I Knew I Loved You--Part II

I woke up the next morning to the shrill of an alarm. I felt someone next to me moving around. I looked next to me and realized that this hadn’t been a dream. I had in fact been with Nick Carter.

“Hey, morning. How did you sleep?” I asked Nick when he had woken fully.

“Good, how about you?” He asked back.

“Really good.” I said.

“We got to start getting ready. I have to be downstairs in an hour.” Nick said as he got out of the bed and headed to the bathroom.

I watched him shut the door and I almost started crying. Nick had been so wonderful and loving last night. This morning he was acting like nothing had happened. I felt disgusted and used. But then again I had sort of used him too. Nick came out of the bathroom. I looked up at him and smiled. Nick smiled back and came over to sit on the bed.

“So what’s gonna happen now?” I asked.

“What do you mean?” He asked confused.

“With us, you, me?” I said.

Nick took a deep breath, which is never a good sign.

“To tell you the truth, I don’t know.” Nick stated.

I looked down so he wouldn’t see the tears fall. Shame on myself for getting attached so fast. I knew from the beginning this is what would probably happen. Nick lifted my chin up so he could look into my eyes.

“Don’t get me wrong Araysa, I really like you. I wouldn’t have brought you up here or had sex with you if I didn’t. But, you and I would hardly ever see each other. And you don’t deserve that at all.”

My mind understood all that Nick was saying, but my heart was having a hard time accepting it. Nick sensed that I was having a hard time dealing with this. He gave me a hug and a kiss.

“Hey, tell ya what. Give me your number and address and stuff. I’ll give you my email and cell phone number. Let’s try and stay in touch as much as possible, but don’t wait around for me. Go out with who you want to go out with. Don’t worry about me.” Nick said.

I knew that I would at least be able to deal with that, so I accepted.

We each wrote down our information. After that I got ready as Nick packed up his things. Soon the bell hops came to get he stuff to take to the van. Nick and I got on the elevator and made our way down. When we got off the elevator there was a lot of fans downstairs so Nick had to stop to sign autographs. I walked over to where Mandy was by Brian and Kevin.

“So, what’s up Araysa?” Mandy asked.

“I’ll tell you later.” I said, “How was your night?”

“Good, we watched a movie and then went to bed. I slept on the couch in the room. Brian still has a girlfriend, as I was so thourghly reminded.” Mandy said while making a gagging gesture with her finger.

We both laughed at that. The bodyguards finally gave the motion that it was time for them to go. Nick came over to me and lightly kissed me on the cheek.

“Remember what I said, I will try and keep in contact as much as possible, but I can’t promise anything.” Nick said.

“I know, I will remember. Bye Nick, I had a really great time.” I said while wiping away a tear.

Nick turned around quickly and got in the van. I waved as it pulled out of site. I began to bawl uncontrollably.

“What is the matter Araysa?” Mandy asked with concern.

“I love Nick and...and...” I couldn’t finish the sentance because I was crying so much.

“Okay, okay sit down, calm down, and relax.” Mandy said as she guided me to a chair.

I sat there and hugged Mandy. She let me cry for a bit and then pulled away.

"Now tell me, what happened with you and Nick?” Mandy asked.

“Well, you can pretty much guess that we had sex. That’s not the bad part. Not at all, he was so good and so loving. The bad part is he told me that he would keep in touch, but he couldn’t promise me anything.” I said.

“Well, what did you expect? You told me yourself before we came that you wouldn’t mind a one-night stand with Nick.” Mandy said.

“I know, but that was before it actually happened. I believe that he does have feelings for me and he’s trying to hide it because he doesn’t want to hurt or disappoint me.” I said.

“You’ll just have to see. That’s all that can be said.” Mandy told me.

After we were done talking Mandy and I made our way back to our car and back to our apartment. The whole time I was thinking about Nick, and if he would actually call me and keep in touch. Little did I know, things would turn out better whan I had planned.

Part III
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Email: backstreetcrew@backstreet-boys.com