Close Encounters...Of Another Kind

Chapter 14, part II

Araysa hadn't even reached Nick's door, when she saw him open it quickly, awaiting her with a big smile.

"I thought I heard you in the hall", he explained, before she embraced him in a gentle hug.

"Hi, Nick!"

"Hey, princess!" She looked up at him with a more than surprised face, but also with a big smile at that new nickname. Her eyes asked him where that one came from. "I dreamed about you tonight", he said, smiling sheepishly and turning a nice shade of red.

"Do I wanna hear this?" she asked grinning.

"It was like in those tales of Arabian Nights", Nick told her, "and you were a princess. You had a veil over your mouth and nose first, but I recognized your eyes."

Araysa looked at him stunned. That was so sweet, she couldn't reply anything to that, so instead she reached up, pulled him down and kissed him. They smiled brightly at each other, then finally walking into Nick's room, where they continued with the kissing, before ordering dinner.


AJ lay on his bed, listening to the radio while thinking of Molly, when there was a knock on the door. He quickly got up and answered it. He was relieved, but suddenly also nervous again, when he saw it was really Molly at the door.

"Hi", she said, almost whispering.

"Hi", he also said. AJ could tell that she was nervous, too. They looked into each other's eyes for a while, which seemed like minutes but was only a few seconds really. Then he took both her hands in his and pulled her into the room. He went to shut the door behind them and when he turned around again, she stood in the middle of the room, looking kinda lost.

AJ sat down on the bed and said: "Come over here."

Molly felt a shiver run through her body. It was as if he could physically touch her with his voice, it ran right through her and she could feel it. She reminded herself to breathe and sat down next to him. The silence between them wasn't really awkward. Somehow they both knew that there were feelings for each other - they had seen it in the other's eyes. But they also knew it had to be said out loud.

AJ decided to get over with it quickly: "Did you listen to the interview today?" Molly just nodded. "What...did you think about it? Especially about the girlfriend question?"

Molly looked away from him, sighing under her breath. She wanted to get up and run. Even if he was going to tell her that it was just a PR thing and she wouldn't have to worry, she wanted to get up and run. She felt that she was falling for him and it scared her. She would have to leave in ten days again, and he would leave Minnesota much earlier. What were they doing here? It was no use anyway, was it?! "I don't wanna tell you what I think about it, I just wanna know what it means!"

He took her hand in his, caressing it. Her skin was so soft, he loved it. And his imagination was running wild as he fantasized about how it would feel if she ran those long fingernails of hers down his back. "It didn't mean anything at all...", he said, his voice trailing off.

Molly felt an iron fist around her heart. Why was he making this so hard? If he had feelings for her, she wished he would rather lie than tell her. How was she supposed to forget him when he was gone, when they were world's apart?

He looked into her eyes, proving his honesty. "Believe me, I wanted to tell the whole world about you, but there are people, especially one person, who I should tell personally", he explained. "I assume you know Amanda?" Molly nodded. "Well, she still kinda thinks that she and I could work things out and..." Molly looked down at her lap at that, but he immediately lifted her chin with his free hand again. "There's nothing", he said. "But I owe her to tell her that face to face. She's still a friend of mine and I like and respect her a lot, so..." AJ caressed Molly's cheek and smiled: "It had nothing to do with you, please believe me!" Molly nodded, smiling back at him. "What?" he then asked, as she looked at him strangely.

"Why do you even apologize?" she asked seriously, curiously.


"Why do you feel the need to apologize to me? I mean, it's not like I was your girlfriend or as if we had committed to anything. Geez - we just met each other! You shouldn't have to apologize for not mentioning me in an interview."

"I don't know about you", he said, "but I did commit to something when I kissed you." He didn't say it sadly or in an accusing way because he could see right through her mask in this case. He knew that that kiss had meant something to her also and that she had wanted this apology. She just wanted to double-check, and he didn't mind. He leaned over and placed a quick, but gentle kiss on her lips. "Did you have dinner yet?" he then asked smiling.

"No, what's on the menu?" she grinned.

