Becky's Page of Random, Pointless Crap


Hello everyone...and welcome to my page of random, pointless crap. Now, you may be wondering, isn't *everything* you say random, pointless crap? Well, the answer is yes. If you have any other questions, please hold them until the end of the show. Remember to keep your legs and arms inside the vehicle at all times, and flash photography is also prohibited. Thank you.

Okay, so this is where I get to ramble about whatever is on my mind. Usually, that isn't a lot. Sometimes, it is. That's when I will skedaddle over to my computer, fly into a typing frenzy, and relate it to you in gory detail. Aren't you excited? (Smile and nod...just smile and nod.)


Today's Random, Pointless Crap: January 27

Hola, everyone! I hope you are all very well. LOL I'm in such a great mood tonight and I just don't know why! Woohoo. Anyway.. cool. (Random!!) Hahahhaa. Ok, well first on my list of crap tonight, is that tomorrow is Nicky's birthday. Supposedly he's going to be 20. This is not possible. Nick is not allowed to be that old. I say it isn't true... so... it isn't. Ha!
Okay, next on my list is to share the joys of rowing with all of you. Now I know that I may bitch and complain endlessly about how hard practice is, etc etc, but it rules like a mofo! Ok, so some parts aren't so great. I mean, when you're out on the water leaning over the side of the boat, puking your guts out into the river, now *that's* what I call a fun time. (Sarcasm, people!) But it's all worth it... we totally bond as a team and it's the most fun thing ever! Ok I'm done with that. I love you all.

Random, Pointless Quotes of the Day!
These are our mottos for rowing! My friend John made these up for all of us, and I made up his...
Me: "I'm a sexy bitch in a 60 foot boat, so get the hell out of my way!"
Eilene: "UHH! Look, I just had twins, so shut the f*** up." (LONG story! LOL)
Adrienne: "I'm sick, I'm tired, I can't curse, I can't row. Now go away."
John: "White boys can't row!"

Random, Pointless Picture fo the Day: I'm not even going to try to title this one
(subtitled: "We aren't on crack...I swear.")

Previous Random, Pointless Crap: January 22

Yes!! I have survived this month's "week from hell." Thank goodness! I have been so stressed out and bitchy all week. I haven't even had time to write at all! When I don't have time to write, of all things, that's a bad sign.
Other than that, though, nothing is going on. At all. Here's the love life report: Eilene's busy with Taylor (the new b/f) most of the time. Gillie's still in love with her good friend's boyfriend. And me? Let's not even start with me. Trust don't want to know. lol!
And the latest news for me - I'm sooo excited! We're going on a cruise during spring break that goes to Barbados, Antigua, St Lucia, St Thomas, and St Maarten. That is gonna kick some major ass! Also, next month I'm getting a French exchange student for two weeks. That should be very cool. That's it for now...

Random, Pointless Picture of the Day: Food fight!
(subtitled: "The reason Becky got grounded on her 16th birthday.")


Previous Random, Pointless Crap: January 16

Nothing too major today! The main thing is...I'm overwhelmed by school...and it's driving me crazy!! I have to write two term papers by Tuesday and there's no way it's going to be done. The worst one is history. Honestly, why do I really care about the Homestead strike of 1892? I don't. Ok, just wanted to get that off my chest! lol. I'll survive...I always do.
Today is my friend Elizabeth's 16th birthday...woohoo! I can't believe it. I'm excited, but, she annoyingly cannot decide what we're going to do to celebrate. Today already she's changed her mind six times!! I hate that...just pick something, damn it!
Lastly, I went to see 'The Talented Mr. Ripley' last night. That is the most twisted movie I have ever seen. It seriously freaked me out! I thought it was good, but...I don't know. A little too creepy. Well, we're going out clubbing tonight, so that should be a little less creepy. Unless some guy tries to stick his hand up my shirt again, but that can always be solved by a kick in the balls. *evil grin*

Random, Pointless Picture of the Day: Our Last Rowing Regatta
(subtitled: "I'm hot, I'm thirsty, and I think I'm about to vomit.")


Previous Random, Pointless Crap: January 14

You'll be happy to hear that I don't have anything that I'm dying to rant about. That should make this quick and relatively painless. Right now the only thing that's bothering me is the inherent immaturity of the male species. All I want to know is...why do they all have to act like mentally challenged baboons? And why do the ones that don't act like baboons have to be taken or otherwise unavailable? If you have the answer, please let me know ASAP.
Ok, on a semi-BSB-related note, why do teenyboppers have to be so violent? I discovered seven bruises this morning that I acquired Sunday night at AJ's concert. Holy mother of moly! A stampede of elephants to the watering hole seems peaceful after that.

Random, Pointless Picture of the Day: Our Winter Dance Picture
(subtitled: "We are hoes, and proud of it.")


E-mail me. I know you want to.

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