The WOW Revolution [Episode 15]

Setting: RAW, Chicago, IL

Jonathan Coachman is interviewing Billy Gunn, who is going on about how great he is, his success, his plans for the future, blah blah blah. The crowd alternates between silence and booing.

All of a sudden, Gunn gets attacked. It's Chris Benoit! He unleashes all the anger he had been carrying since his injury on The None. Benoit locks on the Crippler Crossface until Gunn taps, which doesn't take very long. The crowd pops HUGE for Benoit.

Benoit gets up, takes the mic and looks directly into the camera.

Benoit (with a look of disgust on his face): "That's for all those lousy wrestlers out there who think they're so great. Well, The Crippler is back and I am going to PROVE YOU WRONG! I'm not coming alone either. I present to you, 'The Iceman' Dean Malenko, Al Snow and introducing, The Disciplinarian. We are the Benoit 101 School of Wrestling. Let what just happened be lesson 1. We are going to take you to school."

Disciplinarian: "Class dismissed."

The B1SOW leaves, stepping on Gunn on their way out.

[Note: On the 11/20/2000 episode of Raw, Benoit cut a promo before his match with Austin, saying that the fans were not going to see Austin 3:16, they were going to see Benoit 101. Malenko and Snow have both run their own wrestling schools over the years. As for Ms. D, I think her gimmick just fit in well here.]

We go to the ring for a match.

X-Factor vs. The Natural Born Thrillers (Stasiak/Palumbo/O'Haire)

Lillian: "The following is a six-man tag team contest scheduled for one fall."

(The NBT's music plays)

Lillian: "Introducing first, at a total combined weight of 792 lbs., from Tampa, FL, Shawn Stasiak, from Providence, RI, Chuck Palumbo and from Hilton Head, SC, Sean O'Haire, The Natural Born Thrillers!"

Crowd is apathetic.

(X-Factor's music plays)

Lillian: "And their opponents, at a total combined weight of 817 lbs., from Minneapolis, MN, the WWF Light Heavyweight Champion X-Pac, from Peabody, MA, Albert and from Ozone Park, NY, Justin Credible, X-Factor."

Crowd boos, chanting "X-Pac sucks, X-Pac sucks!"

We start with O'Haire and X-Pac, and nothing notable happens. Basically, they run through their limited kick-and-punch-and-occasional wrestling move offense. Crowd is gone. Credible and Palumbo try next, same thing. Next we get Albert and Stasiak. Albert tosses Stasiak around with his power stuff, but the crowd doesn't care. This goes on for a while, in different combinations. All of a sudden, The B1SOW runs out and attacks everyone. Ref throws the match out, but the crowd didn't care about it anyway. Benoit, Malenko and Snow hit suplexes and powerbombs on Credible, X-Pac, Stasiak, Palumbo, and O'Haire. Benoit puts X-Pac in the Crippler Crossface, Malenko gets the Texas Cloverleaf on Stasiak, and Snow gets the Snow Plow and Dragon Sleeper on Palumbo. The B1SOW release the holds. Malenko and Snow get their submission holds on Credible and Stasiak next. Benoit hits the Rolling German Suplexes followed by a Dragon Suplex, the Diving Headbutt and finally the Crossface on Albert. The crowd is cheering for Benoit, Malenko, and Snow. The Disciplinarian stays on the ramp and applauds.

Then, since they have their own issues with X-Factor, The Asylum run out and give X-Factor an additional beating. The School joins in, of course.

Eventually, security stops the beating. The School and The Asylum, including Luna and Ms. D, shake hands and walk to the back. X-Factor and The NBT are stretchered out, but no one cares about them.

End of show.