The Way You Said Hello ~ Chapter Twenty-Five

The music was loud, the lights were dim, and I was thrilled to be there. It was a Friday night at Club Joy, and all twelve of us were ready to go wild and have a good time.

"It's Friday night, the week is over, and by god, I need a drink," Anne exclaimed, dragging Kevin by the hand to the stairs that led to the upstairs bar area. The rest of our group laughed and followed them, moving upstairs to the mahogany bar that overlooked the dance floor - already crowded with people.

"Look, AJ," I said, pointing to the barstools. "Whoever decorated this place was thinking like you."

"Leopard!" AJ shouted excitedly, jumping onto the nearest barstool and spinning around. "Already I'm liking this place."

With our entire group, we nearly took up every seat at the bar and gave the bartender a rather hefty job to do, since we were all ordering something. I stuck to my traditional bottle of water, while most of the guys and some of my friends had an ice cold beer.

"Brian, pleeeease buy me a drink," Jenna pouted, batting her eyelashes.

Brian sighed and glanced at Eilene. "Sure, baby," he said softly, pulling out his wallet and calling the bartender over. I felt a pang of pity, but it dissolved as I remembered that this was a free country, and that Brian could break up with Jenna any time he pleased.

"So, who's gonna join me on the dance floor?" I asked from my barstool, in the center of the bar, as I drained the last of my water. I slammed the bottle back down on the bar and hopped off of the stool, giving AJ a daring look.

"You'd better watch out, because here I come," AJ growled at me, grinning, and sauntered over, swinging his hips.

"Well, Ryan and I are ready to hit the floor," Nick volunteered, sliding his arm around Ryan's waist. "Right, babe?" Ryan just smiled and kissed the tip of his nose. They too stood up and waited to see who else would join us.

It turned out that the rest of our large party would opt to sit and talk for the time being. AJ, Nick, Ryan and I ran back down the staircase to the dance floor. AJ was amazed to discover that it actually rotated - something he had never seen before.

"Whoa!" he exclaimed, stepping on and losing his balance.

I laughed. "One too many beers, and you'll fall off this thing!"

We quickly got the hang of it and adjusted to the constant movement of the floor beneath us. Song after song played through the air around us, and our bodies seemed to catch the sound waves and flow along with them. With AJ's sweaty body pressed against mine, we let go of our inhibitions and let ourselves grind to the beat. I found that I was following the first half of AJ's famous advice: "You've got to dance like no one's watching, and love like you're never going to hurt." I was still working on the second half of that advice, but hey, one out of two ain't bad.

Almost an hour later, AJ and I stumbled, laughing, from the rotating dance floor, hanging all over each other. We paused for a moment to readjust to the non-motion, and then headed back upstairs to join the rest.

"We can get down and funky with the best of 'em," AJ said as we climbed the staircase back up to the bar.

"You know it," I grinned. "Whew… I need some more water."

We sat ourselves back down at the bar, and I gulped down another bottle of Evian. I glanced around and saw that only Kevin remained sitting, nursing a glass of white wine.

"Hey, Kev," AJ called to him. "Where'd everybody else go?"

"Down to the dance floor," Kevin explained.

"Huh," I said. "We must have passed them coming back up. Where's Anne?"

Kevin glanced over his shoulder toward a dark hallway. "She went to the bathroom. She should be back any minute…"

AJ turned to me and lowered his voice. "Kev's got it bad," he grinned. Over AJ's shoulder I watched Kevin intently, studying his face and posture, trying to divine what he was thinking. Suddenly I saw Eva appear out of nowhere and approach Kevin from behind. She cast me a suspicious glare, and I pretended to be completely engrossed in something AJ was saying. However, my real attention lay in what she and Kevin were saying, which I could just barely hear over the loud music coming from the dance floor below.

"Hey, Kevin," she said, approaching him quickly, her walk taking on an almost slithering quality. I had noticed her eyes before, but now their sharpness had increased tenfold, almost as if she could slice through me with a single look.

"Hello Eva," Kevin said dully, giving her a nod and going back to his drink.

