Not Here in My Arms

She let it go the first couple times but this was getting old and she couldn’t handle it anymore…

Mandy lay in bed and she heard it again. “Leighanne, I miss you baby. Please take me back.” Mandy never told Brian that he talked in his sleep, she didn’t want to have to tell him what he was saying. This didn’t only happen when he was sleeping, one time they were in a hot and heavy make-out session when he whispered in Mandy’s ear; “I love you Leighanne.” Talk about stopping that smooching in an instant.
Then there was that other time when they were going to rent movies, this was the first time he mentioned her name. Many had picked a movie and Brian said it was Leighanne’s favorite movie. Everything that came out of his mouth that night was Leighanne this, Leighanne that.
Mandy tried to understand, he had just got out of a four-year relationship, and she expected it at first but didn’t think he would still be doing it almost a year later.

Brian kissed Mandy goodbye, “I’ll see you after rehearsal baby.” Brian left and Mandy started to cry. She loved him so much but she knew she had to leave. Mandy went to their room and packed her bags. She took them over to her best-friends house who said she could stay there until she found a place of her own. Mandy went back to Brian’s house and left a note, a tape and the house keys on the kitchen table. She took one last look around and left with a tear stained face.

Brian came home and thought it was unusual that the door was locked. He went inside and felt a strange emptiness.
“Mandy! Baby, where are you?!” But there was no answer. He walked into the kitchen and saw the note, keys and tape. He started to cry. Brian took the tape and went into this room. He put the tape in and sat on the end of the bed.


Hi baby! I am really sorry that I left you like this but I couldn’t take it anymore. I love you always and forever…don’t forget that. Listen to this song, it sums up how I feel.

You said you were over her for good
Looks like you were wrong
“Cause you still call her name
Sometimes in the night
You may have a broken heart
But you don’t have that right

Not here in my arms
Not while you’re here with me
If my love can’t erase another time and place
Then I’m not what you need
I can hold you close
But I can only go so far
I know she said goodbye
And you need somewhere to cry
But not here in my arms

I can give you love I can give you time
But I can’t give you all that’s in my heart
While she’s still on your mind
So maybe I should go
And leave you two alone
If you need to get over her
Then do it on your own time

Repeat Chorus
I hope that clears things up. You know where to find me if you need to talk. (Whispers) I love you.

Brian sat there with tears rolling down his face. He didn’t know what to do. He loved Mandy so much but he still wasn’t over Leighanne. He sat there for hours, he didn’t sleep that night, he just sat there…thinking.
The next morning Brian went to the floral shop and had a dozen white roses sent to Mandy.

(Door Bell)
Mandy opened the door and a lady handed her the flowers. Mandy walked into the living room and sat on the couch and read the note…

I am so sorry that I hurt you. I love you so much
and I never wanted this to happen. I truly feel
that we are meant to be together…
But right now I just need time alone. I want to
thank you for helping me realize it. When I know
that you will be the ONE and ONLY woman on my mind
I will come searching for you.
I love you baby,
Brian :o)

Mandy didn’t cry, this was what she wanted. She knew she was going to live happily ever after with her Backstreet Boy.

Let me know what you think of my story!! :o) Click on the mailbox and give me all kinds of feedback!

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