Hey there!

(*lol* Good start, Molly...)
Well...I guess I am the person who started this whole thing here! I wanted it to be a surprise for those three ladies I consider my best friends: Mandy, Araysa and Becky - but then I needed their help desperately, so the surprise was more or less screwed! *LMAO*

I've known Mandy and Araysa for a year now - and never before have I felt so much love for anyone in such a short time. Except for Becky, who I know for about four months now, but it seems so much longer.
Mandy was the one who introduced me to Araysa, and in the period of only about three months I knew I had found friends for life. I know that they'll never know just how much they mean to me because I can't put it in words, but I hope they believe me when I say: I love you, women!! You mean everything! Destiny was what sent you into my life.
Another amazing thing happened to me a few weeks ago, when I found my "spiritual twin" (I wanna thank Katy from the Cheezy BSB Fan Fiction page for that term!): Becky! If the girl wasn't younger than me, I'd swear we were separated at birth - no kidding!
I thought the fact that she is a kick ass writer was what brought us together: I had e-mailed her a what seems to be a nice and long feedback letter (See, folks - that's how you do it! *hint*) and that's how it all started - but now I know it was fate!! I love you, Shneckles!

I thank whoever's watching over me for bringing these people into my life. They keep me sane (at least as much as possible, seeing that I'm one crazy woman!), they bring a smile to my face no matter how screwed up my life may be at times, they make me feel loved and they surely know how to make me crack up in front of my screen! I can't wait 'til I can meet them in the flesh finally, but until then I'll be satisfied talking to them every day (bless the Yahoo!Messenger for its voice chat!) and knowing that there are people out there who care about me.
It surely feels good to love and to be loved!! Best Friends Forever!! ~KTBSPA~

Expect more of my ramblings soon - I haven't found out yet how to stop the voices in my head!! At least now I can share them with you... *hears AJ's crazy LTL-laughter somewhere in the distance*

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