They just smiled at each other for a long moment, before AJ took the receiver and ordered them dinner. Problem solved.


"Come in", Howie said, when someone knocked on his door.

"Kaylee!" he and Sarah both exclaimed, happily surprised as Kaylee popped her head in.

"Hey, you two", Kaylee smiled. Howie got up to greet her with a hug. "Thank you for the flowers, Howie, they are beautiful!"

"You're welcome", he replied smiling.

"We knew you'd end up here sooner or later", Sarah laughed. "You just couldn't miss all the fun, right?!"

"Right!" Kaylee grinned. "So what funny things are you up to exactly?"

"I was sneak peeking through Howie's CD collection", Sarah replied. "Which is fun!"

"Yeah, but since my stomach's making funny sounds by now, I suggest we go down to the restaurant and eat. I know Kev and Caroline will be there, we might see some of the others, too. And besides I can't pass up the chance to be escorted to dinner by two beautiful, young ladies!"

The girls linked arms with Howie and Sarah joked: "Don't you just love the charming guys?!"

Kaylee just smiled, afraid that the conversation could lead to awkward things for Howie and her. But her worries were unnecessary.

"Don't you just love it, when the girls fall for it", Howie played along with the joke. Kaylee realized that he was serious about handling it as "just a friend", which made her happy. She would have been sad, had he decided not to keep in touch.

Laughing about the next joke, they entered the elevator. The beginning of the evening promised a lot of fun and closer friends. Another problem solved.


"This is gonna be fun!" Brian said giggling, as he plopped down next to Mandy on the bed, with several boxes with Chinese food in it.

"It smells yummy!" Mandy said grinning. Then she saw that certain kind of twinkle in Brian's eyes, which told her he was up to something. "B-RokŪ? Why do you have THAT look in your eyes and THAT grin on your face? What have you planned?"

"Ummm...", Brian said chuckling, opening one of the boxes, "did I tell you that we're eating with sticks?! No forks or spoons allowed!"

"Brian!" she exclaimed protesting. "I'm starving! And I won't be able to get any food into my mouth with only sticks!"

"Then I'll have to feed you, huh?!" he said, wiggling his eye-brows. Then he hit his forehead: "What am I saying? If you can't eat, then all the food is mine! Whohoo!"

"This isn't fair!" She punched him playfully, laughing.

"Alrighty", he said, calming down. He stood up and sat back down right behind her. He took two sticks and her hand and said: "I'll teach you how to do it!"

Mandy felt his warm body against hers, his breath against her neck and it excited her. All she wanted was to lean back and let him kiss her, but she knew that wouldn't happen. It was like a bad scene on TV. She felt like the main character of some corny movie, ya know, same old story: girl falls for a guy, but guy doesn't realize until girl almost quits the friendship because she thinks guy doesn't love her back. But once again she had to tell herself that this was reality. And in reality he had no such intentions as to kiss her or love her.

Once and for all she decided to put these kinda thoughts aside. She wanted to enjoy her time with Brian without sad thoughts. Yeah, he would be better as a boyfriend, but he was amazing as just a friend already. She wasn't going to ask for more. If she stopped thinking of what she wished they would do, she could probably be happier at what they actually did. Namely being friends and having a whole lot of fun.

"Okies, I'm all ears", she told him smiling.

"First of, this is how you gotta hold the sticks..."


"Tell me about your dream", Araysa asked, when she cuddled up with Nick on the bed after they had had dinner. "What happened in it?"

"Ummm, Araysa...I don't...I don't know...", Nick stammered, blushing.

"Nickolas Gene Carter!" Araysa teased laughing. "What kinda naughty dream was that, huh?!" Nick didn't reply, just blushed some more. Araysa climbed on top of him and sat there, her lap on his, while she pinned his shoulders down. "Come on", she said, her voice just above a whisper. "I wanna know..."

"I...I hardly remember it, so...", Nick tried to talk himself out of it.

