Close Encounters...Of Another Kind

Chapter 6

"So you've told him?!" Sarah asked as the cab drove through Cologne's city. She didn't really expect an answer to her question because she knew what Molly had talked to Brian about.

Molly looked at her with a tear-stained face. "What have you told Nick?"

Sarah blushed, looking down at her hands: "I didn't have the guts to tell him. When he asked for my number I said I had to go because our cab was waiting. I said we would know when and where they would be in Munich and we'd meet 'em there again." She handed Molly a little card. "But he gave me this." It was Nick's cell phone number. Molly wanted to hand it back to Sarah, but she said: "You can keep it. You can get in contact with Brian this way."

"I don't think Brian and me will ever talk again..." Molly's eyes filled with tears again. "Why don't YOU wanna keep it? Nick gave it to you, he wants you to ca..."

"Forget it! I guess Brian will tell him about our little act and I don't wanna explain to him what happened and why on the phone. And besides...he might be angry and not wanna talk to me. I should just forget that I had this mega crush on this guy 'cause there's no way we'll ever turn out to be a couple anyway." She wiped away one of Molly's tears and softly asked: "What the hell did Brian say?"



"I wish he had yelled at me or something like that - it would've been easier to handle than this expression on his face. He looked at me like I was a complete stranger...he was so disappointed..."

"Maybe that was just his first reaction, maybe he...I don't know, I think you should talk to him again."

"I don't think he wants me to. And I don't think I can."

* * *

"Bone! Have you seen Frick anywhere?" Nick asked when AJ arrived in the restaurant, where the others were having breakfast.

"No. Didn't he come down here with you?"

"Yeah, he did, but... Mom?" Jane also joined them at their table, so Nick asked her if she had seen Brian.

"He's in his room. Did you have a fight?" Jane asked a bit worried.

"A fight? No. Why do you think that?"

"Cause he didn't seem too happy. He just rushed past me without a word."

Nick thought Brian's mood would probably have to do with the girls' departure, but he couldn't figure out what had actually made him so sad, 'cause Nick of course believed they would soon meet the girls again. "I'm gonna talk to him, see what's up."

Nick stood up and left. When he arrived at Brian's room he knocked on before rushing in. He was surprised when the door was opened VERY quickly and Brian looked at him confused.

"Oh - hey Frack!" Brian said sadly.

"Oh hey", Nick mimicked his voice. "Who did ya expect?"

"To be honest, I hoped it would be Molly..."

"Didn't the girls just leave?" Nick just shook his head at the sight of Brian. What was going on here?, he thought. Brian didn't fall in... No way! Nick knew that Brian loved Leighanne with all his heart. But then again, you never know. "Frick? Is there something I should know?" He got a different answer than he had expected - in fact he really got no answer at first.

"Sarah didn't tell you?" Brian asked surprised.

"Tell me what?"

"Sit down, man - you might wanna hear this! Or maybe not..." Brian then explained to Nick what had happened before the girls left. Nick wasn't as shocked about the news. Of course at the first moment he also felt fooled by the girls, but he wasn't mad at them. Nick hadn't developed such a strong friendship to any of the two girls, although he liked them very much, that's why he didn't feel as disappointed as Brian.

"So how do you feel now?" Nick asked.

"I don't know. Confused." He looked at Nick: "I thought she was special."

"She isn't special anymore?" Brian didn't answer. "Look, Frick, you remember how cool it was for us when we realized they didn't know us? We felt so great 'cause they liked us for who we are. You know, just Frick and Frack, no BSB. We didn't bother to tell them the truth either, well not right away."

Brian nodded, then said: "But we DID tell them."

"And so did she. Molly told you, didn't she?! Now what's so different?"

"What's different? I'll tell you - all you just said before. We can't be sure that they liked us for who we are 'cause they knew we're BSB, all the time."

"Ah, come on, Rok! You got to know her. You spend a lot of time together and had one hell of a time. You felt good being around her and tell me - when did she, OR Sarah, ever have any advantages by being with us?! I mean, she didn't try to get in bed with you... - or did she?"

"Hell, no, she's not that type!"

"They didn't even take any pics with us, they can't prove at all they've been around us, so...I don't know. It wasn't as if they've used us for anything. Maybe their reason for not telling us was very similar to ours. See, we wanted them to like us for who we are and their problem was just the same. Imagine they had told us about it from the start - they would've been just another two fans! I admit it, I would've been nice, given them some autographs and that's all. But it was something different when I thought they didn't know Nick Carter at all."

Brian suddenly gave him a smile: "Heck, I didn't know you could be that smart, man!"

"So what's up now? You're gonna call her?"

"If I knew how... Do you have Sarah's number or address or anything?"

"S**t, looks like we got a problem."

Brian put his hands onto his face. "Oh, that's... MAN!" He looked up again. "I tried to make her stop, I really wanted to ta..."

"I gave Sarah my number!" Nick interrupted.

"Do you think they're gonna give us a call?" Nick shrugged his shoulders. "Molly probably thinks I don't wanna see her again. Why didn't I ask her for her number before?"

"Come on, Frick!" Nick patted Brian's shoulder. "There's nothing more we can do. It depends on them now."

* * *

Molly crept out of bed at home, when she had stopped crying and sat down at her computer. She logged in to the internet, but not in to her pager that would show her if any of her friends were online. They all knew that she had been in Colgne the past days and surely wanted to know if she had met the Backstreet Boys or not, so she rather didn't want them to know she was back. She didn't feel like talking to them right now. Instead she decided to write an e-mail about what had happened to two of her BSB friends that she liked the most. Their names were Mandy and Araysa. They both went to college in Minnesota/USA and were also best friends. Molly got to know them through Mandy's internet BSB club. That was about a month ago. They had started chatting a lot, wrote each other e-mails and just had a lot of fun! Although Molly only knew them for such a short while, she already didn't wanna miss them. They just brightened up her day! :o) She ignored all the unread mails in her mailbox and immediately began writing the e-mail to Araysa and Mandy:

"Hey there, girls! To tell you first: yes, I've met them and YES, Nick and Brian do look much better in real life than we can see from pics or TV! You probably think I'm the happiest girl alive right now, but in fact I feel like a piece of s**t. I've had the best time of my life with these guys and... let me start at the beginning." She told Mandy and Araysa the whole story without leaving out any details. When she had finished that very long e-mail, suddenly doubts filled her head. What if the girls wouldn't understand? What if they thought she had acted all bitchy towards the BSB and that she hadn't deserved this chance of a lifetime? What if...

Molly pressed the "send"-button. She knew that they would understand. She felt that, besides Sarah, Mandy and Araysa were the only ones she could and wanted to talk to about what had happened between her and Brian and the rest of the boys. She needed to get it all out before she would go insane. She felt she could trust the girls - so if there was any risk she was willing to take it!

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