The Way You Said Hello ~ Chapter Fourteen

I sat in calculus, tapping my foot impatiently. I crossed and uncrossed my legs several times, and my mind wandered. My teacher droned on and on about some theorem I couldn't care less about as I watched the second hand drag around the clock.

It was Monday afternoon at two-thirty. Our wonderful night on the beach was only two days ago, but it seemed like so much more because I hadn't talked to AJ in the interim. I couldn't concentrate on work, which bothered me a little. I had always been so focused on my academics, but something inside me was changing. And to think that it all started with one little e-mail…and then a phone call…and then everything. It confused the hell out of me.

I picked up my pencil and twirled it between my fingers absently. Before I knew it, I was doodling "AJ" in bubble letters in the margin of my calculus book. He was all I could think about. I remembered exactly how he looked on Saturday night at the beach, crazy and wet and covered with sand, and I drew in a deep breath.

I looked at the clock and counted down the last forty-five seconds until the bell rang. Finally, class was over and I gathered up my books to leave. Just as I was getting ready to slam my calculus book shut, a hand appeared and pointed to my doodling. I looked up to see Eliza's face hovering over mine.

"Yes, Eliza?" I sighed. We had never really liked each other, and when we did talk, we were usually arguing about something.

"What is THAT?" she snapped, pointing to my drawing of AJ's name. She had a sneer on her face, her other hand on her hip.

"THAT is none of your damn business," I shot right back at her. I shut my book and put it in my bag. I slid out of my seat and turned around to walk away.

"That is so pathetic," she said to my back, her voice dripping with contempt. "You're eighteen years old, for god's sake. Don't you have anything better to do than obsess over the little Backstreet Boys?"

I just smiled to myself and kept on walking. AJ was my little secret, and he was going to stay that way. Eliza could think whatever she wanted, and it wouldn't bother me a bit. Besides, she wouldn't believe me anyway.

I walked down the hallway toward my locker and met Gillie, Eilene and Anne there. I saw them talking about something among themselves. As I walked up to them, I shouted, "One week!" at the top of my lungs.

"Oh yeah, Becky!" Anne laughed and gave me a high-five.

"Only one more week and then we have midterms," Gillie groaned as I started packing up my bag to go home.

"Yeah, but then we're on vacation for three weeks," I reminded her, getting out my biology book.

Eilene jumped up and down. "And we have the BSB concert to go to!" She let out a strange laugh that made me wonder just what she had eaten for lunch.

"Eilene, you are too much," I laughed, shaking my head.

She looked up at me from her position at a height of only four-foot-eleven. She was tiny, but very cute, and every guy in our school would pay money to go on a date with her. Of course, that was usually before they found out how clinically insane she acted sometimes. "Do you think I'm weird?" she giggled.

"Uh, yeah," I joked, zipping up my bag. "What kind of question is that?"

"Well, it could be like asking if you smoke," she said thoughtfully. "You could say no."

I gave her a very strange look. "Eilene, what the HELL are you talking about?!"

Gillie and Anne just looked on and laughed. We were all used to Eilene's jumbled up conversation. Rare was the occasion when she actually made sense.

"Speaking of the Backstreet Boys concert," interrupted Anne, adjusting her short, straight blonde hair, "what are the arrangements for that?"

"I can drive everybody there," Gillie offered.

I jumped in. "Why don't you guys all come home with me?" I said quickly. They still had no idea about me and AJ, and I wanted to surprise them after the concert by taking them backstage with me.

Everyone agreed on a time to meet, and we said goodbye. I walked out to my convertible and hopped in. I drove home quickly and started preparing for my midterm exams. The whole time, AJ ran circles through my head, so I eventually gave up and fell into a fitful sleep.


'Oh my god, oh my god…how am I supposed to write an essay on this? I have twenty minutes left and I have to write a ten page essay on the evolution of every phylum in the animal kingdom…what the hell…' That was what ran through my head as I worked on my last midterm exam, honors biology. I had about twenty minutes left, and then I was free for three weeks.

I fidgeted anxiously in my desk. I flipped through my exam packet, searching for any information I could use. Finally I started scribbling furiously and finished my essay just in time. Sighing with relief, I gathered together all my papers and checked over my answers. Everything seemed in order. Just as I was going back and putting the finishing touches on my essay, the proctor called time and collected our tests.