"I don't think so", Araysa said. She leaned down to kiss him, but pulled away when he wanted to deepen the kiss. "Tell me", she whispered again. "Your princess' wish should be your command, shouldn't it?" She looked at him challengingly. "By the way", she added, teasingly kissing him, "I love that new nickname!" Once again Nick tried to kiss her, but she pushed his shoulders down again. She shook her head: "Not 'til you tell me!"

"Oh come on, was...nothing...", Nick lied. He put his hands on her hips, but she immediately took them off, pinning them to the bed again. She pressed her lap hard on his and felt Nick tense up.

"You're not going to tell me?" she asked. She let go of his arms, pushing her hands underneath his shirt. Nick breathed heavier, as her fingers touched his bare skin, running up and down his chest. "Well, then...", she leaned in to kiss him deeply, then pulled away and finished: "...I'll have to make you show me..."

Nick wasted no time. He wrapped his arms around her and pushed her down onto him, meeting her lips with his own. He was eager for her, kissing her passionately.

His desire aroused Araysa, and although she was about to lose control as well, she still managed to tease him some more, knowing it made him crazy and made him want her even more. Her tongue quickly slipped in and out of his mouth, making him kiss her forcefully. He grabbed her hips, turning both of them around on the bed, so that he was lying on top of her now. It felt as if his hands where everywhere on her body, leaving traces as if he was burning her. It felt so good that she unconsciously moaned softly. They stopped kissing for a moment and their eyes locked. They felt each other's hot breath and their fast heart-beats.

"Let me know you, Nick", Araysa breathed. "Tell me what you're dreaming of..."

"You, princess! You..."

They kissed passionately again, clinging onto each other. Araysa's hands slipped under his shirt again, caressing his back, before pushing the shirt up. They pulled apart for a few seconds, so that Nick could take it off. He leaned down again, letting his tongue wander around her neck, softly kissing and nibbling on her flesh, while one of his hands traveled up her inner thigh. She moaned again, which aroused him even more. Araysa could feel him harden against her. She hardly moved her lap against his, but it was enough to let a moan escape from his mouth, too. He started unbuttoning her shirt, so his lips could travel further down. His hand found its way to her bra, cupping one of her breasts with it. She felt his hot tongue on her breast, where the bra didn't cover the skin. Araysa ran her fingers through his hair, enjoying the feelings he was causing inside her.

"This is too early", she thought, "too early..." But she couldn't stop him. It felt so good, felt so right. She wondered if she should or could gather up the mental strength to stop, but when he kissed her again - full of lust, full of love - he had already blown her mind away.

Nick couldn't believe what was happening. He knew they shouldn't have gone that far, but none of them could end it. On the one hand it felt wrong because he didn't want her to feel used, didn't want her to think she had to do it, but on the other hand nothing had ever felt so right. And she wanted it, too. His mind went blank as she moaned, whispering his name into his ear - all he knew was that he wanted her. All he felt was something that he guessed was love, and the throbbing feeling in his pants...

"Nick? Araysa?" They suddenly pulled apart as someone called their names outside in the hall. "Are you in there?"

They looked at each other confused, shocked, as if they had just woken out of a trance, as if they didn't know what had just happened. Nick stood up from the bed to answer the door, realizing it had been Howie who had called them, while Araysa quickly buttoned up her shirt again. When Nick saw Araysa was ready, he opened the door a little. "Hey D.! What do you want?" He tried not to let anything show, but his breathing still wasn't normal and his face heated.

"What took you so long?" Howie asked. "I was banging on the door like an idiot."

Nick shot Araysa an amused look. Both of them had been so far from reality that they hadn't heard it.

"We wanted to ask if you'd like to watch a movie with us. With Kay, Sarah and me, that is!"

"Umm, no thanks, D.! We'll...just..."

"I understand", Howie laughed. "Have a nice evening." He called a good-bye to Araysa into the room, then went off to his room again.

Nick closed the door, then sat on the edge of the bed, taking Araysa's hands in his. They smiled at each other. "I guess...we can thank Howie, huh?!" Nick started, then quickly added: "Don't get me wrong, I loved every second of it, but... It's probably a little early for that." Araysa nodded. "I don't want you to think that that's all I want from you", Nick continued. "That's why I'm glad that we were interrupted. You mean too much to me already to use you like this!"