She laid a hand on his shoulder. "Wanna dance?" she purred, leaning down into his ear.

Kev shrugged her hand away. "No thanks, I'm just waiting on Anne," he replied, a bit impatiently.

"Oh, who cares about Anne?" Eva snapped back at him. Her jade eyes narrowed, and she crossed her arms. She situated herself as close to him as possible and murmured, "I want you Kevin. Don't tell me you would choose Anne over me."

"Listen, Eva!" He turned to her, his voice rising, which made it easier for me to hear their conversation. "I don't know what you're up to, but I don't like it! I'm with Anne, and I have absolutely no interest in you whatsoever, so could you please leave me alone?!"

Eva's jaw dropped nearly to her chest, her arms falling to her sides in a gesture of surprise. Suddenly she turned on her heel and strode quickly away, giving me yet another glare that sent chills down my spine. If looks could kill, after that one, I'd be six feet underground.

I turned to AJ, who was silently staring at me. "Did you see that?" I whispered to him excitedly. He didn't move a muscle. "AJ?" I asked, waving a hand in front of his face.

"Sorry," he said, shaking his head as if to free his thoughts. "I was just daydreaming."

"That could be dangerous," I said, smiling.

"Well," he started, leaning closer. "I was wondering what this would be like-" he kissed my shoulder softly- "and this-" the side of my neck- "and this." He brought his lips upward and pressed them to mine passionately, nearly knocking me backward off the stool. I caught myself and responded eagerly, but broke away when I decided my tongue had gotten enough exercise for the moment.

I rested my face against his, cheek to cheek. "Not here," I whispered in his ear. "Not now." I pulled back and kissed his forehead gently. Returning him to eye level, I laughed and said, "Well, as I was about to say before that lovely interruption, your favorite cousin's been causing trouble again."

AJ got a pained look on his face. "What's Eva up to now?"

"She just made a pass at Kevin, but he turned her down. Quite forcefully." I kept my voice low.

At that moment, we saw Brian and Jenna ascend the staircase from the dance floor and approach the bar. Brian sat down next to AJ, and Jenna sat on Bri's other side.

"Are you sure you don't want to dance any more, honey?" Brian asked Jenna, sighing.

"Yes, I'm sure," she whined. She held out her hands, inspecting her fingernails, and then started to groom her already-perfect hair. "I'm tired, and I don't want to get all sweaty."

I was amazed at Brian's behavior. Usually he was so hyper and funny and sweet, but tonight he just seemed to have lost all cheerfulness. His strong mouth frowned, his clear blue eyes emanated sadness. I'm not sure how, but for some reason I just knew that he was going to break up with Jenna soon. It wasn't simply a feeling; it was a certainty, and I was glad for it.

"Well, Bone, Becky," Brian turned to us. "I think we're gonna head back to my place for the night. I'll see ya tomorrow afternoon at the photo shoot, all right?" He gave me a wide smile, and I knew I was correct regarding what he had up his sleeve. I smiled back at him warmly, and he and Jenna got up to leave, throwing a few dollars as a tip on the bar.


AJ and I sat in silence for a moment, thinking about Brian and Jenna but wishing we could be occupying each other in…other ways. Suddenly, I heard a slow song I liked come over the speakers: "Nice and Slow," by Usher.

"I love this song," I sighed.

"Well then, what are waiting for?" AJ exclaimed, taking my hand and dragging me from my perch on the barstool. We hurried down the stairs and hopped onto the dance floor, whose rotation had been slowed down for this song.

I encircled his neck with my arms, as he wrapped his around my waist. We swayed together softly, my head leaning against his chest, which rose and fell gently as he breathed. I loved the way we fit together. He was so strong…and yet so gentle. Perfect.

All too soon, the song was over, and another had begun. AJ led me from the floor and was about to climb the stairs once more when he glimpsed Eilene sitting by herself on a chair in the back of the room.

"You go on ahead," he said to me, caressing my bare arm. "I'll be up in a bit." I shrugged and walked back upstairs alone. I saw that I was the only one in my group up there: all the other couples were dancing their feet off. I walked slowly, tiredly to the railing overlooking the dance floor.