I jumped out of my seat and straightened my black Calvin Klein skirt and white collared shirt. Walking quickly toward the exit of the exam hall, my eyes searched for my friends. I spotted Gillie's head of curly blonde hair, but found no trace of either Eilene or Anne.

I walked alone through the huge crowd of people. I felt ready to burst inside - I was free! Free from school and exams and everyone who thought the wrong things about me. Now for three weeks there would just be me, AJ, my friends and the things that mattered.

All of a sudden, I heard screams coming from somewhere ahead of me. I stood on my toes and tried to see what exactly was going on.

"Uh oh," I muttered as a massive throng of people rushed straight toward me. No way, I thought. Is that…? No, it can't be…

All of a sudden, a certain tattooed, goateed man I had come to know very well broke free of my screaming classmates. He shook them free of his baggy khaki pants and black sleeveless shirt.

"Hey, back off!" he yelled, striking his most menacing pose. Everyone suddenly grew quiet and I broke out laughing. AJ turned to look at me and smiled.

"Becky! Babe!" he said, grinning. He threw his arms wide open and I ran recklessly into them. I hugged him with every ounce of strength I still had in my body. He grunted a loud 'oof' and chuckled. Then, suddenly, he picked me up and swung me around. My feet flew through the air and I shrieked with surprise.

I was vastly amused to see the looks of utter shock and surprise on the faces of the students standing around me - especially Eliza, whose jaw was hanging open, her eyes wide. Ten minutes ago, I was sitting among them, taking the same test they were. Now they saw me as a totally different person. It was strange, but I rather liked it.

AJ set me down, and I have him a quick kiss on the lips. He smiled and gave me a small "Mmm…" when I pulled away.

"What a nice surprise," I murmured, rubbing my nose against his moustache.

"Watch it, that tickles!" he grinned, jumping backward. We both laughed, oblivious to the crowd of people gathered around us.

"How did you get here?" I asked. "I never expected you to come visit me."

"Well, I knew where you went to school, so all I had to do was call up the administrative office and ask them for an exam schedule." He gave me another quick hug. "Well, let's get out of here! You're free, and I'm free, and I'm ready to party!" he yelled, his voice rough and deep as usual, but also taking on a more carefree tone.

"Um, AJ," I suddenly said quietly. I glanced around us, my eyes darting back and forth between the familiar faces I found in the throng of people.

"Yeah?" he asked, still focusing on trying to slip his hands around my waist without me noticing.

"Run!" I shouted. I grabbed his hand and dragged him behind me as all two hundred or so high school students reverted back to their mob-like state. They screamed endlessly, chasing us through the hallways of the school. They grabbed at AJ's clothing, his hair, anything they could get their hands on.

"Give that back!" he shouted into the crowd as a girl dove to the ground and seized the shoe off his foot. He stumbled along, but we finally made it to his car. We jumped inside, slammed the doors shut and locked them.

AJ and I turned to look at each other, terribly out of breath. We stared at each other for a few moments, our breathing slowly returning to normal, before we broke out into hysterical laughter once again.

"Man, your friends are whacked!" he exclaimed, putting the car in reverse.

"Those aren't my friends," I explained, watching the crowd following our car as we pulled out of the parking lot. "My friends are normal. Well, somewhat normal, at least."

AJ popped a CD into the CD player of his car, and we both sang along at the top of our lungs. I dryly remarked to myself that his singing was a great deal better than mine. But it didn't matter - we were enjoying ourselves and letting go. Our car sped down the road to an unknown destination, just as our relationship was speeding down a road that led to somewhere I had never journeyed before. I didn't care where we were going - as long as he was at my side.

This ability to have fun without worries was one I had only recently adopted, after I met AJ. He had so much energy…he was incredibly full of life. It amazed me how he could make me feel like a newborn child seeing the world for the first time. He gave everything a new slant: suddenly, things that seemed everyday and boring took on a whole new meaning. I knew that I could never give up this gift of vibrancy he brought into my world. I never wanted to let him go.


Continue to chapter fifteen

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