Araysa gently caressed his hand: "I didn't feel used at all, Nick. I enjoyed it as much as you did, but I agree anyway...we have all the time in the world to get to that point again." Suddenly she gave him an insecure glance: "Don't we?"

Nick gave her a happy grin, before embracing her. "All the time in the world", he whispered.


As AJ returned from the bath room, a slow song started playing on the radio. It was Madonna's "Crazy For You". Molly just watched him, as he walked over to her. She loved the way he moved. She couldn't describe what exactly it was, she just loved how his body seemed to dance with every of his moves. He never looked clumsy or stiff. His body seemed to flow, and she could never be tired of watching him.

...Swaying on as the music starts
Strangers making the most of the dark
Two by two their bodies become one...

AJ stopped in front of Molly, holding his hands out to her. She lay her hands in his and he gently pulled her up, close to his body. He placed his hands on her hips and began to sway their bodies to the music.

...You're so close but still a world away
What I'm dying to say is that
I'm crazy for you
Touch me ones and you'll know it's true...

"I think that's where we stopped yesterday", he quietly said.

She didn't speak at all, while wrapping her arms around his neck, losing herself in his eyes once again.

...Trying hard to control my heart
I walk over to where you are
Eye to eye we need no words at all
Slowly now we begin to move
Every breath I'm deeper into you
Soon we are standing still in time
If you'd read my mind you'd see
I'm crazy for you
Touch me ones and you'll know it's true
I never wanted anyone like this
It's all brand new, you'll feel it in my kiss
You'll feel it in my kiss
Because I'm crazy for you...

His hands began traveling along her body. She had closed her eyes in an attempt to keep some control over the situation, which she didn't have looking into AJ's dark, affectionate eyes. She could feel him stroking her back, while another hand found its way to her neck. His breathing felt warmer as he came closer, hardly letting his lips touch the skin of her throat. Molly began breathing heavier, suddenly feeling very shaky. Her hands had a firm grip on his shoulders, as his lips wandered up to her ear and her cheek. She waited in anticipation, when he stopped, knowing where his lips would touch her next.

As their lips met, AJ wrapped his arms tightly around her, pulling her closer again, so that there was no room left between them. He thought it was incredible how their bodies fit together, how his lips, his tongue seemed to melt with hers. The way he wanted her strangely hurt. It wasn't lust that caused physical pain, it was the desire to be with her, to love her and have her love him back, with heart and soul.

Molly ran her fingers through his hair, down to his neck, which she caressed with her fingernails. She kissed him back passionately, trying to let him know how much she wanted him. They already pressed their bodies against each other, held on to each other as tight as possible, but still it felt as if she couldn't get close enough. It felt so good and she wanted him with every inch of her body and heart. It felt so good she wanted to cry.

"This feels too good - ok, STOP!" she thought and gently pulled away from him. She had to stop as long as she still could, because she didn't want to end up with AJ under the covers of his bed. AJ didn't say anything, he just loosened his grip a little, continuing to dance to the music.

Molly still leaned her head on AJ as the song ended. When the next one - Peter Catera's and Crystal Bernard's "Forever Tonight" - began, Molly laughed under her breath. She looked up at AJ, who was giving her a questioning stare, and said: "Murphy's law!"

"What?" he asked chuckling.

"You know, Murphy's law - the unwritten rules of the world! What we are experiencing right now is Murphy's radio rule", she explained grinning. "It's always the same: when you are lovesick, they will play heart-breaking love songs on the radio all day and night. When you are in a traffic jam the DJ's on every station will only play crappy stuff no one wants to listen to. And..." She smiled at him: "And when you're in a situation like this, ya and with a special person" - she blushed a little - "be sure that they'll only play songs which lyrics perfectly fit!" She laid her head back on him.

AJ just smiled as he carefully listened to the lyrics of the song. Hearing it made him happy because now he knew that she felt the same way about him that he felt about her...

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