The Way You Said Hello ~ Chapter Twenty-Six

"There are absolutely NO parking spaces in this entire parking lot," I growled angrily, turning the steering wheel and peering through the windshield.

"Look!" Gillie pointed from the passenger seat. "That guy in the black Audi is leaving." The two of us were desperately trying to find ourselves a place to park on a Thursday afternoon at Citrus Park mall. We were supposed to meet AJ and Brian there for a nice afternoon of shopping, since neither of us had any major tests or projects due tomorrow.

I pulled into the recently-vacated parking place and turned off my BMW convertible, putting the top up and grabbing my purse from the backseat. Gillie and I walked side by side to the mall entrance, chatting easily about the usual school gossip and complaining about our heavy-as-ever workload.

We strolled through the doors, a wave of air-conditioned air hitting us like a brick wall after the eighty-five degree heat. I quickly spotted Brian standing with his hands in his pockets, examining the window display of a sports store. AJ was sitting on a bench next to him, his elbows on his knees.

When they saw us, AJ jumped to his feet and Brian gave us a wide smile. I ran into AJ's open arms, giving him a huge hug and burying my head in the warmth of his chest. I breathed deeply and smiled. After a moment I tilted my head up to look at him so that he could give me a slow kiss.

Meanwhile, Brian gave Gillie a friendly hug, and they started talking about what was going on in their lives. The four of us started walking aimlessly through the mall, chatting as we poked around in various stores.

Our first stop was American Eagle. I headed straight for the sunglasses and tried on a few pairs, checking out how they looked in the small mirror.

"Do you like these?" I asked, turning to AJ.

"Those are sweet!" AJ said, looking at the rack. "I might have to get myself a pair, in fact. My collection can never be large enough."

Gillie walked over to us from a display of new skirts. "Where's Brian?" I asked her.

"In the dressing room trying on a pair of khakis. Oh, Becky, I forgot to tell you… Howie and I decided not to go out with each other any more."

"What?!" I yelped, jumping backward and nearly knocking over the rack of clothing directly behind me. I hushed my voice considerably and continued, "Why? You guys…"

"There was just nothing there," she said amiably. "We're still gonna be friends, but…" She tucked a wayward strand of blonde hair behind her ear. "It's no big deal. Howie's a great guy… he's just not what I'm looking for right now."

"Whatever you think is best, Gil," AJ said sympathetically and patted her on the back.

Oh well, at least I tried, I thought. It hadn't been my place to try to hook them up anyway… I was just being nosy. I remembered my brand-new policy of not interfering with other people's relationships and resigned myself to minding my own business. Gillie could make decisions on her own…If she and Howie weren't meant to be, then they weren't meant to be. It wasn't the end of the world.

I glanced toward the back of the store and saw Brian emerging from the dressing room, holding a pair of khaki pants. "Hey, Bri!" I shouted. "You gonna get those?"

"Yeah!" he smiled, walking toward us.

"Well, let me put them on my AE charge card," I said, taking them from his hands. "You get a ten percent discount that way. Your sunglasses too, babe," I said, taking the pair of sunglasses that AJ was planning on buying and handing both items to the store clerk. We finished checking out and left the store.

"Uh oh," I said, glancing a familiar store up ahead. "Take away my credit cards, AJ, because I am gonna go crazy in this store!" I grinned.

"You like Saks, huh?" AJ said, looking at me over his new sunglasses.

Gillie rolled her eyes. "You have no idea. 75% of the clothes in her closet have a Saks Fifth Avenue tag in the back."

"Excuse me," I said defensively. "I can't help it if I have good taste."

I quickened my stride and entered the store. Putting my power-shopping skills to good use, I whirled through the store, amassing an armful of clothes and heading to the dressing rooms.

"Can I please come in with you?" AJ said suggestively, appearing at my side.

Oh no, I thought, not the puppy dog eyes. "Fine," I sighed. "But don't cause any trouble!" I laughed and elbowed him in the ribs.

We crowded ourselves into the tiny dressing room, leaving Gillie and Brian to hang out by themselves for a few minutes. I hastily tried on the numerous outfits I had picked up throughout the store, sending AJ out if I needed different sizes or colors.

"What about this one?" I said, turning back and forth so I could see myself in the mirror.

"Love it," AJ said. "The pants fit you really well…" He ran a hand down my hip. "And the shirt looks fabulous." He set his hands around my waist, running them up my sides and down my arms. "It's a must-buy."

