I Knew I Loved You--Part III

It had been five months since I had first met Nick Carter. We had kept in touch with a call here and there. Everytime Nick would call he always asked if I had a boyfriend yet. But I never did. I couldn’t look at another guy after I was with Nick. I loved him and no one else.

The Backstreet Boys were scheduled to play Minneapolis again in a month. Nick had backstage passes and VIP tickets sent to Mandy and I. I was so nervous becaue I hadn’t seen Nick in so long. Lately our telephone conversations had been getting more and more personal, like what we wanted to do to each other when we saw each other again. I was confused about the whole thing because I had heard from others that he had a girlfriend.

Finally the night of the concert had arrived. Mandy and I drove down to the Target Center and parked the car. We were walking to the back of the venue when I stopped.

“What’s the matter?” Mandy asked.

“I’m so nervous. I feel like I’m going to be sick. What if his girlfriend is here? What if he doesn’t like me anymore” I asked.

“Come on Araysa, do you really think that he’s all of a sudden not going to like you anymore? He obviously wants to see you. Why else would he send you these passes?” She said back.

I had to agree with Mandy. If he didn’t like me he wouldn’t talk to me the way he does. I told myself to think that way and not to worry abut it. We got to the back of the venue and approached the lone security guard there.

“Hi, we have these passes and we were told that somebody would back here to take us backstage.” I said to the guard.

“Just a second, I’ll be right back.” the guard said and walked away. We could hear him yelling inside, “Hey Andy, the last of the VIPs are here. Do you wanna come out here and help them?”

The guard came back over to us and motioned for us to go with another guard that was apparently Andy.

“Follow me ladies.” Andy said.

We got to the backstage area and we heard lots of talking and laughing. One particular laugh stuck out. It was Nick’s. I had heard that laugh so many times in the last few months. I was starting to get more and more nervous. The guard opened the door and we walked inside. Everybody stopped for second and look up. I locked eyes with Nick and walked over to him.

“Hello Araysa. I’m so happy to see you again.” Nick said as he gave me a hug.

“I’m so happy to see you too.” I said back.

After Nick and I said hi Mandy and I began to say hi and hug everybody else. When we were done, we wished everybody good luck and I told Nick that I would see him at the hotel. We left to find our seats and waited for the concert to start.

After the concert was done we made our way down to the hotel. The guys were there already but they had a security guard downstairs that would take us up to their floor. When we got to the floor we found the guys in the living room area just chilling. We walked into the room and were greeted to smiles from the guys.

“You guys were awesome tonight!” I said.

“I’ll second that!” Mandy said.

“Thank you guys, we’re glad that you liked it.” Kevin said.

“So, what’s the plan for tonight?” AJ asked.

“I want to go out.” Howie said.

“Me too.” AJ said.

“Yea, I’m up for clubbing.” Kevin said.

“I want to go out too.” Brian said.

“Rok wants to go out? Oh God no!!” AJ said with a laugh.

“What? I feel like going out tonight.” Brian said trying to defend himself.

“Nick what do you want to do?” Kevin asked.

“Umm...well Araysa do you want to stay here? I kind of need to talk to you.” Nick said.

“Yea..that’s fine.” I said with hesitation.

I looked at Mandy with a terrified look on my face. She just gave me a don’t-worry-about-it look. Nick got off the couch and took my hand.

“See ya guys.” Nick said as he led me out of the room.

When we got to Nick’s room he shut the door and locked it just like last time. I was getting nervous. I didn’t know what he needed to talk to me about and what would happen. Nick led me over to the couch and we sat down.

“What’s going on Nick? Is something the matter?” I choked out.

“Nothing is the matter. I just needed to talk to you.” Nick said.

“What is it.” I said getting very worried.

“Well, I don’t know how to say this so I’m just going to say it. I love you Araysa. I been in love with you since the night we met. I knew I loved you when I got in the van. I knew you were crying but I didn’t want to breakdown and start crying in front all of the fans.” Nick said as tears started to come down his face.

“Oh Nick, why didn’t you say anything before?” I sobbed.

“Because I wanted to do it in person, not on the phone. I told myself that night we had sex that I couldn’t get attached and that it was just a one-night stand. But I did get attached and obviously it wasn’t a one-night stand. I want you to be my girlfriend Araysa. I want this to last forever.” Nick said.

“I do too Nick.” I said.

That’s all we needed. I placed my lips on his and we began kissing. Nick took me in his arms and laid me on the bed just like last time. There was no temptation this time. I knew it was right. There was no holding back. I knew that last time Nick and I had sex, this time we were truely making love.


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Email: backstreetcrew@backstreet-boys.com