I Knew I Love You--Part I

It has always been a dream of mine to meet and spend time with my favorite Backstreet Boy. This is a dream of every BSB fan that I know of. Here is my story of when I met Nick Carter. You might think that it was the happiest time of my life but it turned out to be the saddest time of my life.

It was a typical chilly fall evening in October. My best friend and I had just got out of the Backstreet Boys concert in Minneapolis, MN. A few weeks before we found out what hotel BSB would be staying at so my friend and I decided to hop on over there and check it out.

We got to the hotel before the guys had arrived yet. Many of the fans waiting around were quite young, so we ended up chatting it up with the parents. Before long two white vans pulled up. The doors opened and all the guys and their bodyguards got out. They all graciously stopped and signed autographs. We held back for a little bit and then when the younger girls had gotten their autographs we approached the guys.

“How are you ladies doing this evening?” AJ asked as he signed our tourbooks.

“We are just fine. Your concert rocked! You guys certainly know how to work the stage.” I said back.

“Well, thank you very much,” AJ said, “Hey, what are you ladies planning on doing this evening?” AJ asked.

“We were thinking about going out, but I’m not sure where.” I said with a shrug of my shoulders.

“Why don’t you come up to the bar with us?” AJ said pointing at the elevator “We are planning to go out. You are welcome to come with us.”

I looked at my friend Mandy with a look of bewilderment. Mandy grinned and nodded yes.

“Sure we’ll come up.” I said.

AJ whispered something in his bodyguard’s ear and then we followed behind him on the elevator.

“I didn’t get your names yet.” AJ said.

“Oh, I’m sorry. I’m Araysa and this is Mandy.” I said

“Very nice to meet such beautiful ladies.” AJ said as we shook hands.

We got off of the elevator and there standing with the others in the bar I saw him. Nick Carter. We got into the bar and everybody turned to look at AJ and us.

“Guys, this is Araysa and Mandy. They will be joining us this evening.”

Everybody shook hands. I got to Nick and got those butterflies in my stomach.

“Hi, Nick.” I barely said above a whisper.

“Hey, it’s Araysa right?”

I nodded.

“That is such a beautiful name.” Nick said as he flashed his signature smile.

“Thank you so much.” I said.

After introductions we all sat down at the bar.

“What are you ladies having?” Kevin asked us, “It’s on us.”

“Thank you, I’ll have a Captain and Coke.” I said

“I’ll have the same.” Mandy said.

Nick sat down next to me and smiled. I smiled back but I could barely breathe. We sat at the bar for a little bit just chatting it up with all the guys and the band. Whenever I would say a joke or something Nick would laugh with me and hit me on the shoulder or squeeze my arm. Soon the guys decided to take off. Nick looked at me and asked. “Do you want to come up to my room with me? I’m not big on clubbing and I really would like to talk to you more.”

“I would love to but I have to figure out what Mandy is going to do first.” I said.

Mandy was talking with Brian and Kevin. I leaned down to whisper in her ear.

“Hey, Nick just invited me to come up to his room. I really want to but I’m not sure what you want to do?”

“Brain is going up to his room but I was thinking about going out with Kevin and Howie to the clubs.” Mandy informed me.

“So, you wouldn’t mind if I stayed here with Nick?” I asked.

“No, I know how much you want this. I will get back to the hotel with the guys.” Mandy said.

“Thank you Mandy. Have fun tonight and be careful.” I said

“You too, please be careful.” Mandy said back.

I walked back over to Nick and put my hands on his shoulders. I started to give him a back rub.

“Hey, 90 percent of all backrubs lead to intimacy.” I said.

“Oh really? You coming up with me then?” Nick asked.

“Yes, Mandy is going out with Kevin and Howie. So we are free to do whatever.” I said back.

Nick took my hand and we made our way to the elevator. When the door closed Nick swiped his key to get to the seventeenth floor. We got off the elevator and made our way to his room. When we got inside the room, Nick shut the door and locked it. I was starting to get nervous. I knew that I was with Nick Carter, but here I was with a guy in his room. A guy that even though I knew who he was, he was still a stranger to me.

“Are you okay?” Nick asked.

“Yea, I’m just kind of nervous I guess.” I said.

“I’m nervous too. I don’t just bring a girl to my room everywhere I go. There is just something about you, I don’t know what it is.” Nick said matter a factly.

I put my arms around his waist and pulled myself in closer to him. I looked up at him and smiled. I got on my tip-toes and put my lips on his. I pulled away quickly and looked into his eyes. Nick smiled at me and I smiled back.

“That was nice.” Nick said.

“It was?” I asked back.

“Oh yea.” Nick said as he leaned down to kiss me again.

We kissed for a bit and then Nick pulled away slowly.

“What do you want to do?” He asked.

“Whatever, I’m open.” I said.

“Do you want to watch a movie, or listen to music and talk?” Nick asked.

“Let’s listen to music and talk.” I said.

“Sounds good to me.” Nick said back.

We went over to the stereo and proceeded to pick out a CD. We finally decided on a mutual favorite, “Journey’s Greatest Hits.” The music started and Nick sat down and leaned up against the bed. He smiled at me indicating I could come closer to him. I scooted up next to him.

“Is it okay if I lay my head in your lap?” I asked.

“Yea, you can do that.” He said.

We laid like that for a while and the whole time I wanted him to hold me and just put his hands on me. But at the same time I didn’t want to start getting attached. Before I could think anymore Nick leaned down and placed his lips on mine. Before long he pulled me up and laid me on the bed. We continued to kiss as Nick’s hands began to caress my body.

“I want you Araysa. It’s crazy how I’ve fallen for you.” Nick said.

“Nick, I want you too.” I said thinking of nothing but the moment.

I’ve never had a one-night stand, and I’ve never condoned them but I wanted Nick so bad and I felt like we had gotten so close in the short time we had known each other. I gave into temptation and allowed Nick to make love to me. After we were done, we laid together holding each other and fell asleep.

God knows how long we slept when we heard a knock on the door. Nick woke up and gave me a quick kiss on the cheek.

“I’ll get it babe.” He said.

It was Mandy at the door, back from the clubs. She came over to the bed and leaned to talk to me.

“I’m assuming that you are going to want to stay with Nick tonight.” Mandy said with a grin.

“Yea I would, but what are you going to do?” I asked back.

“Don’t worry about me. Brian invited me to watch a movie with him and then stay there. Oh, the guys were nice enough to stop at our apartment so I could get you and I clothes and stuff to get ready tomorrow morning.” Mandy said as she put my backpack on a chair in the room.

Mandy then got up to leave.

“Take good care of her.” Mandy said to Nick.

“You know it.” Nick said with a smile as he winked at me.

Nick got back into the bed and rolled up next to me. He put his arm around me and took my hand. We fell asleep like that.

Part II
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Email: backstreetcrew@backstreet-boys.com