"Great," I said, changing back into the jeans and tee shirt I had come in. "I'd meant to ask you earlier, but I forgot: What's Eva been up to? I haven't heard anything about her since Friday night at the club."

AJ sighed. "She's pissed, and she's sure as hell letting everybody know it. Ever since Kevin told her off, she's been either ignoring everyone or snapping our heads off. Cousin or not, I'm getting sick of it."

"I don't blame you," I murmured absently, gathering together the things I planned on buying. "Well then, let's not waste another moment of our time talking about her!" I flashed him a smile and opened the dressing room door. The sight of AJ and I emerging from that confined space together was too much for a teenage girl standing outside the door. She evidently recognized him and let out a small squeal, running up to him and asking for an autograph. He gladly signed a scrap of paper for her, friendly as always.

"Thank you so much!" she breathed, obviously in shock. She glanced at me, noticing me for the first time. "Who are you, by the way? Not to be rude or anything, I was just wondering…"

"This is my friend Becky," AJ cut in, sliding his arm around my shoulders.

"Girlfriend?" the girl asked, her face falling.

AJ gave me a sideways look and smiled. "Yes," he said slowly. "Girlfriend."

We checked out and left the store without further incident, meeting back up with Gillie and Brian, who had been across the hall in a movie store.

"Look what I found!" Brian shouted excitedly. He held up an original Ace Ventura movie poster in perfect condition. "I've got to get this framed! It's so cool! Allllll righty then!" he said, doing his goofy Jim Carrey impersonation. Gillie and I cracked up… he was so much more happy and carefree today. This was the Brian I liked to see.

"Brian's taking a day off from his two women," AJ whispered jokingly into my ear. I chuckled and felt happier myself, promising myself that I would continue to stay out of Bri's affairs. From now on, whatever he chose to do with Jenna and/or Eilene was no business of mine. In a way, I felt like a load had been lifted from my shoulders. I should try sticking to my own problems more often, I thought amusedly.

"Where are Nick and Ryan at today?" Brian drawled. "I haven't talked to Nick for a couple days, which isn't too usual for us. Frick and Frack, you know, the whole deal," he grinned at me.

"Ryan has a big test tomorrow," I answered him, looking into the store windows as we passed. "And Nick is *supposedly* helping her study."

"Yeah, right!" Gillie laughed. She reconsidered: "Well, maybe… if her test is on human anatomy."

"You guys are too much," I smirked. "I'm thirsty. Let's get a drink."

AJ and I held hands as the four of us walked to the food court to get something to ease our thirst. After a quick stop at McDonald's, we were all armed with Cokes, and found a table to sit at so we could rest our feet.

Ten minutes later, we were sufficiently refreshed and revitalized enough to resume our shopping adventure. We found ourselves passing a Victoria's Secret store, and AJ piped up, "Ooh! Let's go in there!" He grabbed my hand and tried to drag me in, but I stood firm.

"Maybe next time, hot stuff," I laughed, trying to keep him from ogling the lingerie in the windows. "I already own enough stuff from there," I whispered to him, simply to see the reaction on his face. It was priceless.

Hours and hundreds of collective dollars later, AJ, Gillie, Brian and I were shopped out. We took our time rambling back to the entrance nearest where we'd parked our cars and stopped to say goodbye.

"Call me tonight, okay?" AJ said softly, placing a hand on the back of my neck and kissing the tip of my nose gently.

"You got it." He gave me another quick peck, on the lips this time, but I pulled him in for a longer kiss. "Sorry about that," I said as I pulled away, breathless, "but I need something to hold me over until the next time I see you, and god knows when that'll be."

"No need to apologize, babe," he grinned. "I'll talk to ya later."

"Yeah," I smiled. "Come on, Gil!" I called to Gillie, who gave Bri a friendly kiss on the cheek and came running.

"Bye guys!" she yelled as we walked through the mall doors.

"Here, carry these," I said, giving her two of my many shopping bags to carry. "How come you didn't get anything?"

"I, unlike some people, like to save my money."

"You're just too stingy."

"Yeah, well, at least I wasn't the one taking AJ into a dressing room with me."

I grinned. "You better not have been, or I'll kick your ass," I said, unlocking my car door. Moments later, we were driving home, ever the best of friends.


Continue to chapter twenty-seven

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