Copycats on the net

"Don't worry about people stealing your ideas.
If your ideas are any good, you'll have to ram them
down people's throats."
~ Howard Hathaway Aiken ~

A wise thing to say, and when it comes to my fan fiction I might agree. This doesn't mean I just offered you to copy my fiction and pass it on as your own - don't you dare. If anyone stole my stories I'd surely be mad - but it's a different thing when it comes to my poetry. I wouldn't be mad. I would be deeply hurt if someone copied my poems and spread them around as their own work.

I've been thinking about also posting my poetry here on the Crew's page, the Backstreet Boys related poems as well as my other stuff. But in the end I decided I wouldn't do it.
I'm grateful for all the wonderful people coming to our site, many of you have sent us an e-mail or two, we are in touch with you and we think you are great. I'm not saying that YOU would be the ones taking my stuff.
But unfortunately, if you put something up on the web, everyone can take it and you can't control what kinda people come and look at your site. And that's the problem.
If anyone out there hasn't got enough fantasy or the will to write their own stories and simply create webpages by stealing from other sites than that's a very poor thing to do. You can steal the pics or whatever from other people's pages and I couldn't care less. It's just pictures. But copying someone's thoughts, someone's dreams, someone's fantasy and creativity plainly SUCKS - and so do you if you ever did that. Forgive my harsh words, but it's wrong. That's why copyright was invented.

I doubt anyone out there thinks my stories are THAT good that they wish they had written it and proceed to make people think exactly that by posting it on their sites as their own. But if that should ever happen - I'll find you and have you take it off. Simple as that. No big deal.
But boy, if someone ever took my poetry... Of course, my stories are very personal already, but someone's poetry is...sacred! Don't you ever dare steal it from anyone. This person would be your enemy for as long as you can imagine ( - but then again you don't have imagination, if you have to copy!).
I've written many poems for the Boys and especially one of them, and those poems are a piece of myself, a piece of my heart and my mind. It makes me sick to imagine that the Boys could ever read any of it - but with another person's name but mine underneath it. And that's why I'm not making them available for everyone to read. My friends do read them, like them, and who knows...some day I might actually let the Boys read them.
But until then I guess I'll have to keep them hidden. Because, as sad as it is, there ARE copycats out there - and you're not gonna get a piece of me, that's for sure.

Thanks for listening to me, that was quite a long one, huh?!
Don't support copycats. If you ever notice someone has copied from other sites - please let the creators know. And I'm not just talking about the Crew here.
Do it for anyone - do it for mankind!! :o)

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