Chapter 7

“The moving truck is packed Mandy, we gotta get going!” Araysa yelled from the living room.

“I’m coming!” Mandy hollered back. They had gone through a lot in the past year. They had gone to Florida to check out houses, law schools for Araysa, jobs for Mandy and to see their men, they graduated from Winona State University, quit their jobs and said goodbye to their families. Now it was time to go into the real world. They had been waiting for this moment for a long time and it was finally here.

“I can’t wait till we are in Florida and all moved in. I am so glad that Molly said we could stay with her.” Araysa said.

“I know, it made finding a place a lot easier.” Mandy replied. Molly was AJ’s girlfriend and she had a big house on the out skirts of Orlando. Mandy and Araysa had met her when they were in Florida, they all hit it off, and it was great. She was so glad that they were moving down there and that they were going to move in with her. She hated living in that big house all alone.

They drove from five in the morning until about seven at night when they reached Brian’s parents’ house in Kentucky. That was were they were going to stay for the night since Minnesota to Florida was a little long to make in one day.

“Mandy! You made it.” Mrs. Littrell said as she ran out of the house to give Mandy a hug.

“Hey mom. How are things going?” Mandy asked as she hugged her.

“I am so glad to see y’all, now maybe Brian will stop calling every five minutes to see if you made it here ok.” Brian’s mom said as they all laughed. She gave Araysa a hug and told them to come inside. She had made a nice, hot, home cooked meal for the girls.

“I love having girls here. It was rough living with three guys.” Mrs. Littrell said with a smile. The phone rang and she told Mandy to answer it because it was probably Brian.

“Hello.” Mandy answered the phone.

“MANDY! How are you sweetie?” Brian said enthusiastically.

“Hey punkin, what’s up?” Mandy answered with a huge grin plastered acrossed her face.

“Nuttin. I am so relieved to know that you are there in one piece. I was getting worried.”

“Yeah, we made it. We’ve been here about 45 minutes now. Your mom is so awesome; she made us some of the best food I have had in a long time. She is spoiling me.” Mandy giggled.

“She loves you, Mandy, I think she is more excited about you moving down here then I am.” Brian said.

“I am so happy to hear that. I love your family. Brian, I am going to say bye for now. I need to go and get some sleep so I can see you tomorrow!” Mandy said, her voice getting more excited.

“Wow, tomorrow! Ok, you go get some sleep and I will SEE you tomorrow. Sleep good and sweet dreams. Drive careful tomorrow, I don’t want anything happening to you. Oh, tell Araysa hi from me too and that Nick has been asking if you guys have gotten there yet. He is at his mom and dad’s.” Brian said.

“I will. Sleep tight, don’t let the bed bugs bite, if they do, bite them back till they’re blue.” Mandy said.

“Bye bye sweetie. I love you.” Brian said in a whisper.

“I love you too. Bye.” Mandy whispered back. She hung up the phone and turned around to see everyone looking at her.

“What?” Mandy questioned.

“Ohhhh, I love you too!” Harold Sr. teased. Mandy just smiled.

“Race, Brian told me to tell you that Nick was at his mom and dad’s and he has been calling Brian to make sure you got here ok. He woves you.”

“I know that Mandy. I wove him too.” Race replied.

They all said good night and went to bed; they had another long day of traveling ahead of them.

The next morning they got up left at about 6 in the morning.

“Mandy.” Araysa said.

“Yeah?” Mandy looked over at her with concern then put her eyes back on the road.

“I am so happy right now, that words can’t describe it. I am moving to a beautiful state to be closer to the man of my dreams, I am with my best friend in the world and the career I want I am going to have. In all my life I never thought I would be so happy and things would work out like I wanted them.” Tears started to roll down Araysa’s face.

“Race, I know how you feel. But don’t make me cry. I won’t be able to see the road!” Mandy giggled and Araysa smiled. They sat there in silence for a while thinking about what life had in store for them. They looked at each other at the same time when they saw the welcome to Florida sign.

“FLORIDA!!!” They both yelled in excitement at the same time. They talked and laughed the rest of the way to Orlando about the times they have shared with the guys and with each other. Mandy pulled up in front of Molly’s house…their new house.

“We made it.” Mandy said turning to give Araysa a hug.

“Yes we did! Look who’s running over here.” Mandy turned around when she heard her door open, it was Brian and he didn’t even give her the chance to say hi. He started kissing her, when he finally stopped Mandy just smiled at him and gave him a hug.

“I’ve missed you so much. I just got here about 5 minutes ago, talk about good timing.” Brian said looking into Mandy’s eyes.

“I’ve missed you too. Can I get out of the car now? My legs are kinda stiff.” Mandy said. Brian moved back and Mandy got out of the car. She turned to see where Araysa was; she was standing in the yard making out with Nick.

“Geez, can’t you wait five minutes until you are in your room?” Mandy yelled over to them. They didn’t stop; Nick just gave Mandy the finger. Mandy and Brian laughed and grabbed a couple bags and went inside.

“Molls! How are ya girl?” Mandy gave Molly a hug.

“I am great now. How was the trip down here? Where’s Araysa?” Molly asked.

“Look outside.” Mandy said, Molly looked and rolled her eyes. “The trip was good. No problems at all and Brian’s mom is a wonderful hostess.”

“That’s great. Lets get your stuff in here so you can get all settled in. Your room is upstairs, second door on the right and Race’s is right across the hall.” Molly said pointing up the stairs.

“Great, thanks. Lets get this crap in here.” Mandy said walking out the door. Araysa and Nick had stopped kissing and were loading up. Molly told them whose room was whose and they all took stuff in. After about an hour everything was in the house. Then they all sat down in the living room to catch up. Kevin, Howie and AJ had come over as well.

“I am very tired so I am gonna go to bed. I will see you all tomorrow. Sleep good.” Mandy said as she got up to go upstairs.

“I’m coming with you.” Brian said while grabbing Mandy’s hand.

“You aren’t gonna get much sleep Mandy!” AJ said. Mandy just looked back with a big grin.

“I have to get home and call my girl.” Kevin said.

“Wait Kev, what girl?” Araysa asked.

“I had met this girl a couple years ago when we had a break, we kept in touch a little and finally this break we have really gotten to know each other well. I really like her.” Kevin replied.

“That’s great, what’s her name?”


“Wow, I love that name, that is what I want to name my first daughter.” Araysa said.

“Cool, well I will talk to you all tomorrow. We still going to Universal?” Kevin asked.

“Yeah, as far as I know.” AJ said.

“Alright, bye.” Kevin got up to leave.

“Bye.” Araysa, Nick, Molly, AJ and Howie all said at the same time. The five of them talked until 2 in the morning when Howie left and Molly and AJ went to sleep in her room and Nick and Araysa went to her room to go to sleep. This was just the beginning of their Florida life and it was looking good so far.


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