Sociedad Iberoamericana de Estudios Kierkegaardianos
The main goal of the Sociedad Iberoamericana de Estudios Kierkegaardianos is to promote among Spanish-speaking countries the study and research of Sören Kierkegaard's works through academical and cultural activities.
The Society is in touch with other associations and institutions of the kind like the Department for Sören Kierkegaard Research in Copenhagen and the Kierkegaard Library in Minnesota.
Thus, the Society intends to get track of those interested in the study of Kierkegaard's works scattered worldwide, especially in the Spanish-speaking countries.
Kierkegaard's thought has been studied in almost every corner of the world. Therefore, his works have been translated into many different languages.
However, there is not a complete scholarly edition of his works in Spanish. That is one of the SIEK's projects.
The Society issues an Informative Bulletin which is distributed among its members twice a year, in order to keep them informed about activities and other topics related to Kierkegaard.