Chapter 6

Ring, ring The phone rang in Mandy and Araysa’s apartment as they were walking in the door from leaving the hotel. Mandy ran to the phone before the answering machine kicked in.

“Hello.” Mandy said out of breath.

“Hey baby.” Mandy’s mouth dropped when she heard Brian on the line.

“Brian, aren’t you supposed to be on a plane right now?”

“I am. I am using the phone on the plane. I wanted to talk to you. I missed you already. Heck, I missed you the second your hand left mine.” Brian said to a teary eyed Mandy.

“Brian, I love you so much. You are the best man a woman could ask for.” Mandy said.

“I love you too. I just wanted to hear your voice so I could have sweet dreams tonight. I better get going though, these phones are expensive up here in the air.”

“Ok. Thanks so much for calling. I hope you do have sweet dreams tonight and every night. I will talk to you later. Take care and tell the rest of the guys Hi from Araysa and I.” Mandy said.

“I will baby, you too. Don’t forget that I love you and I am always thinking about you.” Brian said in his sexy voice.

“I love you too. Bye bye.” Mandy replied.

“Bye bye.” They hung up the phone and Mandy went to her room where she sat on her bed and stared at a picture of Brian. She missed him so much but she knew that Brian’s love for her was real. She had never been so in love with someone before.

“Mandy, do you wanna have our girl talk now?” Araysa said as she walked into Mandy’s room with a big grin on her face.

“Oh yeah!” Mandy exclaimed. She grabbed her pillow and held it in her arms as she sat on her bed Indian style. Araysa sat down on the end of the bed and they began to talk about the nights they had with Nick and Brian.

“So, who wants to start?” Araysa asked.

“You can! I know you are excited to share what happened!” Mandy said with a big grin.

“Thanks!! I had the best night last night. We left the Target Center shortly after you guys did. We kissed the whole way here. Mandy, I love this guy so much. Every second I shared with him my love became stronger and stronger.” Mandy smiled as she saw the happiness in Araysa’s eyes when she talked about Nick.

“When we got here I told him to sit on the couch while I went to my room to get something. I slipped into the teddy that I had gotten at Victoria Secret’s. Then I called him in here and his mouth dropped open, he took his clothes off and well… he is the best sex I have ever had. Mandy, Nick is the best kisser and he knows how to treat a woman. God, he is so great.”

“I’m sure God heard that a few times last night too!” Mandy said jokingly. Araysa just laughed as she play punched Mandy on the arm.

“Anyway…We feel asleep in each others arms and this morning he woke me up, kissed me on the nose and told me that he loves me. Then we went and took a shower together, got ready and went to the hotel. It was the best night of my life.” Araysa said with the biggest smile on her face.

“Araysa, I am so happy for you! You and Nick deserve each other. You make the cutest couple.” Mandy told her best friend.

“Thanks…Ok I know you are dying to tell me what happened. TELL ME!!” Araysa said full of excitement.

“Well, we left the Target Center and got to the hotel, when he opened the door he reached in and turned the light on and let me walk in first. The bed was covered in rose petals.” Mandy began her story.

“Ohhhhh, how sweet. He is so romantic.” Araysa said.

“I know,” there was a pause as Mandy looked at his picture and smiled, “and he is mine.”

Mandy told Araysa the rest of the story about her night with Brian. They finally got to bed at 3am. They had to be up and to work the next morning. But it was all worth it. This was definitely a gift from God for both of them.


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