Imagine the Possibilities


"Hey Brian..." Nick whispered loudly. "Pass me the popcorn, bro."

Brian only turned his head toward Nick and stuck his tongue out in that direction.

"Come on Frick," Nick whined. 

Without looking Nick's way, AJ absently reached his arm across to Brian's lap and grabbed a few fluffy kernels from the popcorn bowl. He tossed them casually at Nick, who caught them easily in his mouth and swallowed them with a smug grin.

"Please guys, I'm trying to watch a movie here," Kevin complained, glaring jokingly at Nick.

"Chill out Kev, we can just rewind it if you want," responded AJ.

"That's all right."

"Aww guys, look, you're getting crumbs all over my sofa!" Howie sighed in exasperation.

"Shut up, Howie," the other four guys said in unison.

"Yeah, well, we'll see if I ever invite you all over for video night ever again," he muttered under his breath.

Forty-five minutes later, after the movie was over, AJ sat up straight and turned to his friends. "Hey guys, I know it was just a movie, but you know, it presents a really cool thing to think about!"

"Bone, what are you talking about?"

"Okay, well you know how, in the movie, the main character dies? And his sister randomly decides to move out of her house one day? They all leave their homes one morning never to come back. I mean, just picture it. You leave your house one day, and you'll never see it again. But you don't have a clue at the time. You would think it were just a perfectly normal day."

"You're right, AJ, that's a really freaky thought," said Brian slowly. "I mean, it could happen to you any day of your life, but you never think about it or expect it."

"Exactly!" AJ said, snapping his fingers. "We take so much for granted, when at any time it could all change in a second. You could leave your home one day and never set foot in it again. Because an infinite number of things could happen to you."

"That's the kind of weird idea people get obsessed with," Kevin added. "They start imagining all kinds of different scenarios until they can actually see it happening."

"If I did that, I'd probably never leave my house again," Nick laughed.

Howie shook his head. "Nah, I'd just try to appreciate the present. You never know what the future will hold."

"Yeah," AJ said, eyes staring off into space. "Just imagine the possibilities..."



1. AJ

2. Kevin

3. Howie

4. Nick

5. Brian


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