The WOW Revolution [Episode 8]

Setting: RAW is WAR, Atlanta, GA

Scene: Mr. McMahon's dressing room with the usual suspects (Austin, Angle, Regal and Debra.) Suddenly, Steph bursts in to the room and confronts Vince.

Steph: "Daddy, I need your help. Last Thursday on Smackdown, I accepted a match with Trish Stratus where, if I lost, I would have to face one of the WOW women tonight on RAW. If I won, Trish would have to face two of the WOW women in a handicap match on RAW. I was going to win when one of the WOW women, Jungle Grrrl, interfered and cost me the match. Now I have to face her tonight. Please help me get out of this match."

Vince: "Well, you did accept the stipulations and you did lose the match. You should honor the rules and fight one of the WOW women tonight."

Steph: "But not Jungle Grrrl! I'm going to get destroyed. Can't you maybe give her another opponent maybe to wear her down before the match?"

Vince (thinks about it): "Actually, I think I can do that."

Fast-forward to JG's warm-up match.

Jungle Grrrl vs. ???

LG: "The following match is scheduled for one fall."

("Legs" by ZZ Top plays)

LG: "Introducing first, from Baltimore, MD, Stacy Keibler!"

The crowd pops for Stacy's sexy outfit, although she has a look of fear and confusion on her face.

("Welcome to the Jungle" plays)

LG: "Her opponent, representing the WOW Revolution, from Colombia, Jungle Grrrl!"

Crowd pops big time.

The Beastess attacks the doomed valet before the bell, and absolutely demolishes her with ease. Total squash, as JG hits the Jungle Driver, Superplex, Flying Headbutt and Jungle Splash for the pin in about 1:30 without breaking much of a sweat.

LG: "Here is your winner, Jungle Grrrl!"

We cut back to Vince's room, where Steph was watching the previous match and has a look of fear on her face.

Steph: "Daddy, I thought you were going to give her an opponent that would wear her down. Stacy Keibler didn't stand a chance against Jungle Grrrl, and now I'm not going to stand a chance against her either. What are you doing?"

Vince: "Don't worry, I have a plan."

Fast-forward to the match.

"The Billion-Dollar Princess" Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley vs. Jungle Grrrl

LG: "The following match is scheduled for one fall."

("My Time" plays)

LG: "Introducing first, from Greenwich, CT, one of the owners of the World Wrestling Federation, 'The Billion-Dollar Princess' Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley!"

Crowd boos.

("Welcome to the Jungle" plays)

LG: "Her opponent,representing the WOW Revolution, from Colombia, Jungle Grrrl!"

Big pop.

LG: "Before we begin, I need to introduce our special guest referee for this match."

(Trish Stratus' music plays)

LG: "Making her way to the ring, the special guest referee,Trish Stratus!"

Trish is wearing the standard referee shirt and long black pants. She is far from her usual sexy, energetic self and looks to have a lot on her mind.

Steph is even more nervous, now that her archrival is the special referee.

The match starts, and Steph bails. JG follows her out, tosses her back in, and proceeds with the beatdown. Trish does a very lenient job as referee, basically standing back and letting the Beastess destroy Steph. JR even comments on how Trish seems down and that she clearly is preoccupied with something. When Steph tries to bail, Trish won't let her. Jungle Grrrl proceeds with her usual stuff, finishing with the flying headbutt and the Jungle Splash for the pin.

LG: "Here is your winner, Jungle Grrrl!"

JG celebrates the win with the crowd and starts to leave. After the match, Trish attacks Steph and delivers a beatdown of her own. JG sees this, shrugs her shoulders, and leaves.

("No Chance in Hell" plays)

Steph struggles to get up and gets on the mic.

Steph: "Daddy, how could you do this to me? I thought you said you had a plan."

Vince (in classic evil Mr. McMahon mode): "I did have a plan. My plan was to teach you a lesson. You say that you are the dominant female, but I'm still Mr. McMahon, I'm still the boss, and I still have the final word. In the interest of fairness, I wanted to teach you a lesson about needing to live up to your promises."

Trish gets on the mic.

Trish: "I may not be as talented as the WOW women, but I'm tired of being your bitch. It's over Steph!"

Instead of stripping, Trish bails out and appears to be crying.

Kevin Kelly finds Trish in the back.

Kevin: "Trish, what did you mean when you said 'It's over Steph?' What is going on?"

Trish (nearly crying): "I just can't talk about it right now." Trish runs to the back.

End of show.