Find out the deeper meaning behind this page

In case some of you are interested in why we chose the ocean, its under water world, the beach and anything related to this as the theme to our's the place to find out.

We were thinking about a good theme for the site, but couldn't think of anything immediately that wasn't already to find out there on another BSB page or that was original enough.

Ok, we thought, this is a fan fiction page. Also a little lot more, but a fan fiction page as well. What does BSB fan fic mean to us? To us it means escaping into another world, where we can forget our troubles and worries. Both writing and reading fan fiction allows us to dive into our world of fantasy, where we can be someone else (or even ourselves, hehehe) and do the things we dream of. With the guys we dream of. *smile*

Where can you get that feeling from also? we wondered - and came to the conclusion that under water you feel this way as well. You literally dive into another world, where it's peaceful (as long as you don't get hit by a shark attack - right, AJ?! *cheesy grin*) and you definitely forget about your worries. Down there you enjoy yourself, you see things you've never seen before, or if you did, they still seem brand new. So what better theme could we have chosen for our page?! None... :o)
Besides, this way we have a good reason to put up pics of the guys in pools or at the beach! Ya shirts, beautiful skin...WET Backstreet Boys... We knew you'd understand!!

Now you know why everything here reminds you of fun and vacation! Don't tell us you don't like it! :o(
Or better: DO tell us whether you like it or not - in our guestbook! It needs fresh entries, folks! :o)

Enjoy your stay at our site. Let us take you on a journey through our world, minds and fantasies (- uh oh, be warned: we're crazy!). We all need to escape from reality from time to time, don't we...?!

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