotus, Lana and the Beach Patrol are stinking up the ring and making it into a T&A show instead of a wrestling show. That's also why we wiped out those no-talent know-nothing morons McLane and Lee Marshall. You've already earned our respect so we want you to join us. Because we are unbreakable,unbeatable and nothing can stop the WOW Revolution!"

The Disciplinarian, who was scheduled to wrestle Lotus tonight, is walking around looking concerned, wondering why the show hasn't started. The WOW Revolution, now including Josh Milton, finds her. Thug explains about the WOW Revolution and how they have already thrown the Beach Patrol, Lana and the AI out of the company. Selina puts over Ms. D as a good worker with a lot of potential who deserves a real career in the business and offers her a spot in the group. She accepts.

Another cameraman finds Beckie The Farmer's Daughter and Bronco Billie getting ready for their tag title match against Caged Heat. Beckie tells Billie to go out and find out when the match is. Although Beckie could conceivably look herself, she insists that Billie find out. Hesitantly, and a little confused, Billie exits.


Massive beatdown by the WOW Revolution on Billie. Billie begs for Beckie's help, and Beckie comes out, and splashes Billie!

"That's for having to carry your lazy no-talent ass all these months. I'm the real talent on this team, and I deserve better than this stupid hillbilly gimmick. I'm not some dumb farm girl from Nebraska. I'm from California. I went to UCLA. Oh, and Billie, I was the one who told Disciplinarian about your ranch."

The noise brings out Wendi Wheels, Boom Boom the Volcano, Caliente, Tanja Warrior Woman, Slam Dunk, Paradise, Farah the Persian Princess,and Danger. The WOW Revolution, now including BFD, confronts these ten. Instead of the group beatdown, this breaks down into a few separate battles.

Roxy wipes out Tanja with ease, and adds a verbal attack similar to the one Beckie gave Billie earlier. Thug and Riot team up to destroy Slam Dunk, including Thug giving Basketball Girl a REAL chokeslam. Wendi Wheels gets involved, but she's useless so she goes easily.

Paradise turns on Farah and beats her up, with BBV and Caliente joining in as well. Caliente breaks character and speaks in a completely un-accented voice about how she, BBV and Paradise all want to succeed in the business without stupid, stereotypical gimmicks.

Riot and Danger confront each other, and they fight each other all over the building. Finally, they make their way to the ring, where they continue their brawl. The crowd, who has been watching all of this on WOWVision, is popping huge for this match. This, of course, was the WOW dream match that McLane was too much of an idiot to deliver. Both women use all kinds of weapons in a fairly even fight. Danger bails and plays to the fans. This turns out to be a dumb move, as Riot attacks and gives her a Danger Drop through the announce table, where Selina and Thug are calling the action. Riot brings out another table, and powerbombs Danger through that. Riot then rolls Danger into the ring and pins her.

The rest of the WOW Revolution, which has added Jacklyn Hyde, makes their way to the ring area, dragging the last remaining WOW competitors, Nikki Law, Kristy Order, Jane Blond, "Hammerin'" Heather Steele and WOW World Champion Terri Gold, with them. The jobbers go easily. Jane Blond puts up a bit of a fight, but the numbers are too great, so she's gone. This leaves the champ, and try as she might, her three moves aren't enough against the power of the WOW Revolution. Riot pins Terri to win the belt to a HUGE pop.

Riot gets on the mic:

"We're not done. This is just the beginning. We're declaring war on any other bogus female 'wrestlers' out there who don't belong in the ring. We're starting at the top. Chyna, you freak-show reject, you're next!"


Since typing the original episode, I realized that I forgot about Randi Rah Rah while describing the WOW Revolution's path of destruction. Had I included her, this is what you would have read:

"Randi Rah Rah gets drawn out by all the noise, and confronts the WOW Revolution. Instead of a beatdown, Selina, Riot and co. decide that she is such a sad, pathetic case that they allow her to leave in peace."