A lazy smile spread across my face as I watched AJ walk up to Eilene and ask her to dance. Her entire face lit up as she nodded eagerly. She had seemed lonely, distant all night - no doubt from seeing Brian with his girlfriend.

AJ kissed the back of her hand chivalrously and led her to the center of the floor, where they began to dance, talking animatedly the whole time.

I leaned against the railing and sighed, insanely happy. I felt my heart swell up within me, inflated by joy and pride in this man I'd found somehow. Just the sight of him comforting my best friend was enough to choke me up a little; he was too good to me. He kept on chattering with Eilene, but managed to catch my eye and gave a little wave. I smiled and waved in return.

My eyes wandered. Ryan and Nick were just across the floor from AJ and Eilene. They were pressed up together and looked lovestruck as usual; Nick rested his head on the top of Ryan's, their eyes closed, small smiles gracing their lips.

Howie and Gillie were just to their left: my overhead point of view only allowed me to see the tops of their heads, but they looked happy as well. I didn't hear much from Gillie about what was going on with them; she didn't like to gossip about her private life. I respected her for it, but it made things a bit difficult for me when I wanted to know what exactly was happening.

The song ended. I glanced at my watch and found that it was already near midnight, and I had to get up at a respectable hour in the morning. Even if we left the club now, I wouldn't get to sleep until at least one.

I grabbed my purse and headed down the stairs. I met AJ just as he was coming up, laughing at something crazy Eilene was jabbering at him about.

"Hey," I said softly, grabbing his arm. "I think I'm gonna head out for the night." I looked at Eilene. "Eilene, you don't have to come now…I'm sure someone else can give you a ride."

"Yeah, Nick and I can drop you off, hon," Ryan volunteered cheerfully.

AJ's bottom lip stuck out in a pout. "You're gonna leave me already?"

"I'm sorry, babe," I said. "You know I'd love to stay, but…"

He took my hand. "Let me walk you to your car, then, so I can be with you a little longer, okay?" We walked downstairs and through the crush of people to the door, stepping outside into the cool darkness. The comparative silence was overwhelming after the ear-splitting music inside - I could hear everything now: our footsteps on the pavement, the chirping of the crickets, our breathing.

We reached my BMW, and I unlocked the driver-side door quietly. I turned to look at AJ, whose eyes had grown cloudy, like they did sometimes when we were alone.

"Call me tomorrow, okay?" I murmured, enveloping myself in his hug. He silently cupped my chin in his hand and tilted it upward, leaning down to kiss me softly. His lips, his tongue were firm yet soft - I melted into them as he ran his fingers through my long hair. After what seemed like ages I pulled back, averting my eyes.

"Don't run from this. From us. We're so close," he said softly, smoothing his thumb across my cheek. "I'll talk to you tomorrow."

With that, he turned and walked back into the club. My eyes followed him the entire way, and I wished I didn't have to be so reluctant all the time. As soon as he left my field of vision, I sighed and got into my car. Putting the keys into the ignition, I started it and headed home.

The entire car ride was spent thinking and wishing. The late hour was jumbling up my mind…I couldn't think clearly, but in a way my thoughts were more honest and open than they would usually be.

We're all so funny, I thought. All of this…it's just bullshit. What is a relationship anyway? It's just two people. I don't understand what all the fuss is about. Why do I always have to put myself in the middle of these things anyway? From now on I'm staying out of this Brian/Eilene/Jenna thing…it's none of my damn business. Same goes for all of my other friends. After tonight all I'm going to worry about is me and AJ.

I drove through darkened streets with no company but the lonely radio, whose hollow voices offered me no comfort. I felt the sudden desire to feel his hands on me again; and I wished that he were coming home with me instead of that empty passenger's seat next to me.

My hand reached out to touch the empty seat…imagining AJ was there instead. I let it linger there for a moment longer before sighing and returning it to the steering wheel where it was needed.

Some other time, I hoped. Some other time, when I would be luckier than I was tonight. I hoped that time would be soon.


Continue to chapter twenty-six

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